
yuè jìng
  • Cross border;cross the boundary illegally;sneak in or out of a country;sneak in or out of the country
越境 [yuè jìng]
  • [sneak in or out of the country;cross the boundary illegally] 非法出入边境

越境[yuè jìng]
  1. 清朝对朝鲜人越境问题的交涉、处理方式,不同时期有不同特点。

    The feature is different during different period which Qing Dynasty negotiate and handle way about North Koreas cross the boundary illegally .

  2. 他被判犯有非法越境偷运武器罪。

    He was convicted of illegally importing weapons across state lines .

  3. 他尽力阻止中国人、外国人和家养动物越境。

    He tried his best to stop Chinese , foreigners and home-kept animals from crossing the border .

  4. 基因修饰生物(GMO)越境转移对生物多样性保护和人类健康具有重要意义。

    Trans-boundary movement of genetic modified organism ( GMO ) have great significant effects on biodiversity conservation and human health .

  5. 周三,据俄罗斯通讯社塔斯社(Tass)报道,一名俄罗斯官员说,曾被普京亲自释放到俄罗斯远东地区的野生西伯利亚虎越境进入了中国。

    On Wednesday , a Russian official said that a Siberian tiger that Mr. Putin had personally released into the wild in the Russian Far East had crossed into China , the Russian news agency Tass reported .

  6. 危险废物越境转移的国际法视角

    An International Angle to View the Over-boarder Transfer of Hazardous Wastes

  7. 我知道你在将一些东西越境私运到国内。

    I know that you 're smuggling things across this border .

  8. 关于越境内水意外污染的行为守则;

    Code of conduct on accidental pollution of transboundary inland waters ;

  9. 越境侵入印控克什米尔地区的次数处于前所未有的低点。

    Cross-border incursions into Indian-held Kashmir are at an all-time low .

  10. 关于越境环境影响的责任与赔偿的行为守则

    Code of Conduct on Responsibility and Liability regarding Transboundary Environmental Effects

  11. 论危险废物越境转移的国际法律规制

    The International Legal Regulation on the Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes

  12. 越境水道和国际湖泊的保护和使用公约

    Convention on Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes

  13. 管制危险废物越境转移全球公约

    Global Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes

  14. 危险废物越境转移法律制度研究

    On Legal Regime of the Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes

  15. 远距离越境空气污染公约执行机构

    Executive Body for the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution

  16. 他们还保证通过协调各国的质量标准来改善越境贸易。

    They also pledged to improve cross-border trading by harmonizing quality standards .

  17. 在美军发动这次越境袭击行动以前,近几个月来,阿富汗东部地区的暴力活动不断增加。

    The cross-border operation follows months of increased violence in eastern Afghanistan .

  18. 固体废物越境转移引发的环境问题及对策

    Environmental Problems Touched off by Solid Wastes Crossing the Boundary

  19. 国际放射性废物越境转移业务守则

    International Code of Practice for Transboundary Movement of Radioactive Waste

  20. 越境动植物病虫害紧急防治系统;

    Emergency prevention system for transboundary animal and plants pests and diseases ;

  21. 越境环境污染具有损害非一致性和混合非一致性特征。

    Transboundary Pollution problem possesses with non-uniformity of damages and non-uniformity of mixing .

  22. 他被诱骗越境,然后被当作间谍逮捕。

    He has been decoyed across the frontier and arrested as a spy .

  23. 因为临近墨西哥边境有非法越境。

    On their Mexican borders because of illegal immigration .

  24. 关于防止和控制水污染包括越境污染的政策宣言

    Declaration of Policy on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution including Transboundary

  25. 越境环境影响评估框架协定

    Framework Agreement on Environmental Impact Assessment in Transboundary Context

  26. 而且固体废物越境转移也是一个国际关注的问题。

    And Tran boundary movement of solid waste is also an international concern .

  27. 剖析《控制危险废物越境转移及其处置的巴塞尔公约》&透视不足,直面缺陷,展望未来

    Retrospect on the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes

  28. 工业事故越境影响公约;

    Convention on transboundary effects of industrial accidents ;

  29. 越境污染问题的博弈分析

    Game 's analysis on trans-boundary environmental pollution Problems

  30. 为解决越境环境污染问题,促使各国进行环境合作提供了理论上的依据。

    This paper provided a basis in theory for the trans-bourdary environmental pollution problems .