
chāo xīn xīng
  • supernova;supernova star
超新星 [chāo xīn xīng]
  • [supernova] 难得观测到的、本身的极大光度可达太阳光度的一亿倍的恒星大爆发

超新星[chāo xīn xīng]
  1. 在我们的星系中每10年至少有一颗超新星出现。

    At least one supernova occurs per decade in our galaxy .

  2. 行星躲过超新星爆发的几率总是十分渺茫。

    The chances of a planet surviving a supernova always looked terribly slim .

  3. 有些超新星研究者怀疑,这可能只是昙花一现。

    Some supernova researchers wondered if it might be just a nine-day wonder .

  4. 十多年以来,天文学家们一直在猜想,超新星激波可以充当巨型粒子加速器。

    Astronomers have suspected for more than a decade that supernova shock waves can act like giant particle accelerators .

  5. 他们认为这个庞大的物体是由两颗“白矮星”合并而成的,通常白矮星会以强大的超新星的形式爆炸。这颗新星被天文学家称为“白矮星”。

    The new star is what astronomers1 call a ' white dwarf2 ' .

  6. II型超新星的物态方程与爆发能量

    The Equation of State and Explosive Energy of Type II Supernova

  7. 坍缩阶段中微子对II型超新星爆发的影响

    How the Neutrino in Collapse Phase Affect Type ⅱ Supernova Explosion

  8. 超新星有两类:I型和II型。

    There are two main classes , Type I and Type II .

  9. II型超新星瞬发爆炸模型的激波传播

    C shape ; Shock Propagation in the Prompt Explosion Model of SN II

  10. 研究了这19个伴有OH1720MHz脉泽发射的混合形态超新星遗迹的X射线特征。

    The X-ray characteristics have been studied .

  11. 超新星在星际~(26)Al问题中的作用:星际~(26)Al的天体源泉问题之三

    The Origin of the Interstellar ~ ( 26 ) Al (ⅲ): The Role of Supernovae

  12. 另外,我们的光谱拟合可以为C+O星作为Ic型超新星的前身星提供证据。

    The modeling may provide evidence for C + O stars as progenitors of Type Ic supernovae .

  13. 用MonteCarlo方法拟合超新星SN1993J的早期光谱

    Modeling the Early Spectra of SN 1993J Using the Monte Carlo Method

  14. 这个模型的重要点是从超新星遗迹来的X射线促使产生OH分子。

    An important ingredient of this model is that X-ray emission from the remnant enhances the production of OH molecules .

  15. 超新星爆炸时发射出大量的无线电射线、X射线和宇宙射线以及其他粒子。

    Supernova explosions release tremendous amounts of radio radiation , x-radiation and cosmic rays , as well as other elements .

  16. 由物质吸积导致的Ia型超新星会在爆发前产生大量的X射线辐射。

    A Type1a supernova caused by accreting material produces significant X-ray emission prior to the explosion .

  17. 最后,我们还探讨了Ia超新星中碳点火的非线性问题。

    Finally , nonlinear process of carbon ignition is discussed .

  18. 不透明度对Ia超新星极大光度的影响

    Effect of Opacity on the Maximum Absolute Bolometric Magnitude of Ia Supernova

  19. 对Ib/Ic型超新星应加以特别关注。

    Particular attention should be paid to the sample of Type Ib / Ic SNe .

  20. Ia型超新星的爆发机制及其前身星模型

    The Explosion Models and Progenitors of Type la Supernovae

  21. 旋涡星系中Ia超新星的产生率比椭圆星系的要高。

    Spirals are more efficient SNe Ia producers , comparing with elliptical galaxies .

  22. 研究队伍用一种Ia型超新星做研究。

    The teams used a particular kind of supernova , called type Ia supernova .

  23. 相反,来自双白矮星并合的超新星产生的X射线辐射要比吸积少很多。

    A supernova from a merger of two white dwarfs , on the other hand , would create significantly less X-ray emission than the accretion scenario .

  24. 接着又发生两起爆炸现象,宇航员总结道:最终SN2009ip还是变成了超新星。

    Following two subsequent flare-ups , astronomers have now concluded that SN 2009ip has gone supernova at last .

  25. 其中一种称为ia型的超新星发出的能量几乎完全一样。

    Some , called type Ia , always explode with almost exactly the same energy .

  26. Ia超新星在宇宙学中的应用

    Application of Type Ia Supernovae to Cosmology

  27. 超细粉的电爆法制备及其设备的开发II型超新星的物态方程与爆发能量

    Preparation of Metallic Ultra-fine Powders Using Wire Electrical Explosion Method and Development of the Apparatus ; The Equation of State and Explosive Energy of Type II Supernova

  28. 金刚石携带分别由p过程和r过程产生的Xe同位素组分(XeHL),其源区可能是超新星。

    Diamond contains Xe isotopes ( Xe HL ) typically produced in p and r processes , probably formed in supernovae .

  29. 10M⊙的超新星爆发。

    10M_ ⊙ of a supernova .

  30. 你见过超新星的照片么?【我没见过supernova我对mininova很熟……囧】

    Have you ever seen picture of a supernova ?