
pǎo chē
  • sports car;racing bike;slide down;work on the train;a kind of vehicle for transporting timber in a forest zone
跑车 [pǎo chē]
  • [racing bike] 专门比赛用的自行车,也泛指各种轻便自行车

跑车[pǎo chē]
  1. FP&Ⅲ型跑车防护装置的实际应用

    Practical use of FP - ⅲ type racing bike protective device

  2. 看来达力收到了他想要的新电脑,至于第二台电视机,还有跑车就更不在话下了。

    It looked as though Dudley had gotten the new computer he wanted , not to mention the second television and the racing bike .

  3. 呜的一声,一辆跑车疾驶而过。

    Vroom ! A sports car roared past .

  4. 即便在这儿,兰博基尼的红色迪亚博罗跑车也会招来垂涎的目光。

    Even here a red Lamborghini Diablo sports car attracts covetous stares .

  5. 达比开着一辆漂亮的老式菲亚特跑车。

    Darby drove a dinky old Fiat sports car .

  6. 业绩不佳的原因被归咎于经济衰退和低价跑车的进口。

    The poor performance has been blamed on the recession and cheaper sports car imports

  7. 他们把心爱的旧车换成了昂贵的新跑车。

    They replaced their beloved old car with expensive new sports cars .

  8. 想象一下,一个朋友让你照看她漂亮的红色跑车。

    Imagine a friend asks you to take care of her beautiful red sports car .

  9. 他想以低价购买一辆又新又快的跑车。

    He wanted a new , fast sports car at a low price !

  10. 不断跑车疾速的风雨整个屋顶不会褪色的背景

    The constant whooshing of the wind across the roof wouldn 't fade into the background .

  11. 他觉得驾驶那辆新买的跑车太过冒险了,所以就把车卖掉了。

    He found driving his new sports car too hot to handle , so he sold it .

  12. 新型斜井防跑车装置双PLC控制系统

    A new type of control system of bull using double PLC

  13. 《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)的一篇文章说,目前昂贵跑车在中国很有可能遭到毁坏。

    According to an article in China Daily , pricey sports cars now run a high risk of getting vandalized .

  14. 这个应用程序是一个虚拟汽车交易Web站点,专门销售二手跑车。

    The application is the Web site of a fictional automobile dealership that specializes in the sale of used sports cars .

  15. 虽然略带争议,但布加迪威龙16.4Grandsport还是很容易被认为是最快的跑车。

    Arguably , the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand sport is easily the world 's fastest roadster .

  16. 除此之外,F1车种也是世界上最昂贵的跑车。

    In addition , F1 cars are the world 's most expensive racecars .

  17. 但这些新车都没有本田的FC概念跑车那样时尚。

    But none of them were as stylish as Honda 's FC Sport Concept Car .

  18. FTA在斜井跑车事故分析中的应用

    Application of FTA in analysis of wagon out of control accident in inclined tunnel

  19. 而保时捷(Porsche)则享有双重地位&既是跑车厂商,又是豪车品牌营销者。

    Porsche enjoys a dual status as a sports car maker as well as luxury marketer .

  20. 该公司已开始在中国南京投产略经改款的mgtf跑车和一款轿车,并投放中国市场。

    The company has already begun making a slightly modified version of the MG TF and a saloon for the Chinese market in Nanjing .

  21. 另外,施泰纳还表示,保时捷公司预计,如果获得生产许可,其全电动多用途型跑车MissionE将吸引至少2万名买家。

    Separately , Porsche expects the cross-utility variant of its all-electric Mission E sports car to attract at least 20000 buyers if it gets approved for production , Steiner said .

  22. 比如2012款的保时捷CaymanR跑车可能是操控性最好的汽车,但在载物能力上却落在下风。

    The2012 Porsche Cayman R may have the best handling for instance , but fall short if you 're considering cargo capacity .

  23. 结合的交叉研究的紧凑型SUV元素与线的跑车。

    The crossover study combines elements of a compact SUV with the lines of a sports car .

  24. 提出实用DR/气压高度表综合新算法,通过跑车测试说明了综合的正确性和实用性。

    The practical algorithm of Baro - Altimeter / Dead - Reckoning integrated is presented , the integrating method is corrected and practical by testing in the vehicle .

  25. 在porsche跑车中,进气门处于打开状态时,燃油将喷射到进气管中。

    In Porsche sports cars , fuel is injected into the intake manifold while the intake valves are open .

  26. 如果都可以开一年,你愿意开私人飞机,还是布加迪威龙(BugattiVeyron)的“GrandSport”跑车?

    Which would you rather own for a year : a private jet or a Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport ?

  27. 他说:“他是一个善良的人,他一生最大的亮点不是他的MG跑车,而是他不遗余力地资助那些贫困的人。”

    He said : " He was a kind-hearted people , the biggest highlight of his life not his MG sports car , but He has spared no effort to subsidize the poor . "

  28. 今年春天有一次在太平洋海岸高速公路(PacificCoastHighway)上,我还开着我自己的奔驰E350敞篷车与几辆更加名贵的跑车飙了一把。

    On a drive this spring on Pacific Coast Highway , I held my own against some cars even higher up on the food chain .

  29. 我可不想在我的Maserati(意大利名牌跑车)上装上个小车座。

    I 'm not putting a car seat in my Maserati .

  30. PY(0.5)遥控跑车起重系统故障及改进设计

    An Improved Design for Fixing the Breakdown in Lifting System of PY-0 . 5 Telecontrolled Racing Crane