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  1. 每一天,赖爷都叫他的老婆过来,兴高采烈让她看新的影印本。

    Every day , Ketut called his wife over and showed her the new copies and he was overjoyed .

  2. 此外,他与贝尔博士以及苏布赖博士都认为,该研究的被试过少。

    He also shared a concern with Dr. Bale and Dr. Soubry that the study involved too few men .

  3. 发现乌贡一号的含铁量较高,维生素B1、B2,以及蛋白质、赖氨酸含量都明显高于一般白米。

    It is found that the rice contains more iron , vitamin E_1 and B_2 , protein and lysine than common white rice .