
  • 网络Hertfordshire;Hertfordshire University;The University of Hertfordshire
  1. 赫特福德大学发展心理学教授卡伦J潘恩博士对德本汉姆百货公司的销售结果进行了解读。

    The Debenhams sales results have been interpreted by Dr Karen J.Pine , Professor of Developmental Psychology at the University of Hertfordshire .

  2. 赫特福德大学的心理学教授、《运气因素》一书的作者理查德•怀斯曼博士(Dr.RichardWiseman)在一个历时10年的实验中研究了自认为幸运和倒霉的人的行为,他们都去应征了报纸上的一则招聘广告。

    In a 10-year experiment , Dr. Richard Wiseman -- a psychology professor at the University of Hertfordshire and author of " The Luck Factor " -- examined the behavior of self-identified lucky and unlucky people who answered a newspaper advertisement .

  3. 赫特福德大学的心理学教授理查德•怀兹曼说:这似乎是个确凿的发现。

    Psychologist prof Richard Wiseman , from the University of Hertfordshire , said : It seems to be a valid finding .

  4. 赫特福德大学的心理学教授理查德•怀兹曼说:“这似乎是个确凿的发现。”

    Psychologist prof Richard Wiseman , from the University of Hertfordshire , said : " It seems to be a valid finding .

  5. 赫特福德大学招生顾问和心理学家列出应聘表中能给人留下好印象的前10个单词。

    Admissions advisers and psychologists at the University of Hertfordshire have drawn up a list of the 10 top words to make a good impression in applications .

  6. 赫特福德大学的怀特曼教授说:“宝宝能让人产生关爱的感情,从进化角度来看,这一点儿也不奇怪。”

    Prof Wiseman , of the University of Hertfordshire , said : " The baby kicked off a caring feeling in people , which is not surprising from an evolutionary perspective .

  7. 英国赫特福德大学的科学家们对女孩子收到不同礼物时的反应做了一系列的实验。结果表明,一些高科技的电动玩具最能引起女孩子的兴趣。

    In a series of experiments monitoring a woman 's reaction to certain types of presents , scientists at Britain 's University of Hertfordshire found that high tech toys aroused the greatest response .

  8. 主持这一研究的英国赫特福德大学的凯伦•佩恩教授称,这一发现与之前的研究结论相左,之前研究都认为女人应当穿得更像男人,以取得职场上的成功。

    Karen Pine , who co-led the study at the University of Hertfordshire , said the findings contradicted previous research that suggested women should dress more like men to succeed in the workplace .

  9. 英国赫特福德郡大学怀斯曼教授证实,魅力一半源于天生,一半来自后天。

    Professor Wiseman at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK estimates charisma is 50 % innate and 50 % trained .

  10. 英国伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院与赫特福德郡大学联合进行的这项研究称,他们对现有数据使用了更加准确的分析模型。

    The study , by Queen Mary University , London and the University of Hertfordshire , claims to use a more accurate model on the existing data .

  11. 25岁的黄珊珊(音译)去年夏天毕业于英国赫特福德耶大学工商管理专业,并于同年10月进入深圳市一家通信公司工作。

    Huang Shanshan , 25 , graduated in business administration from the University of Hertfordshire in the UK last summer and got a job in a communication company in Shenzhen in October .

  12. 2004年中旬本人先在赫特福德郡大学获得了天体物理学理学士学位,又在伦敦大学学院获得了英语教师资格证书,本人随即搬来上海。

    Shortly after graduating from the University of Hertfordshire ( BSc Astrophysics degree ) and attaining my TEFL certificate from the University College of London in mid2004 , I moved to Shanghai .

  13. 毫无疑问,你身边有魅力的人都基本上都属于最成功的人士。英国赫特福德郡大学怀斯曼教授证实,魅力一半源于天生,一半来自后天。

    There 's no question that charismatic people are some of the most successful individuals out there . Professor Wiseman at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK estimates charisma is 50 % innate and 50 % trained .