
  • 网络Equatorial Current;NEC;N. Equatorial Current;S. Equatorial Current
  1. 上层常年受北赤道流和北赤道逆流控制,其交界位于9°N附近。

    North Equatorial Current and North Equatorial Counter Current are the main currents most of the year in the upper sea of the area .

  2. 137°E断面北赤道流、黑潮变异和黑潮大弯曲的关系

    Variations of the North Equatorial current and the Kuroshio in section 137 ° e and their relations to the Kuroshio large meander

  3. 北赤道流区海温异常与ENSO循环

    Anomalous sea temperature of westward transferring North Equatorial current and ENSO

  4. 此时南、北赤道流均较弱。事件后期,海洋赤道Kelvin波扰动不明显,但南赤道流较强,且范围向北伸展。

    In the later event , oceanic equatorial Kelvin waves disappeared , but the South Equatorial Current was strong and extended north ward .

  5. 中太平洋西部赤道流系的诊断计算

    A diagnostic calculation for the equatorial currents in the Western Central Pacific

  6. 太平洋北赤道流表层流速及分叉点位置

    Surface Current Speed and Bifurcation of the North Equatorial Current in the Pacific Ocean

  7. 北赤道流分叉点及南海北部环流的研究进展

    Advances of the study of the North Equatorial Current bifurcation and the northern circulation of the South China Sea

  8. 西太平洋次表层海温异常与北赤道流异常海温西传

    Sub-surface ocean temperature anomalies in the western Pacific and the anomalous ocean temperature westward transferring in the north equatorial current

  9. 模拟结果较好的体现了北太平洋表层环流以及南赤道流、赤道逆流的水平分布,与以往观测资料基本吻合。

    The horizontal distributions of simulated North Pacific surface circulation , South Equatorial Current and Equatorial Countercurrent coincide with the observation results .

  10. 西北太平洋副热带逆流、北赤道流、北赤道逆流几个特征的比较

    A Comparison of Characteristics between the Subtropical Countercurrent , the North Equatorial Current and the North Equatorial Countercurrent in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean

  11. 调查海域盛行东南风,风速3一5级。调查海域主要受秘鲁海流和南赤道流控制。

    The area blew Southeast wind , with scale 3-5 . The sea surface current is controlled by Peru Current and Southern Equatorial Current .

  12. 流速矢量旋转谱水平随深度的变化呈马鞍形,低谷及深处的峰所在深度分别与南赤道流及赤道潜流的南边界所在深度大体一致。

    The depths of the trough and the deeper peaks are almost coincident with those of the south boundaries of the South Equatorial Current and the Equatorial Undercurrent , respectively .

  13. 而且在拉尼娜年发现在北赤道流和北赤道流的交界处,硝酸盐含量突增,而在厄尔尼诺年这种现象就消失了。

    There was a dome of nitrate concentration in the boundary between North Equatorial Current and North Equatorial Countercurrent in La nina years , but the dome disappeared in El Nino years .

  14. 中国多金属结核开辟区位于东北太平洋夏威夷东南海域,北赤道流和北赤道逆流的交界处,其南侧是赤道太平洋上升流区,为我们深入了解营养盐动力学提供了绝佳的机会。

    The China Pioneer Area of Eastern Pacific Ocean is to the north of the equatorial high nutrients area , across the the boundary of the North Equatorial Current and North Equatorial Countercurrent .

  15. 定量分析了水文因素的影响,气压因素的影响,及太平洋北赤道流(黑潮)对中国近海海面地形的影响,得出了一些有益的结论。

    With the quantitative analysis of the effects on Chinese off shore sea surface topography caused by the factors of hydrology and atmospheric pressure , and the north equatorial current ( Kuroshio ) in pacific ocean as well , some useful conclusions have been obtained .

  16. 在北赤道流和黑潮延续体等强流附近,涡旋的实际纬向移速与纬向平均流影响下的罗斯贝波相速更为接近。

    Around the strong currents , like North Equator Current ( NEC ) and the Kuroshio Extension ( KE ), meridional variation of the eddy zonal moving speed was much closer to that of the phase speed of Rossby Wave including effects of the zonal mean current .

  17. 利用NCEP/NCAR40a再分析资料研究了赤道低平流层纬向风垂直切变与ENSO变率间的关系。

    Based on the NCEP / NCAR 40-year reanalysis dataset , analysed is the relationship between vertical shear of zonal wind in equatorial lower stratosphere and ENSO variability .

  18. 垂直电流对赤道电射流中双流不稳定性的影响

    The Influence of Shearing Neutral Winds on the Two Stream Instability in the Equatorial Electrojet

  19. 赤道逆向电射流对琼中台地磁日变化的影响

    Equatorial counter electrojet and the diurnal variation of the Qiongzhong magnetic observatory

  20. 第三模态表征的是几内亚海湾上升流和赤道北部下降流在6~7月强度达到最大。

    The third EOF shows Guinea Gulf upwelling and north equatorial downwelling peak in June-July .

  21. 西北太平洋是CFC11的一个重要的汇区,此外在赤道东太平洋上升流区还存在一个小的汇区。

    The Northwest Pacific is an important sink of CFC-11 and there is a weak sink in the eastern equator .

  22. 应用结果表明:赤道中东太平洋上升流区多年平均流场的散度稳定,平均散度约为3.0×10-7s-1;

    The results show that the horizontal divergence of annual mean current in the equatorial center-eastern Pacific is steady , and the mean divergence is about 3.0 × 10 ~ ( - 7 ) s ~ ( - 1 ) .

  23. 多年平均而言,3支海流的流速以北赤道逆流最强,北赤道流次之,副热带逆流最弱;

    In regard to annual mean velocity of these three currents , the NECC is the strongest current , the NEC is the next one and the SCC is the weakest one .

  24. 赤道西太平洋潜流和东太平洋南赤道流减弱是产生厄尔尼诺的必要条件。

    It is necessary for the undercurrent to strongen in the western Pacific Ocean and for the sea surface current to weaken in the eastern Pacific Ocean .