
  • 网络hermes;Herms;Hermes Trismegistus
  1. 与其他神相比,也许玛雅并没有那么为人们所熟知,在希腊神话中,她是阿特拉(Atlas)之女,同时也是赫尔墨斯(Hermes)之母。

    Perhaps less well known now than the other deities with months named after them , Maia ( in Greek mythology ) was daughter of Atlas and mother of Hermes .

  2. 赫尔墨斯神像案与修昔底德的史学思想

    The case of Hermes statue and the Historical Thoughts of Thucydides

  3. 他已经和汤姆?克鲁斯,凯蒂?赫尔墨斯成为朋友。

    He has become friends with Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes .

  4. 赫尔墨斯是盗窃者的守护神、商业之神;

    He is the god of thieves and the god of commerce .

  5. 池水一溅,赫尔墨斯跳进池塘。

    Hermes jumped into the pond with a splash .

  6. 但是赫尔墨斯已经知道他是在撒谎了。

    But Hermes already knew that he was lying .

  7. 后来,赫尔墨斯,这个小镇的守护神,出现了。

    Then , Hermes , the guardian God of the town , showed up .

  8. 赫尔墨斯很欣赏他的诚实,于是把三把斧子都给了樵夫。

    Hermes like his honesty , so he gave all three axes to the woodcutter .

  9. 赫尔墨斯不仅没把金斧子给他,连他原来那把斧子也没给他。

    Hermes did not give him back not only the gold ax but also his own .

  10. 在古时,赫尔墨斯的半身像被柱子顶端以示分界线。

    In ancient times , a bust of Hermes was placed at the top of pillars to mark boundaries .

  11. 我之所以被称为赫尔墨斯,是因为我承担了全宇宙智慧的三重角色。

    Hence I am called Hermes Trismegist , having the three parts of ye philosophy of ye whole world .

  12. 它融合了魔法和传说中的希腊赫尔墨斯的神秘主义,后者即为赫尔墨斯哲学。

    It blended with the magic and mysticism of the legendary Greek Hermes Trismegistos which became known as the Hermetic philosophy .

  13. 最初,默丘利的手杖是希腊报信神赫尔墨斯(或说罗马神默丘利)的魔杖。

    The caduceus began as the magical rod of the Greek messenger-god Hermes ( or the Roman god , Mercury ) .

  14. 赫尔墨斯装扮成一个牧羊人来到阿古斯面前,他唱有魔力的歌,讲乏味的故事哄他睡觉,然后杀死了他。

    Having garbed himself as a sheperd , Hermes lulled [ 2 ] Argus into sleep with his magic [ 3 ] songs and boring stories , and killed him .

  15. 当我走进洞穴,我看到了一块翠玉,上面写着字,那是从赫尔墨斯的双手间被书写出来。从那里我发现了以下这些文字。

    When I entered into the cave , I received the tablet zaradi , which was inscribed , from between the hands of Hermes , in which I discovered these words .

  16. 埃及上方的金字塔与时间和幻象的金字塔相连接,通过我,透特或赫尔墨斯魔术师和游戏大师运转。

    The Pyramid over Egypt links with the Pyramid of Time and Illusion . It is run by I , Thoth or Hermes , the Trickster and Master of the Game .

  17. 为敌对双方带来协调的能力是赫尔墨斯令人钦佩的本领之一,这也为这个神带来了一个能言善辩的演说家和带来好运的人的名声。

    This ability to bring harmony out of hostility is one of the admirable traits of Hermes and it aided the god 's reputation as a persuasive orator and bringer of good fortune .

  18. 不幸的是,赫尔墨斯蛇杖还有一个重要意义,如果和医生这个职业联系起来,会变得很恐怖,没人会再感兴趣因为手持蛇杖,引领死者的灵魂前往冥界,是赫尔墨斯的职责。

    Unfortunately , there is one final significance of the caduceus that should appeal to no one and is horrifying when connected to the medical profession , for it was the duty of hermes , caduceus in hand , to lead the souls of the dead to the underworld .