
zú yuè fēn miǎn
  • full-term delivery
  1. 足月分娩胎盘完全粘连1例

    A case of full-term delivery neonate with complete placental adherence

  2. 足月分娩产妇下肢深静脉超声数据及血液指标的探讨

    Lower limb deep vein ultrasonography and blood biochemistry in women after full-term delivery

  3. 足月分娩婴儿脐血pH和碱剩余与不良结局相关

    Umbilical cord pH and base excess values in relation to adverse outcome events for infants delivering at term

  4. HBsAg阳性孕妇足月分娩胎盘HBV感染状态的免疫组织化学研究

    Immunohistochemical evidence of HBV infecting placentas of HBsAg positive mothers

  5. 3例未产,1例死胎,其余16例足月分娩,新生儿体重平均为(3315.0±436.9)g。

    There was one stillborn , three undelivered mothers and sixteen full term born neonates with an average birth weight of ( 3315.0 ± 436.9 ) g.

  6. 在足月分娩胎盘中,从母面蜕膜细胞至胎儿面绒毛毛细血管内皮细胞HBV感染率呈逐渐下降趋势,但胎儿宫内感染的OR值却越来越大。

    With placental infection gradually near to fetal side from maternal side , the OR of intrauterine infection had an increasing trend .

  7. 用Pomeroy法绝育作映部对映部吻合术14例全部足月分娩,达100%。

    All the 14 cases had full term delivery when the Pomeroy method was reversed by isthmic-isthmic anastomosis .

  8. 早产组新生儿死亡10例,病死率7.75%。对照组新生儿死亡1例,病死率0.81%,足月分娩与早产分娩的新生儿病死率差别显著(P0.01)。

    The neonatal death is 10 cases in premature birth , the neonatal mortality is 7.75 % , but in control group has one case death , the mortality is 0.81 % , The mortality is significant ( p0.01 ) between two groups .

  9. 结果早产组胎盘UU感染率及胎盘绒毛膜羊膜炎发生率明显高于足月分娩组,两组差别有显著性意义(P<0.01);

    The placentas were also examined pathologically . Results The rate of placental UU infection and chorioamnionitis was significantly higher in 108 " preterm " women compared to 100 " at term " women ( P < 0.005 ) .

  10. 足月分娩,S/D≤2.5组新生儿出生体重明显比2.5组重(P0.01)。脐带绕颈与无绕颈的脐动脉血流参数无统计学差异。

    By term delivery , the neonatal weight were significantly higher in the group of S / D ≤ 2.5 than in the group of S / D2.5.There is no significant difference of Doppler umbilical artery flow velocimetry between in nuchal cord group and in no nuchal cord group .

  11. 目的测定足月分娩胎儿脐血清中促肾上腺皮激素释放激素(CRH)、皮质醇(CORT)、硫酸脱氢表雄酮(DHEAs)水平,以探讨胎儿来源的CRH、CORT、DHEAs在足月分娩中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the effect of corticotropin-releasing hormon ( CRH ), cortisol ( CORT ) and dehydroepiandrosteronesulfate ( DHEAs ) from foetus on term parturition by determing cord blood CRH , CORT and DHEAS levels .

  12. 本文报告1例产前诊断46,XY,t(3;7)(q22;q21)的胎儿,结果是足月分娩了表型正常的男孩。

    This paper reports a 46 , XY , t ( 3 ; 7 ) ( q 22 ; q 21 ) fetus during prenatal diagnosis , and who was born with normal phenotype subsequently .

  13. 目的探讨脐血清皮质醇和硫化脱氢表雄酮在足月分娩时的作用。两组患者DHEAS、E2水平无差异,新生儿性别分布无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    Objective To study the effect of cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate ( DHEA S ) in fetal umbilical cord blood on term labor . There were no significant differences in dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate , neonatal sex distribution and estradiol concentrations between the two groups .

  14. 方法1.无菌条件下取健康育龄产妇正常足月分娩胎儿脐带血,肝素抗凝,等体积磷酸盐缓冲液(PBS)稀释后,密度梯度离心法分离其中单个核细胞。

    Under sterile conditions , Umbilical cord blood was obtained from full-term , normal or cesarean deliveries of healthy child-bearing age maternal . Diluted by an equal volume of phosphate buffered saline ( PBS ), mononuclear cells in them were isolated in the way of density gradient centrifugation .

  15. 足月分娩38例,新生儿无异常。

    Term birth was present with normal neonate in 38 cases .

  16. 自然流产率2·25%(4/178),其中3例自然流产后又妊娠足月分娩;

    Spontaneous abortion rate was 2.25 % ( 4 / 178 );

  17. 正常足月分娩应用催产素对母儿的影响

    Application of oxytocin on the mother and infant in normal labour

  18. 16例妊娠至足月分娩;

    16 cases had full months , pregnancy and childbearing ;

  19. 未能足月分娩的原因。

    The reasons for not carrying this pregnancy to term .

  20. 1例足月分娩合并羊水栓塞病人的护理

    Nursing care of a full term delivery case complicated with amnionic fluid embolism

  21. 目前没有哪个国家批准将经过基因组编辑的人类胚胎植入母体直至足月分娩。

    No country endorses a genome-edited human embryo being implanted and being brought to term .

  22. 脐血促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素、皮质醇及硫酸脱氢表雄酮在足月分娩中的作用

    Effect of corticotropin-releasing hormon , Cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in fetal umbilical cord blood for term labor

  23. 结论多数合并心律失常者能维持良好心功能并足月分娩。

    Conclusion Most of women with cardiac arrhythmias could maintain good heart function and delivery in term ;

  24. 方法:将230例足月分娩正常产新生儿按分娩先后顺序随机分为2组,均由经过抚触培训的护士操作。

    Method : 230 infants were randomly divided into two groups , all the nurse has been trained .

  25. 子宫颈绒毛腺样乳头状腺癌保守治疗后成功足月分娩报道1例

    Successful term delivery following conservative management for villoglandular papillary adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix : A case report

  26. 孕早期阴道出血对足月分娩婴儿发育影响的回顾性定群研究

    The retrospective cohort study of vaginal bleeding in the first-trimester of pregnancy on full-term infant 's development Effect

  27. 方法:选取2003年1月~2004年1月于该院分娩的早产者217例作为病例组,并随机选取同期足月分娩产妇200例作为对照组。

    Methods : 217 patients who delivered prematurely during January of 2003 to January of 2004 were selected as case group .

  28. 近期随访有42例妊娠(其中31例足月分娩),再孕率为72.4%。

    Of all the cases , 42 were gestated , 31 were childbirth , re & gestation rate was 72.4 % .

  29. 其中,只有四个存活到能被植入养母子宫的阶段,最后能足月分娩的只剩一个了。

    Of these , only 29 survived to the stage that they could be returned to foster mothers , and only one survived to term .

  30. 妊娠42例,其中足月分娩30例,自然流产6例,4例早产,2例正在妊娠中。

    Pregnancy was found in 42 patients , 30 deliveries at term , 6 abortions , 4 pre term deliveries , 2 being in pregnancy .