
dǔ jú
  • gambling party
赌局 [dǔ jú]
  • [gambling party] 进行赌博的场所或集会

赌局[dǔ jú]
  1. 中国3G技术之赌局:谁能笑到最后?

    China's3G Technology Gamble : Who Has the Last Laugh ?

  2. 谷歌(Google)押注计算机可以自主学习的赌局,即将面临最重大的考验。

    Google 's big bet on computers that can teach themselves is about to face its most significant examination .

  3. 赌局上的筹码也是很高,因为据国际数据公司(InternationalDataCorporation)的数据显示,到2015年,全球游戏机硬件和软件市场将增长到397亿美元。

    And the stakes are high : the global console hardware and software market is expected to grow to $ 39.7 billion by 2015 , according to International Data Corporation .

  4. 这个赌局的来历是这样的,马修·佩里和威利斯在《杀手不眨眼》(TheWholeNineYards)这部电影里一起担任主角,佩里和威利斯打赌这部电影上映之后票房排名绝对会得第一,而威利斯却不相信。

    The story goes that Perry bet Willis that the film would debut at number one in the box office , and Willis disagreed .

  5. 《财富》杂志(Fortune)对这场赌局第一年形势的报道曾援引过巴菲特的话,他希望自己能像龟兔赛跑故事里的那只乌龟,最终能超过兔子。

    Reporting on that first year of the bet , fortune quoted Buffett as just hoping he could be like the fabled tortoise that ultimately passes the hare .

  6. Rachel,这是赌局,在赌局上你欠我们钱。

    Ross : The game , Rachel , the game . You owe us money for the game . Rachel : Oh .

  7. 2011年是“巴菲特百万美元赌局”(TheMillion-DollarBuffettBet)十年之约的第四年,现在,这一年的结果已经出来了。

    Results are in for 2011 , the fourth year of the 10-year wager that is sometimes called , rather loosely , the million-dollar Buffett bet .

  8. 通胀率在经济增长非常疲弱之际大幅上升,突显出央行官员所面临的困境,以及美联储(fed)大幅降息以遏制衰退风险的赌局。

    The jump in inflation at a time of very weak growth highlights the dilemma facing central bankers and the gamble the Federal Reserve has taken in cutting interest rates aggressively to combat the risk of recession .

  9. 不过,这场赌局倒是催生了一项不错的投资&完全出乎巴菲特和Protégé的预料。

    The wager , however , has produced one Sterling investment over the four years & and that was made , without brilliance aforethought , by Buffett and prot é g é themselves .

  10. Quora网站上回答问题的网民一次又一次地重申庄家在每场赌局中都有优势,但是这种优势会根据游戏的类型而变化。

    Quora answerers reiterated over and over again that the house has an edge on every game - but they vary by type .

  11. Protégé为这场赌局选择的五只母基金也转跌为升,平均涨幅0.13%,用Protégé合伙人泰德•塞德斯的话说,终于“长喘了口气”。

    The five funds of funds picked by prot é g é partners to carry its flag in the race are up , on the average , only " gulp , " says prot é g é partner Ted seides 0.13 % .

  12. 他今晚在赌场还有另外一场赌局。

    And he 's got another game at the casino tonight .

  13. 等我五分钟我还有一场赌局要赢呢

    Give me five minutes , I have a wager to win

  14. 可是我们还是没有帮菲利亚斯赢得赌局。

    But still , we failed to help Phileas win his bet .

  15. 合同应当区别赌局合同的风险转移。

    Wagering contracts should be distinguished from contracts to shift a risk .

  16. 我对于即将输掉的赌局下的赌注过大了。

    I was staking too much on a losing hand .

  17. 唔,我相信我也参加这个赌局。

    Well , I believe I 'll take part in that wager .

  18. 他以这一成绩赢得赌局。

    By this performance , he won his wager .

  19. 你总以为你能控制赌局。

    You almost feel like you can control the turn of the dice .

  20. 在你内心世界的某处,正在进行着一场激烈的赌局。

    Somewhere in your world now , there 's a sure fire bet .

  21. 也可以投入电视史上最大的赌局

    or make the biggest gamble in television history ...

  22. 你们让一个刚认识的人加入赌局?

    You let just anyone in the game ?

  23. 到时侯我就该结束这赌局了。

    That 's when I end the game .

  24. 然而,寄希望于国内消费者也许是个胜算难说的赌局。

    Counting on Chinese consumers , however , may not be a sure bet .

  25. 在一场扑克牌赌局里输掉了。

    It was lost in a poker game .

  26. 你梦到赢了赌局吗?

    You dreamed of winning the race ?

  27. 然而,推特已经开始维护起它的赌局。

    Nonetheless Twitter is hedging its bets .

  28. 不,我不能输这个赌局!

    No.I will not lose this wager !

  29. 那个发牌员是个金发碧眼的女孩,示意他加入到第二十一点的赌局中。

    One of the croupiers , a blonde girl , beckoned him to join the twenty-one table .

  30. 可能遇到麻烦的是这场赌局的第三注。

    It is the third leg of the bet , though , that could lead to trouble .