
yuè dōng
  • overwintering;live through the winter
越冬 [yuè dōng]
  • [live through the winter] 指动植物、昆虫、病菌度过冬季

越冬[yuè dōng]
  1. 广东水稻橙叶病病原(MLO)的越冬

    Overwintering of the rice orange leaf MLO in Guangdong Province

  2. 东乡野生稻(Oryzarufipogon)在武汉地区越冬性能的观察

    The overwintering ability of Dongxiang Wild Rice ( oryza rufipogon ) at Wuhan

  3. 幼苗通常都会放在冷床里越冬。

    The young seedlings are usually wintered in a cold frame .

  4. 北方越冬日光温室用PE、EVA棚膜有关功能问题的研究

    Functions of PE and EVA Films for Sunlight Greenhouses in Winter in North China

  5. 火棘等III级树种需要小环境或保护才能正常越冬并形成景观。

    The grade III trees like Pyracatha fortuneana need small environment or protection to overwinter normally and form the landscape .

  6. 冬季越冬期56种,共34707只,密度为118.32只/ha。冬季鸟类群落的物种多样性和结构稳定性大于春季。

    While in winter , 56 species of 34,707 birds was observed in the same area , the density was 118.32 ind.

  7. 作者系统研究了黑纹粉蝶越夏蛹和越冬蛹体内过氧化氢酶(CAT)活力的变化。

    The changes of catalase ( CAT ) activity in estivating and hibernating pupae of striated white butterfly Pieris melete Menetries were systematically tested .

  8. 一化性和二化性的二化螟越冬幼虫在滞育解除方面的差异仅表现在群体临界化蛹前期的长短上,一化性CC品系的群体临界化蛹前期显著长于二化性PL品系。

    Difference of diapause termination between univoltine and bivoltine was only in the length of critical pupation time .

  9. 越冬大棚番茄蒸腾速率变化规律及PLS模型

    Variation of transpiration rate of wintering tomato in plastic tents and predication model based on PLS

  10. 以蛹在甜菜、胡麻、豌豆、首蓿等作物土壤中越冬,田间杂草、地埂下也能越冬,深度达10~20cm;

    Overwintering as pupa in the soil of sugar beet , helminthosporium , pea , alfalfa and etc.

  11. 温湿度对越冬异色瓢虫(Harmoniaaxyridis)存活的影响

    Effects of temperature and relative humidity on survival of the overwintering Asian coccinellid , Harmonia axyridis

  12. 耳石中Sr、Ca浓度比例在第5至第7测点出现第1个高峰,这与稚鱼为了越冬洄游到海中时间相吻合。

    The first peak of Sr / Ca concentration ratio appeared at the 5 th ~ 7 th measurement point that coincided with the time of migration of the juvenile fish to the sea for overwintering .

  13. 结果表明:六种常绿植物越冬期间SOD活性变化曲线均呈M状,并不随环境温度降低而持续下降;

    During the winter , SOD activity did not decrease with the temperature going down . The result showed that low temperature response curve of SOD activity in these plants is different from that of cold sensitive plants .

  14. 单喂稻草补充非蛋白氮(NPN)对越冬水牛前胃消化代谢的影响

    The effect of adding NPN on digestion and metabolism in THF fore stomach of water buffaloes fed rice straw only in winter

  15. 乌鸦(Corvus)在沈阳市内及郊区越冬的生态学观察

    Wintering Ecology of Crows in Shenyang City

  16. 越冬前布氏田鼠(Microtusbrandti)储草行为与储草种类选择的研究

    Study on the Behavior Forage and Selection for Storage of Forage plants of Brandt 's Vole ( Microtus brandti ) Before Overwintering

  17. 而埋入土表下3cm和置于地表的新鲜病残体叶片,由于秋季雨水多,处理35天后病残体组织全部腐烂,因此病菌存活时间较短,不能安全越冬。

    But the pathogen in fresh diseased leaves that placed on the surface or under the 3 centimetres of the soil could not overwinter safely .

  18. 该虫的越冬蛹主要分布在2~10cm土层,以4~6cm最集中;

    Its pupae are located in 2 ~ 10 cm soils in winter , and the most assembly in 4 ~ 6 cm .

  19. 该虫在滇中地区1a发生1代,以3、4龄幼虫在寄主枝干的木质部内越冬。

    The insect has one generation a year in central Yunnan Province and overwinters as the 3rd or 4th instar larvae in the xylem tunnel of the trunk and branch of its host .

  20. 结果表明,在水稻拔节期、小麦越冬期与成熟期的0~5cm和5~10cm土层中,FACE处理能显著增加土壤细菌的数量。

    The results showed that FACE treatment could significantly increase the amount of soil bacteria in 0 ~ 5 cm and 5 ~ 10 cm soil layers during rice jointing stage and wheat wintering and ripening stages .

  21. 选用ICR成年雌小鼠,实验分两部分进行。以部分第8代和第9代雌成螨越冬。

    100 mice were used in two experiments . Female adults of the part of the 8th generation and the 9th generation over wintered through 5 months and acted in mid-March next year .

  22. 整体而言,番茄越冬长季节栽培过程中,氮钾(N∶K2O)的追施比例以1∶12~13为宜;

    From the point of view of whole cultivating process of overwintering tomato , the most appropriate formula of nitrogen-potassium fertilizer ( N ∶ K_2O ) for the purpose of top addressing should be 1 ∶ 1.2 ~ 1.3 ;

  23. 在实验室内观察研究桃小食心虫CarposinaniponensisWalsingham越冬代成虫在一系列温度和湿度下的生殖能力。

    The effect of constant temperature and humidity on fecundity of peach fruit borer , Carposina niponensis Walsingham , was investigated in laboratory condition .

  24. 二战期间前西伯利亚阿穆尔地区,数千人因进食了被镰刀菌污染的越冬小麦而发生食物中毒,在后来的产毒试验中,发现了高水平的T-2毒素;

    During World War II in the former Siberian Amur region , thousands of people had food intoxication due to consumption of winter wheat polluted fusarium and T-2 toxin was found high-level in the subsequent tests .

  25. 1994年,5.5%的糠虾幼体和5.1%的仔虾检出有HPV的感染。在糠虾和仔虾阶段,海捕亲虾苗种的HPV带毒率为4.0%,越冬亲虾苗种的带毒率为6.2%。

    In 1994 , 5 . 5 % mysis and 5.1 % postlarvae were infected by HPV . During mysis and postlarval stage , the viruliferous rate of HPV in larvae from wild spawners was 4.0 % , while that from overwintering spawners was 6.2 % .

  26. 该虫在浙江省一年一代,以成虫在土下60~90cm处越冬。研究结果表明,改单一的旱作制为水旱轮作是防治该虫的根本办法。

    It has one generation per year and overwinters as adult in soil a depth from 60 to 90 cm in Zhejiang province .

  27. 长江下游地区露地越冬采种甜菜的适宜播期为8月上旬,移栽期在9月中、下旬,移栽期秧龄在8~10片叶,适宜栽植密度52500株/hm2。

    The optimum sowing date of overwinter seed collecting beets in the early of Aug. in the low reaches of Changjiang River , transplanting period is in the mid-late of Semp . the transplanting seedling age is 8 ~ 10 leaves with 52500 plants / ha .

  28. 本文运用NTC-TD热敏电阻法测定了桑螟越冬幼虫的过冷却点、冰点。

    NTC-TD heat-sensitive resistance is used to measure the super cooling-point ( SCP ) and freezing point of over-wintering larvae of Diaphania pyloalis ;

  29. 本文采用概率频次拟合法和种群扩散指数法测定了油菜病毒病(TpMV、YMV和CMV)在油菜幼苗期、越冬期及盛花期的田间分布型。

    The spacial distribution patterns of rape virus disease ( TpMV , YMV , CMV and TMV ) in seedling stage , overwintering period and flowering phase were studied respectively in this paper .

  30. 以温度、湿度、雨量为特征因子,用CRI法研究属于多重复合模糊蕴涵的越冬代玉米螟产卵期问题。

    Taken the temperature , humidity and precipitation as input characteristic factors , the oviposition time of overwintered corn bore was forecasted , by using compositional rule of inference ( CRI ) , which is one of the methods of the multiple and complex fuzzy implication .