
qǐ shǐ diàn yā
  • start voltage
  1. 当采用国际标准电极作试验时,还可有效推算出放电起始电压Us、放电残余电压Ur。

    The inception voltage U_S and residue voltage U_r can be deduced if standard electrodes are used .

  2. 用A、B、C三种添加剂将聚乙烯改性,树枝起始电压竟提高2至4倍之多。

    The initial voltage is raised by as much as 2-4 times , when polyethylene is modified by three different kinds of additives A. B. C.

  3. 电晕电流和直流电压、电晕起始电压关系式中的系数C随湿度增大的不同变化趋势和正负离子与水分子结合状态的差异有关。

    The coefficient C in the relationship among corona current , DC voltage and corona-inception voltage was concerned with the combinative state of ions and water molecules .

  4. 本文主要介绍了不同的热处理条件对聚乙烯(PE)薄膜材料电树的起始电压的影响。

    This paper presents the effects of different annealing conditions on the tree initiation of polyethylene ( PE ) films .

  5. 结果表明,PTFE绝缘子的存在降低了微粒运动起始电压,而且绝缘子的形状也会影响绝缘子附近微粒运动的起始电压。

    The result shows that the motion threshold voltage declines due to the PTFE spacer , and is affected obviously by the spacer shapes .

  6. 在较大分子的气体(如SF6)中,正、负电晕起始电压有明显差别,而且随着气体压强增加而增大。

    The results show that in SF6 there is obvious difference between the positive and negative onset voltage and the difference is increased by an increase of gas pressure .

  7. 本文讨论了串级JFET恒流器件的伏安特性、起始电压、动态阻抗以及电流温度系数。

    In this paper , ⅰ - ⅴ characteristic , limiting voltage , dynamic impedance and the temperature coefficient of current of the cascade JFET device are discussed .

  8. 聚乙烯熔点对电树起始电压的影响

    Influence of Melting Point on Electrical Tree Initiation in Polyethylene

  9. 干净条件下的绞线电晕起始电压高于污秽条件下的电晕起始电压。

    Corona onset voltage under clean is higher than that under foul .

  10. 单个绝缘子电晕起始电压的统计特性

    Statistical characteristics of corona voltage to single insulator

  11. 空气湿度对导线电晕起始电压的影响

    Influence of Humidity on Conductor Corona Onset Voltage

  12. 同时还发现,经过重结晶后,电树的起始电压也升高了。

    It was also found that the tree initiation voltage increases after re - crystallizing .

  13. 局部放电起始电压试验

    Partial discharge inception voltage test

  14. 提供了一种考虑到微制造工艺实际的对微胶体推进器的起始电压进行估计的方法。

    The paper presents a methodology to estimate the onset voltage of a micro fabricated colloid thruster .

  15. 建立不同海拔高度下电晕笼分裂导线电晕起始电压计算模型。

    The corona inception voltage calculation model of bundle conductor in corona cage at different altitude was established .

  16. 在污秽条件下,光滑导线的电晕起始电压比干净时的电晕起始电压下降28.63%。

    In foul conditions , onset voltage of conductor is 28.63 % less than that in clean conditions .

  17. 而在较小分子的气体(如空气)中,正、负电晕起始电压基本相同。

    However , in air the positive onset voltage are close to the negative ones at a fixed condition .

  18. 针对过去文献中存在的问题,提出了按波形的不同来剔除不同的滑闪火花起始电压的模拟转换方法。

    Moreover , a new method for excluding sur-face spark inception voltage according to various wave shapes is introduced .

  19. 空气相对湿度对高压电机线圈电晕起始电压影响的试验研究

    Test Study about Influence of Air Relative Humidity on Corona Initial Voltage of Coils for High Voltage Electrical Machine

  20. 电树的起始电压很大程度上取决于半结晶高分子材料的形态结构。

    It is well known that electrical trees are greatly influenced by the morphological structure in semi - crystalline polymers .

  21. 研究了固体绝缘表面电荷对不均匀电场直流电晕起始电压、伏安特性的影响。

    The effect of insulator surface charges on DC corona initial voltage and V-I characteristic in non-uniform field is studied .

  22. 分析和实验表明,这种新型高分子纳米复合薄膜可有效提高间隙的电晕起始电压和击穿电压。

    Analysis and experimental results show that the new polymer nano-composite film can effectively increase the corona inception voltage and breakdown voltage .

  23. 对于不同固体介质表面状态,进行了电晕起始电压的比较试验,说明不存在明显差异。

    The corona inception voltages have been measured on different solid surfaces and it has been found that the difference are not significant .

  24. 介绍了空气相对湿度对高压电机线圈电晕起始电压的影响,采用了人工模拟试验和实地试验两种方法。

    In this paper is introduced the influence of air relative humidity on corona initial voltage of coil for high voltage electrical machine .

  25. 研究表明湿度对均匀场及不均匀场的流注起始电压影响很小,可忽略不计。

    The Study shows that humidity has little effect on streamer inception voltage , neither in uniform field nor non-uniform field , could even be neglected .

  26. 在正负极性直流预压短路树枝试验中,分别提高试样短路树枝起始电压268%和363%。

    The initiation voltage of short circuit treeing after the positive and the negative dc pre-stress increase by 26 8 % and 36 3 % respectively .

  27. 当直流电压和电晕起始电压的比值一定时,电晕电流随气压下降、湿度升高而减小;

    Corona current also decreased with the falling of pressure or the rising of humidity when the ratio of DC voltage to corona-inception voltage was kept constant ;

  28. 当绝缘子表面与接地电极夹角为锐角时,绝缘子对微粒运动起始电压的影响最显著,并且其影响范围也相对较大。

    The voltage is remarkably weakened provided the angle between the spacer surface and grounded electrode gets acute within a relatively wide region of 30 mm . Exercise .

  29. 当气体压力小于电晕稳定效应的临界压力,或由于温度降低而使压力减小到临界压力时,电晕起始电压随温度的降低而下降。

    If the pressure is smaller than the critical one , following the decreasing of the temperature , the breakdown voltages will increase due to the corona stabilization effect .

  30. 研究了表面电荷对绝缘子沿面放电进程的影响,发现表面电荷积聚可以降低绝缘子沿面放电的起始电压。

    This paper studies the effects of surface electric charge on creeping discharge process of insulator , and discovers that surface electric charge accumulation can reduce the initial voltage of insulator creeping discharge .