- tracking station;station to track satellites/spacecraft/etc.

The application of GPS technology that based on the tracking station
Data Processing and Time Series Analysis for GPS Fiducial Stations in China
The introduction for automatic management software Of GPS tracking station
Observational data processing and analysis of Nanshan GPS tracking station in Urumqi
Construction and data service of the GPS tracking stations system in China
Research Evolution and Improvement of Data Transmission Technology for GPS Tracking Station
The precise determination of the geocentric coordinates of Nanshan GPS tracking station of Urumqi astronomical station
Intraplate and plate margin horizontal crustal deformation revealed by preliminary results observed at GPS tracing stations
In the end , a fancy of realtime data transmission for GPS tracking station is given .
Using the GPS data of ground tracking stations to estimate satellite clock bias , the estimation accuracy is up to 0.1-0.3 ns .
Then client program codes of data transmission for GPS tracking station are compiled with Winsock .
The Space VLBI is supported by NASA ground tracking stations .
Discussion on Process GPS Control Network with IGS Tracking Station Using GNSS Software
The antenna coordinate of GPS tracing station is GPS 's datum . It is very important to determine the antenna offset relative to the GPS fiducial point .
On the near real-time derivation of precipitable water vapor in the atmosphere by ground-based GPS of Zhejiang Province Based on IGS ultra tracking stations
The OD precision of LEOs based on PPP method using satellite clock errors obtained by estimation discussed in this paper is less than 10 cm .
Our study has indicated that a reference datum consists of more than 3 GPS tracing stations with long observation history , accurate geocentric coordinate , stable and accurate displacement rate might be the best selection .
And relationship between stations and data center like data chains , data processing , data service and develop direction in the future cited State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping ( SBSM ) GPS station construction example .
Observation data are processed by GAMIT / GLOBK 9.93 ( Linux ) software , which is adopted relax calculation dealt mode and precise ephemeris , proceed bind with IGS track station .
The experiment data is set from IGS tracking stations . With the result calculated , some conclusions are given in the end .
Using the computed result from several data sets of IGS tracking stations with PPP software module developed with Matlab , the precision of PPP is compared and analyzed with C / A code and P code .
The satellite-ground double differential phase observation of onboard GPS is given to determine the earth gravity model from GPS phase data onboard CHAMP and observations of 48 IGS tracking sites .
Firstly study background of the remote data transmission based on Internet for GPS tracking station is introduced , requirement analysis and general frame scheme for data transmission software is given , exploitation tool VB6.0 for program code writing is selected .
With the different levels of CORS comprehensive service systems ' appear , large amount of GNSS continuous tracking station observation data not only has greatly changed the field operations in GPS positioning , but also makes a major change on the mode of high-precision GPS data processing .
With respect to the velocity of IGS tracking station , it had better to model the variation periodically or to give a velocity periodically using piece-wise linear function rather than using a linear variable to estimate its bias .
The paper introduced in detail the techniques of joint measurement with IGS tracing station and using precision star calendar for precision relative positioning that currently have been rapidly developed and further carried out the analysis and comparison by using concrete cases .
Ground tracking station of prare system setup at Shanghai Observatory
Now it is an ideal space tracking station .
Tracking station ( place from which the movements of satellites , missiles , etc are tracked by radar or radio )
Therefore , using real-time observation data streams based on regional or global tracking station network , to build real-time ionospheric model can effectively improve ionospheric model accuracy .