- Superman;superhuman;be out of the common run;be out of common run

[be out of common run; superhuman] 智能、体力、行为等超越常人的人
Superman 's alter ego was Clark Kent .
Joe loved to read ' Superman ' comics .
People were beginning to attribute superhuman qualities to him .
He is a superman in mental faculties [ physical strength ] .
Dreaming about whether you would want to read minds , see through walls , or have superhuman strength may sound silly , but it actually gets to the heart of what really matters in your life .
He was a successful actor , famous for the Superman films .
The film portrays Gandhi as a kind of superman .
Precognition is a form of clairvoyance .
Step into the offices of search investment group and you will see a giant pop-art statue of Superman in the foyer .
The studio and DC Comics won a lawsuit filed by the heirs of the character 's co-creator Jerry Siegel .
I rattled them off in my head : Superman doing this , Spider-Man doing that , the X-Men doing the other .
After that , neither DC Comics nor Warner Bros will be able to use Superman without a financial agreement with the heirs .
Drawing on his background in art and his work in designing models for DC , Ray sculpts intricate horrific faces out of pumpkins .
X-ray vision obviously comes from Superman . He just had the magic power to look right inside of anything , except for lead .
Combined with the development of SuperMan CAD / CAM system owned copyright , the paper presents an algorithm of triangulation of trimmed surface for the surface rendering .
Last month , The Hollywood Reporter wrote that the 35-year-old actor will no longer appear as Superman in future DC Comics movies , as his contract is due to end .
The algorithm is successfully applied to SUPERMEN CAD / CAM for generation of STL file used by rapid prototype technique ( RPT ) .
The Siegel heirs had been awarded half the rights to Superman last year and this latest ruling means they can only claim profits from DC Comics and not from Warner Bros as well .
A US District Court judge has ruled that the fee paid by Warner Bros studio bosses to DC Comics to use the character in films and TV shows such as Smallville was at fair market value .
The result shows that hectometer excellence athletes have ideal body configuration and superman specialty diathesis and reasonable technique and good psychology , which are pledge of excellent performance .
Warner Bros. , in giving Reeves plenty of time to develop the script , is hoping the latest iteration of the DC icon is done right , following the disappointments of " Batman v Superman " and " Justice League . "
Even superman Li Ka-shing , the city 's richest person , who heads a sprawling international property , oil and gas and telecommunications empire , had lost half his fortune .
One of the films that made her want to direct was the 1989 martial-arts sci-fi film " Cyborg . "
Herbert 's also been in the Guinness Book of Records for three years for owning the world 's largest Superman memorabilia collection which includes dolls , posters and jewellery .
' When I was younger , people called Li Ka-shing ' Superman , ' ' recalls social-worker Kan Chi-wai .
Superman has also been a persistent icon in popular music , from a dedicatory piece by Benny Goodman in 1940 to the ingenious 1966 Broadway musical ' It 's a Bird ... It 's a Plane ...
We won 't even be seeing this iteration of Kal-El as Superman , a name that goes unspoken throughout , though it almost escapes the lips of Amy Adams 's Lois Lane .
The location of Gotham city has always been a bit hazy , sometimes it was depicted on the East Coast , and a few times it was located in the Midwest , near Superman 's hometown of Metropolis .
The " Bra Rangers " -- named after the television characters that morph into superheroes -- come with matching underwear whose pocket has the inscribed message , " No more plastic bags ! "
' Do you mean to say that you 've been married to her for 15 years ? ' Superman asks Ricky ( Desi Arnaz ) .