
  • 网络Zhao Culture
  1. 赵文化的兴起及其历史意义

    The Rise of Zhao Culture and Its Historical Significance

  2. 赵文化的兴起与草原文化有关。

    The ris in g of Zhao Culture is relevant to the prairie culture .

  3. 燕文化与赵文化是先秦时期形成的各具特色的地域文化。

    Yan culture and Zhao culture formed their own regional culture during the pre-Qin s.

  4. 以赵文化为依托构建和谐医院文化的探索与实践

    The explore and practice in constructing the harmony hospital that based on the ZHAO CULTURE

  5. 赵文化、燕赵文化等概念的文化边界辨析&兼论赵文化发展延续的上下限先秦赵文化与古希腊雅典文化改革开放精神比较

    Comparison between Culture of Zhao Kingdom in pre Qin Period and the Reformative Opening Spirit in Athenian Culture

  6. 本文从文化学和历史学理论的视角,对赵文化概念的内涵、时空涵盖以及族属等问题,作了简要的分析和界定。

    The paper provides a study on Zhao Culturefrom cultural and historical perspectives in terms of its connotation , clans and regional and temporal definitions .

  7. 构建生态绿网,塑造古赵文化&邯郸市城市绿地系统规划特色分析

    To Construct the Ecological Green Net and Shape the Cultures of Ancient Zhao Kingdom & An Analysis on Features of the Green Space System Planning of Handan City

  8. 正是华夏文化和草原文化这两种完全不同的文化互相冲突的结果,就形成了一个独特的、有两重性格的赵文化。

    It is just the result of the clash between Cathaysian culture and Prairie culture , these two completely different cultures that forms a unique and double-character Zhao Culture .

  9. 赵文化是我国古代最重要的区域文化之一,对赵文化进行深入的研究具有极为重要的历史意义和现实意义。

    Zhao culture is one of the most important regional cultures in the ancient times . To conduct a deep research into the Zhao Culture is both of an important historical and realistic significance .

  10. 赵文化的特点和精神可以概括为三点:首先,它是开放的文化,是通过不同的区域文化接触的结果;

    The characteristics and spirit of Zhao Culture can be generalized into the following three points : firstly , it is an open culture , and is a result got through the contact between cultures of different regions ;

  11. 葬礼演说是古代希腊一个悠久的风俗与传统,在雅典表现尤其突出。先秦赵文化与古希腊雅典文化改革开放精神比较

    The funeral oration is an old custom and tradition in ancient Greece , it was very typical in Athens . Comparison between Culture of Zhao Kingdom in pre Qin Period and the Reformative Opening Spirit in Athenian Culture

  12. 我们诚然可以从博大精深的赵文化中提取诸多精神,比如开拓进取、务实兼容等,然而变革精神、法治精神和侠义精神无疑是赵文化很有特色的精华所在。

    Though we can pick up a lot of creams from the comprehensive and profound Zhao culture , such as pioneering and progressing spirit , etc , the thought of reformation , legislation and chivalry is undoubtedly the main essence lied in Zhao Culture .

  13. 从成语典故管窥赵国军事文化

    Observing the military civilization of Zhao country through a bamboo tube from the Idiom

  14. 在此基础上,又对其所体现的赵国军事文化作了剖析。

    The military civilization of Zhao country that embodies to his was again done to be analysed on this foundation .