
  1. 跆拳是代表东方文化的体育项目之一。

    Taekwondo is one of the sports that represent the oriental cultures .

  2. 没有人愿意来带跆拳队。

    No one 's willing to take the team .

  3. 来纪念跆拳队的消失。

    To commemorate the end of the Taekwondo team .

  4. 他是万世跆拳队的。

    He 's on manseh 's Taekwondo team .

  5. 如果我参加跆拳队,我就不会被开除,是吗?

    So I 'm not kicked out if I join the team , right ?

  6. 运用间歇训练法的特性实际融入跆拳道的训练中,以冀提升跆拳选手的专项体能及技术水平。

    We wish using the interval training can promote the technique and specific physical fitness on the player of Tae Kwon Do .