
  1. 环北部湾背景下中越有色金属资源开发的资金合作模式选择

    The Mode Selection for Capital Cooperation between China and Vietnam in NonFerrous Metal Resources Exploitation in the Backdrop of Beibu Gulf Economic Zone Development

  2. 抓紧海外资源落实、国内市场分析和技术资金合作谈判。

    We should quickly make the best use of foreign resources , accelerate analysis of the domestic market and speed up negotiations on technical and investment cooperation .

  3. 你能给什么建议使用IFFCON生产项目,以寻找合适的合作伙伴,他们的生产提供资金或合作?

    What advice can you give producers on using IFFCON to find the right funding or co-production partner for their projects ?

  4. 农村资金互助合作机制及其绩效阐释

    An Explanation for Rural Mutual Financial Cooperative Mechanism and Its Performance

  5. 京郊农民资金互助合作组织现状和发展对策

    The Status and Countermeasures of Peasant Financial Mutual Cooperation in the Suburb of Beijing

  6. 所以必须坚持开放政策,欢迎国际资金的合作。

    So we must keep to the policy of opening to the outside world , and we welcome international investment .

  7. 资金是制约合作医疗发展的瓶颈。

    Fund raising is a bottleneck which restrains the cooperative medical service .

  8. 4.我们向客户支付大量资金以建立合作关系

    We pay our customers a lot of money to start the relationship

  9. 在农村合作医疗中,资金是制约合作医疗发展的瓶颈,稳定的资金来源是确保新型农村合作医疗制度得以持续、健康发展的基础和保证。

    Stable capital source will guarantee the new rural cooperative medical system to develop constantly and healthily .

  10. 因此,资金筹集是合作医疗能够健康运行的前提条件,也是合作医疗持续运行的首要关键点。

    Therefore financing is the premise of the healthy operation in cooperative medical system and an key fact to make it operate constantly .

  11. 麦格理和中国光大控股表示,双方承诺将各自出资5000万美元投入该基金,同时该基金将可以获得额外的2.50亿美元资金,用于合作投资。

    Macquarie and China Everbright committed $ 50m each to the fund , which would have access to an additional $ 250m for co-investments , they said .

  12. 近年来,为了缓解能源供给紧张的情况,许多国家和大型石油公司都投入了大量的资金和技术合作开发海上石油资源,海上石油勘探开发活动由此得以迅速、繁荣地发展。

    Recently , to ease tensions in the energy supply , many countries and major oil companies have invested lots of capital and technology to develop offshore oil resources . Therefore offshore oil exploration and exploitation activities began to develop rapidly and prosperously .

  13. 以资金贷款为主的合作策略已经不能满足我国经济社会发展需要。

    Fund loans based cooperation strategy can not meet the economic and social development .

  14. 但是,我们的合作重点已经从满足资金需求转向知识合作。

    But the emphasis of our cooperation has shifted from meeting financing needs to a knowledge partnership .

  15. 全程监控资金管理在防盲合作项目中的应用

    The application of the integrative management with no blind spot in the cooperative projects for prevention of blindness

  16. 这三类新型农村金融机构中,农村资金互助社具有合作金融性质。

    These three new rural financial institutions , only rural mutual credit union has the nature of Cooperative financial characteristics .

  17. 另一资金来源是企业合作伙伴,我建议它们只要定期捐赠少量钱,就能提升其履行社会责任的良好形象。

    Another source of money is corporate partners . I suggest they may only commit small sums , just enough to burnish their social responsibility credentials .

  18. 中央和地方广播电视机构应发挥各自优势,加强节目、技术和资金等方面的合作。

    Central and local radio and television agencies shall bring into play their respective advantages , and strengthen cooperation in terms of program , technology and capital etc.

  19. 由大学专家提供科学技术指导,加工企业提供资金,发挥农民合作组织的平台作用,组织农户进行生产,通过合同的签订建立加工企业与农户的利益关系。

    The university experts provide scientific and technical guidance , the company offer funds to organize the farmers , through signing the contract to establish the relationship between the enterprises and farmers .

  20. 展资金渠道、合理调配资金;促进合作医疗和医疗救助、社区卫生服务有机衔接;完善监。

    Locate sources of money contribution , manage the fund , advance to more co-operation and joint venture type service , and activate linkage to community health service , improve the monitoring and enhance advertisement .

  21. 跨国私人股本基金在中国争夺交易上面临的竞争日益激烈,它们正在考虑一种新策略募集人民币资金,或许是通过与本土资金来源合作的形式。

    International private equity funds facing ever more intense competition for deals in China are considering a new tactic raising local currency renminbi funds , possibly in partnership with pools of local capital .

  22. 这需要大量的资金,我们很缺乏,所以必须坚持开放政策,欢迎国际资金的合作。

    These demand huge sums of money , which is something we don 't have . So we must keep to the policy of opening to the outside world , and we welcome international investment .