
  • 网络leverage
  1. 今年,我们就要出台存款保险制度,而且要进一步发展多层次的资本市场,降低企业的资金杠杆率,也可以使金融更好地为实体经济服务。

    This year we are going to introduce the deposit insurance system , continue to develop multitiered capital markets and lower companies leverage ratio . All these efforts will help ensure that financial services can better serve the real economy .

  2. 实际上,主要原因在于金融危机之后的复苏通常是迟缓的:家庭和企业必须归还他们在经济高度增长年份所积累的债务,这过程被称作资金杠杆。

    And indeed that is the main reason recoveries after financial crises are usually sluggish : households and businesses have to hack back the debt they accumulated during the boom years , a process called deleveraging .

  3. 此外,通过与私人部门大型合作伙伴(例如标准渣打银行、标准银行、荷兰合作银行)的风险共担安排,可以让这些公共资金发挥杠杆作用。

    These public funds can be leveraged through a risk-sharing arrangement with major private sector partners , such as Standard Chartered , Standard Bank , and Rabobank .

  4. 地方政府融资平台通过财政资金的杠杆作用,在城市基础设施建设和应对国际金融危机,以及实现扩内需、保增长方面发挥了积极作用。

    In the local authority financing platform through the financial fund leverage , in the city infrastructure construction and should to the international finance crisis , as well as the realization " expands needs , guarantees the growth " the aspect to display the positive role .

  5. 所需资金可以来自杠杆化的欧洲金融稳定安排(efsf),也可以来自欧洲央行(ecb),或者是两个机构共同出资,由前者承担损失风险,后者提供流动性。

    The resources needed could come from leveraging the European financial stability facility or from the European central bank or both , with the former taking on the risk of loss and the ECB offering liquidity .

  6. 有些资金使用的杠杆作用,不仅是为了减少损失,因为它是不够的。

    Some funds use leverage effect only in order to reduce losses , as it is not enough .

  7. 像银行一样,该体系的多数成员借入期限非常短、流动性好的资金,而杠杆率远高于银行(货币市场基金除外),然后贷款或投资于流动性较差的长期工具。

    Like banks , most members of this system borrow very short-term and in liquid ways , are more highly leveraged than banks ( the exception being money market funds ) and lend and invest into more illiquid and long-term instruments .

  8. 就二级市场而言,信用交易相当于提供一个利用信用来提高资金利用量的杠杆。

    On the secondary market , credit transactions using a credit equivalent to provide funds to increase the use of leverage .

  9. 彩票从诞生到现在已有两千多年的历史,古今中外都把彩票作为一种特殊的商品,它不仅能娱乐大众,而且是各国政府筹集公益资金的重要经济杠杆,为各国的公益事业作出了卓越贡献。

    Lottery has more than two thousand years of history . It has been seen as a special product in all times and lands . It provides entertainment to the public , and helps to raise public funds for governments .

  10. 为收购方寻求来自于自身之外的收购资金或过桥资金,通过杠杆效应加大一笔收购的盈利率。

    Find purchase transeunt funds and bridge funds for purchasers , then to increase the rate of return through leverage effect .

  11. 例如,私人股本公司过去几年筹集了巨额资金,无论条件好坏,它们都需要在2007年晚些时候和2008年将这些资金投资于杠杆交易。

    Private equity firms , for example , have raised massive funds over the past few years that they will need to invest in leveraged deals later in 2007 and in 2008 , no matter what the conditions .