
  • 网络ultrasonic plastic welding
  1. 基于HPVEE的超声波塑料焊接温度场检测系统

    A temperature field measuring system for ultrasonic plastic welding based on HP VEE

  2. 本文着眼于超声波塑料焊接区域材料的熔接行为研究,以解释焊接机理、提高焊接强度为目标,以工程硬质PVC材料为研究对象。

    Research on ultrasonic plastic welding mechanism and the fusion bonding behavior of plastic in melt region is focused in this paper , the goal is to improve mechanical strength of the welding joints .

  3. 文中采用基于HPVEE的温度场测量系统来测量超声波塑料焊接的温度场;

    This article presents a temperature field measuring system based on HP VEE , Which is used to measure the temperature of the ultrasonic plastic welding .

  4. 建立了基于惠普可视化工程环境(HPVEE)的实时温度测量系统来测量超声波塑料焊接的温度;

    A real-time temperature measuring system based on HP Visual Engineering Environment ( HP VEE ) is adopted for the temperature measurement of ultrasonic plastic welding .

  5. 超声波塑料焊接温度场有限元数值模拟

    Finite Element Numerical Simulation of Temperature Field in Ultrasonic Plastic Welding

  6. 一种用于超声波塑料焊接的功率自动调节系统的研究

    Research on a power auto-adjustable system for plastic weld with ultrasonic generator

  7. 超声波塑料焊接机功率发生器的研究与实现

    Research & Implement on the Generater of Ultrasonic Plaste Welder

  8. 超声波塑料焊接粘弹性热的仿真计算

    Simulation of viscoelastic heat during ultrasonic welding of thermoplastics

  9. 采用单片机控制的超声波塑料焊接机自动控制系统

    The Ultrasonic Plastic Welder Control System Using Single-chip Computer

  10. 超声波塑料焊接应用技术

    Application Techniques for Ultrasonic Plastic Welding

  11. 模内镶件注塑膜片的粘弹性本构模型超声波塑料焊接粘弹性热的仿真计算

    Viscoelastic Constitutive Model of In-Mould Decoration Films Simulation of viscoelastic heat during ultrasonic welding of thermoplastics

  12. 从超声波塑料焊接工艺出发,分析研究了气动加压系统应具备的待性.进而设计出一套气动加压系统。

    A design of pneumatic pressure system is worked out based on the characteristics of pressing system for ultrasonic welding of plastic .

  13. 但是由于超声波塑料焊接具有时间短、局部焊接区域封闭等特点,使得对焊接温度场的研究很困难。

    But it is difficult to do the research work in that the welding time is so short and the local welding field is close .

  14. 随着超声波塑料焊接技术在各行业被广泛应用,焊接系统中的重要器件&矩形焊接模具也受到了广泛的使用。

    With the ultrasonic plastic welding technology is widely used in various industries , an important device in the system - rectangular welding mold has also been widely used .

  15. 介绍土工格室的结构特点、性能、生产工艺流程、主要原材料与配方、超声波塑料焊接、质量标准及应用技术。

    The structure characteristic , property , technological process , raw materials and formulation , ultrasonic plastic weld , quality standard , and application of plastics geocell mattress were presented .

  16. 超声波塑料焊接是一种经济、高效、环保的热塑性塑料连接新工艺,有极大的推广应用前景。

    Ultrasonic plastic welding ( UPW ) is a cost-effective , efficient and clean fusion bonding technique of TPC ( Thermal Plastic Composites ), and of great value in application .

  17. 由于超声波塑料焊接是涉及多学科的交叉学科,研究难度较大,目前超声波塑料焊接的焊接基础理论和工艺规范还比较欠缺,对超声波塑料焊接机理和熔接行为研究不足。

    At present basic theory and welding criterion of UPW are defective , research on welding mechanism and melt behavior of the welding region is not enough for the difficulty in study .

  18. 试验结果表明超声波塑料焊接的焊接区温度具有快速升温和快速降温的特点,在降温过程中由于焊接压力的作用会出现短暂的温度平台,也说明该测温系统适用于超声波塑料焊接温度测量。

    The experimental results show that the temperature of ultrasonic plastic welding takes on the characteristics of fast rising and fast dropping with a short stay during cooling due to the welding pressure , and that the measuring system is applicable for the temperature measurement of ultrasonic plastic welding .