
  • 网络walking marriage
  1. 这种“走婚”行为形成了母系族大象家族的特点。

    It is this male-leaving behavior that highlights the matriarch elephant family .

  2. 扎坝:遗失在雅砻江深谷中的走婚部落

    Zhaba : A Matriarchal Tribe in Deep Valleys

  3. 传统上,一名摩梭女性可能一生会有几段走婚关系,有时是同时保持。

    Traditionally , a Mosuo woman might have several tiesese relationships during her life , sometimes simultaneously .

  4. 但专家表示,日益加强的关注致使很多摩梭人对走婚持有矛盾的态度。

    But experts say the increased scrutiny left many members of the group with a conflicted attitude toward tiesese .

  5. 虽然他们与实行婚姻制度的其他几个少数民族比邻而居,但几乎所有摩梭人都延续走婚传统。

    While they lived alongside several other ethnic groups who practiced marriage , almost all Mosuo continued to practice tiesese .

  6. “目光所及皆图画,步履所至尽仙源。”在爱情最纯粹的走婚胜地体验蜜月,绝对让新娘毕生难忘。

    Make a tour to the place full of love , and the bride will certainly remember such sweetness forever .

  7. 走婚制在很长的一段时间内不会消亡,只有当它不能再与社会融合的时候才会被取代。

    This system will last until it is replaced by some other system when it cannot be merged with modern society .

  8. 摩梭人从不结婚,摩梭妇女一生中会找许多情人,通过“走婚”而生育的孩子跟随母亲生活,所有母亲都要接受女族长的监管。

    Instead , womenfolk take a series of lovers throughout their lives , and the children of these " walking marriages " remain in their mothers'homes under a matriarch 's supervision .

  9. 小说《原地》全景式地描写了至今尚存的原始部落埃塔牧民的生活状态和走婚制民族风俗。

    Novel " where it is " describe primitive tribe " angstroms of tower " that remain so far life state and " of moving " of herdsman make national custom overall .