
  • 网络Ultrasound imaging;Ultrasonic imaging;ultrasonography
  1. 三维超声成像诊断胎儿畸形的初步研究

    The preliminary study of 3D ultrasound on diagnosis of fetus deformity

  2. 虚拟组织学血管内超声成像系统对冠状动脉粥样硬化斑块特征的评估

    Virtual Histology Intravascular Ultrasound Assessment of Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque Characteristics

  3. 超声成像检测机器人系统中的Windows应用程序设计

    Design of Windows Application Software for Robotic Testing System of Ultrasonic Imaging

  4. 工业PC在铁路车辆轮辋超声成像系统的应用

    Wheel Rim Ultrasonic Detecting Imaging System for Rail Vehicles Controlled by IPC

  5. 基于PC平台的扩展视野超声成像

    PC-based extended field-of-view ultrasound imaging

  6. 与X射线成像相比,超声成像具有无创、便携式、多功能等优点,而且不产生任何有害辐射。

    Unlike X-ray imaging , ultrasound imaging is noninvasive , portable , versatile , and does not produce any harmful radiations .

  7. 基于超声成像的HIFU治疗效果实时评价中的关键问题研究

    Key Problems in HIFU Treatment Effect Real-Time Estimation Based on Ultrasound Image

  8. 本文研究了这些模块基于FPGA实现的方式方法,并在此基础上构建了基于FPGA实现的B型超声成像系统。

    This paper reserch the ways and means of implementation explicitly . and build a B-mode ultrasonic imaging system based on FPGA finally .

  9. 论文首先研究HIFU治疗系统超声成像中的伪像。

    Firstly , the paper studies the artifacts in B-mode imaging of HIFU therapeutic system .

  10. 当前,医学超声成像技术已同X射线诊断技术、同位素辐射诊断技术一起被公认为现代三大医学影像技术。

    At present , medical ultrasound imaging technology has been recognized with the X-ray diagnostic techniques , isotope radiation diagnostic techniques as the three modern medical imaging technology .

  11. 在临床医学诊断学方面,超声成像技术与X射线、CT、磁共振成像并称为四大医学影像技术,是现在医学分析确诊的重要手段之一。

    In clinical diagnostics , Ultrasound , X ray , Computerized Tomography and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance have been called the four medical imageology technologies , which are very important for doctors to diagnose .

  12. 结论:VCIC平面超声成像结合3D重建信息量大,可以进行任意角度的图像后处理,在显示股动脉粥样硬化斑块中能比2D提供更多的诊断信息。

    CONCLUSION : In the diagnosis of atherosclerotic plaque in femoral artery , VCI-C plane and 3D US reconstruction can provide more useful information than those of traditional 2D US .

  13. 管腔内超声成像诊断Mirizzi综合征

    Intraductal ultrasonography in the diagnosis of Mirizzi syndrome

  14. 超声成像具有无放射性、非侵入性和鉴别良恶性肿瘤的高精确性等优点,目前已作为X射线透视法的一种替代方法被广泛应用于乳腺癌早期诊断。

    Ultrasound imaging method has non-radioactive , non-invasive and highly accurate identification of benign and malignant tumors , etc. , has been widely used as an alternative method of X-ray in early diagnosis of breast cancer .

  15. 与其它医学影像技术(CT,MRI)相比,超声成像有其独特的优点:实时,可交互,无电磁辐射、无创,经济、方便、易重复检查等。

    Compared with other medical imaging techniques ( CT , MRI ), ultrasound imaging has its unique advantages : real-time , interactive , non-electromagnetic radiation , non-invasive , economical and convenient , easy to repeat the examination .

  16. 然而,传统的医学成像方法,包括x射线成像、超声成像(US)、磁共振成像(MRI)、计算机断层扫描(CT)等在内,都不能直接提供组织的弹性信息。

    However , traditional medical imaging methods , including x-ray imaging , ultrasonic imaging ( US ), magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ), computed tomography ( CT ), etc , can not provide the elasticity information of the tissue directly .

  17. 不过随着现代医疗技术的发展,特别是相关诊断技术的发展,如超声成像诊断、X射线成像技术、CT技术等,为我们早期发现相关症状提供了很好的保障。

    However , with the development of modern medical technology , especially related to the development of diagnostic techniques , such as ultrasound imaging , X-ray imaging technology , CT technology for early detection of related symptoms that provides us a good protection .

  18. 经阴道彩色多普勒超声成像技术(TransvaginalColorDopplerSonography,简称TV-CDS)可用于研究生理和病理条件下卵巢周期中的细微的血管变化,在临床应用和实验研究中具有一定的价值。

    Transvaginal Color Doppler Sonography ( TV-CDS ) can be used to investigate the physiological and pathological minor vascular changes in the ovary cycle and is valuable to the clinical applications and researches .

  19. 目的探讨X线平片、超声成像(USG)、计算机体层摄影术(CT)及磁共振成像(MRI)对原发性腹膜后脂肪瘤的诊断价值,并比较其优点及局限性。

    Objective To evaluate the value of X-ray films , Ultrasonography ( USG ), Computed tomography ( CT ) and Magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) in diagnosing the primary retroperitoneal lipomas and to compare their merits and limitations .

  20. 在Freehand三维超声成像系统中应用不规则采样平面的超声三维图像重建方法,实现了相应的算法,并将其应用于人体左颈动脉血管的三维超声图像的重建。

    In the Freehand 3D ultrasound imaging system , the ultrasound 3D rebuilding method of anomalistic sampling plane is used to realize the 3D ultrasound imaging rebuilding of clay left neck artery .

  21. 新型弛豫铁电晶体(1&x)Pb(Mg(1/3)Nb(2/3))-xPbTiO3是具有钙钛矿结构的固溶体材料,在医用超声成像、声纳、微位移器等方面具有广阔的应用前景。

    Relaxor ferroelectric single crystal ( 1 & x ) Pb ( Mg_ ( 1 / 3 ) Nb_ ( 2 / 3 )) - xPbTiO_3 is a solid solution material with a perovskite structure and has potential applications in medical ultrasonic transducer , sonar and solid actuators .

  22. 结论:UE作为一种超声成像的新技术,可以很好的评判正常成人女性乳腺解剖分层不同组织的硬度,半定量评价乳腺组织在不同年龄段的差异。

    Conclusion : UE as a new ultrasound imaging technique , can be well judged normal adult female breast tissue anatomy of the hardness of different layered , semi-quantitative evaluation of breast tissue differences in the different ages .

  23. 20世纪70年代初,XCT的发明曾引发了医学影像领域的一场革命,与此同时,核共振成像、超声成像、数字射线照相术、发射型计算机成像和核素成像等也逐步发展。

    In 70s 20 century , XCT has aroused a revolution in medical image . At the same time , MRI , ultrasound tomography , digital radial photography , emissive computer tomography and PET has developed gradually .

  24. 方法:应用多普勒组织能量成像、二次谐波成像、间歇式超声成像技术对12只犬进行静脉心肌造影,造影剂为自制氟碳(C3F8)造影剂。

    Methods : Twelve dogs were performed with intravenous infusion of perfluorocarbon gas ( C 3F 8 ) contrast agent by using Doppler tissue energy imaging ( DTE ), second harmonic imaging ( SHI ), and intermittent ultrasound imaging ( IUI ) .

  25. 静态结构三维超声成像方法学研究进展

    The Methodological Progress in Three-Dimensional Ultrasonic Imaging of the Static Structures

  26. 高阶互谱超声成像

    Application of cross Wigner higher order moment spectra to ultrasonic imaging

  27. 提高分辨率是目前超声成像的发展方向,声像分辨率是评价超声成像系统的最重要的性能指标之一。

    Nowadays ultrasound imaging technique is developed to enhance resolution power .

  28. 超声成像系统连续波多普勒设计的挑战

    Continuous Wave Doppler Design Challenges in Compact Ultrasound Imaging Equipment

  29. 小波变换在消除超声成像噪声中的应用

    Application of wavelet transform to noise elimination in ultrasonic imaging

  30. 罐壁超声成像测厚系统的设计

    Design of Ultrasonic Imaging System for Tank Wall Thickness Measurement