- 名ultrathin section

To Investigate the morphology and morphogenesis of the isolated varicella zoster virus ( VZV ) in rabbit brain nerve cell ( RNC ), ultrathin section electron microscopy was used for study . A small number of nucleocapsids were observed in the nuclei of RNC at 6 h post infection .
Sectioned ( semithin section and repair the block and ultrathin section );
In ultrathin sections granules possess two different kinds of structures : One is a Outer-membrane vesicle : another is a Dense body .
Combined with the technique of ultra-thin sections , AFM is capable of studying the inner structure of sample .
Methods : The RC strain and the N strain were compared concerning the formation and morphologic features of digestive vacuoles and haemozoin with transmission electron microscope .
Methods Expression of S-100 protein and PCNA were detected by ABC method in ultrathin section samples of middle ear cancer tissue .
Using ultramicrosection , cryofracture and peeling technique , the fine structure of rabbit hair was investigated in an analytical electron microscope by TEM , STEM and SEM imaging models respectively .
This article presents a brief introduction of the gap junctions on CA_1 pyramidal cells of guinea pig hippocampus observed by freeze replica technique .
The ultrastructure of fat body tissue of Helicoverpa armigera H ü bner was observed under the electron microscope by means of ultra-thin tissue slice technology .
Objective : To image the ultra-thin sections of Balb / c murine ES cell by means of atomic force microscopy in order to obtain the information of the inner structure of ES cells .
By means of AFM , the ultra-thin sections of murine ES cells were investigated in order to make AFM capable of gaining the information of the inner structure of cells .
The ultrastructural changes of the optic nerves were observed 1 , 6 , 24 , and 72 hours after the injury by electron microscopy .
The nucleocapsids of varicella-zoster virus ( VZV ) strain J1 isolated hy Dr. Hun Shi-jie et al in Jinan in 1990 were studied with electron microscope .
The virus was observed under transmission electrical microscope which diameter was 25 - 30 nm .
Ultrathin sections were obtained from the stratum radiatum of CA1 area in the hippocampus and were observed under electron microscope .
Examination of ultrathin sections of the virus infected cells by electron microscope showed herpes like virus particles .
Ordinary neuropathological method included procedures of paraffin section , ultrathin and semithin section , HE , TB , and LFB staining , uranyl and lead staining .
Ultrathin sectioning and transmission electron microscopy of infected duck embryo fibroblasts ( DEF ) were employed to investigate the morphology of virulent duck enteritis virus ( DEV ) strain CH.
In order to study the morphogenesis and distribution of duck enteritis virus ( DEV ), tissues of ducks infected experimentally with DEV virulent strain were collected and observed by electron microscopy .
After affect by 0.128 mg / ml RES the layer of cellwall is indistinct , the structure of cell organ is blurred , most cytoplasmic inclusion disappeared , generous vacuole emerged .
The morphopoiesis and progenesis of the vesicular stomatitis virus in baby hamster kidney cell-21 ( BHK-21 ) were observed by using electron microscope .
Chicken embryo fibroblast ( CEF ) cell and chicken embryo kidney ( CEK ) cell were used to study the biology characteristic of avian adenovirus isolate of Jiangsu .
Methods Different fimA genotype P.gingivalis strains cultured from subgingival plaque samples and detected by fimA type-specific PCR were selected , then the cells were observed under transmission electron microscope by ultrathin section .
A lot of mycoplasma-like organisms ( MLO ) were observed within the ultrathin sections of sieve cells in the infected tender shoots or phloem tissues with electron microscopy .
The double labeling localization of the corresponding antigen of MG7 and DBA receptors was studied on ultrathin frozen sections of gastric cancer tissue by two kinds of colloidal gold probes .
The nuclear lamina in the nuclei of Tetrahymena thermophila was investigated using the techniques of selective extraction and embedment-free electron microscopy , as well as immunofluorescence staining .
The development of synapse of Purkinje cell layer of cerebellar cortex in Chinese Human Fetus at fetal age of the week 19 、 21 、 26 and 34 are observed by ultrathin section technique .
The isolated or intact metaphase chromosome scaffold of BK ( Bovine Kidney ) cell has been studied by using several techniques , such as isolated chromosome scaffold TEM , ultra thin-sectioning cytochemical EM , RNase-gold complexes labeling and Ag-staining .
Furthermore , with the help of ultra thin section technology , zoning scan and computer software analysis , this study has preliminarily solved two difficult problems during applied AFM in cell biological researches & the unobtaining of inner structure and the restriction of scanning range .
Whole layer of E_ ( 15 ) fetal rat cerebral cortex was transplanted into cerebral cortex areas 3 , 1 , 2 of middle aged Wistar rat . Grafts of 120 days were made into ultrathin slides and observed with electron microscope .