
  • 网络hurstville
  1. 去年,刘女士选举成为赫斯特维尔副市长。

    Last year , Ms Liu was elected Hurstville 's deputy mayor .

  2. 赫斯特维尔的中国移民则占据了其总人口数的三分之一,而接近一半的居民有着中华血统。

    Hurstville 's China-born population is about a third of its total and almost half its residents claim Chinese ancestry .

  3. 她同她的丈夫一起在赫斯特维尔的郊区成立了一个商业咨询公司,而那里曾是凯尔特工作阶级的聚集地。

    With her husband , she set up a business consultancy in the suburb of Hurstville , once an Anglo-Celtic working-class stronghold .