
  • 网络Cryotherapy;deep-freezing
  1. 方法取Wistar大鼠坐骨神经,经超低温冷冻保存后移植于SD大鼠坐骨神经缺损处。

    Methods The sciatic nerve defect at SD rats was bridged by the sciatic nerve from wistar rats after ultra deep cryopreservation .

  2. 分成超低温冷冻同种神经移植组(A)、新鲜同种神经移植组(B)、及自体神经移植组(C)。

    They were divided into 3 groups : ultra deep cryopreservation homologous nerve in group ( A ), fresh homologous nerve in group ( B ), and autologous nerve in group ( C ) .

  3. 方法取Wistar大鼠股动脉,经超低温冷冻保存后行血管细胞培养及动脉移植;

    Methods Femoral artery was harvested from Wistar rats . The cell culture of the vessel and artery transplantation were carried out after cryopreservation .

  4. 通过不同染色浓度和时间的比较发现,最适的AO染色浓度为200ug/mL,染色时间为5min。在此基础上,用AO染色法检测评价超低温冷冻前后精子DNA的完整性。

    Comparing the different staining time and dye concentration , we found that final staining concentration of AO was 200ug / mL and the optimum staining time was 5 min. Then , we evaluate the effect of freezing-thawing process on sperm DNA integrity using AO staining .

  5. 超低温冷冻对软组织肉瘤治疗的临床观察

    Clinical efficacy of argon - helium cryoablation for soft tissue sarcomas

  6. 仓鼠卵的超低温冷冻和解冻后的体外受精

    In vitro fertilization of hamster ova after deep freezing and thawing

  7. 绵羊精液超低温冷冻程序及稀释液优化方法的研究

    Study on Optimum Procedure and Extender for Ram Spermatozoa Cryopreservation

  8. 神经生长因子对超低温冷冻异体神经移植的效果评价

    Effect of Nerve Growth Factor on Nerve Allograft by Ultra-low Temperature Cryotherapy

  9. 电刺激采集大额牛精液及其超低温冷冻的初步研究大熊猫细管冻精制备程序的建立与应用

    Development and Application of New Method for in Giant Panda Semen Cryopreservation

  10. 超低温冷冻对长鳍篮子鱼精子中几种酶活性的影响

    Effects of cryopreservation on enzyme activity of Siganus canaliculatus spermatozoa

  11. 超低温冷冻对奶牛胚胎超微结构的影响

    Effect of Cryopreservation on the Embryo Ultrastructure in Dairy Cow

  12. 分超低温冷冻动脉移植组和自体动脉移植组。

    The rats were divided into cryopreserved artery transplantation group and autologous one .

  13. 超低温冷冻及免疫抑制剂对异体神经移植的影响

    Influence of Cryopreserved Peripheral-nerve and Immunosuppressant on Nerve Allotransplantation

  14. 鲤鱼精液超低温冷冻保存及冻精的杂交授精试验研究

    Cryopreservation of Cyprinus carpio spermatozoa and cross-fertilization test

  15. 大熊猫精液超低温冷冻的比较

    Study for Freezing Semen of Giant Pandas

  16. 目的研究睾丸灌注超低温冷冻对家兔睾丸功能的影响,探讨移植睾丸的保存方法。

    Objective To study the effect of cryopreservation on the function of transplanted rabbit testicle .

  17. 应用扫描电镜和透射电镜技术,研究超低温冷冻前后太平洋牡蛎精子形态与超微结构。结果发现,受伤精子被膜肿胀、皱褶、破裂;

    The variation of morphology and ultrastructure after frozen thawed Pacific oyster semen were observed .

  18. 新型超低温冷冻医疗系统的设计与实验研究

    Design and Experiment of New Ultra-cryoablation System

  19. 家鱼精液超低温冷冻保存研究Ⅰ.防冻稀释液的筛选

    Study on cryopreservation of fish spermatozoa

  20. 鱼类精液超低温冷冻保存的研究展望

    Prospect of cryopreservation of fish spermatozoa

  21. 家猫卵巢组织的超低温冷冻保存研究

    Cryopreservation of Domestic Cat Ovaries Tissues

  22. 鱼类精子及胚胎超低温冷冻保存

    Cryopreservation of Fish Spermatozoa and Embryos

  23. 超低温冷冻及微波辐照后桑蚕丝微孔结构研究

    Study about the Micropore Structure of Mulberry Silk after Being Refrigerated at Super Low Temperature and Radi-ated with Microwave

  24. 超低温冷冻保存牛成熟卵子的体外受精能力和染色体异常分析

    Analysis of Fertilizability of Bovine Oocytes Cryopreservation after in Vitro Maturation and Their Chromosomes at the First Cleavage Division

  25. 运用单细胞电泳技术对军曹鱼与红鳍笛鲷超低温冷冻保存的精子进行精子细胞核冷冻损伤分析。

    Analyzed frozen damage to Cobia and crimson snapper cryopreservation sperm nuclei , which was used single cell gel electrophoresis .

  26. 鱼类配子和胚胎超低温冷冻保存做为种质资源长期保存的技术途径之一,具有广阔的应用前景。

    Cryopreservation of fish gametes and embryos is one important method of preserving germplasm , which has tremendous potential in application .

  27. 褐牙鲆精子生理特性及超低温冷冻保存大黄缓释膜治疗实验性牙周炎的研究

    Study on physiological characteristics and cryopreservation of spermatozoa in Paralichthys olivaceus Effect of Rhubarb Buccal Film on Experimental Periodontitis in Rat

  28. 经过超低温冷冻真空干燥处理后,蚕丝孔穴结构模型没有改变,孔穴有增多均匀趋势。

    After ultra-low temperature freeze-drying treatment , silk hole model has not changed , there is a growing cavity uniform trend .

  29. 结论:肝动脉血流和肝动脉直径大小及二者的协同作用是影响氩氦超低温冷冻效果的重要因素之一。

    Conclusion : Liver artery flow and the diameter of the vessels are the important factors of the efficiency in cryoablation .

  30. 结果经超低温冷冻保存的动脉细胞存活率为92%,比正常下降3%。

    Results The survival rate of the blood cells after cryopreservation was 92 % , reducing 3 % compared with the normal .