
  • 网络Capital expansion;Capital widening;capital extension
  1. 资本扩张、资本逻辑悖论与科学发展观

    Capital Expansion , Capital Logic Paradox and Scientific Outlook on Development

  2. 新经济时代企业如何进行非资本扩张

    Enterprises ' Non - Capital Expansion in the New Economy Age

  3. 企业集团资本扩张途径分析

    Analysis on Paths to Enlarge the Capital of Enterprise Group

  4. 山西南风集团大胆实施资本扩张

    Shanxi Nanfeng Group Made a Daring Act in Capital Expansion

  5. 经济全球化的实质是资本扩张。

    The essence of the globalization is the capital expansion .

  6. 株化集团资本扩张战略研究

    The Research on the Capital Expansion Strategy of Zhuzhou Chemical Industry Group

  7. 本文研究了国内大企业资本扩张的成功模式。

    The article will study the successful modes of capital expansion in china .

  8. 论资本扩张的历史演变及其在当代的发展

    The Historical Evolution of Capital Expansion and Its Development in the Contemporary era

  9. 本研究成果对株化有效实现资本扩张提供了依据,可作为其他企业制定资本扩张战略的参考。

    It has important reference value for other enterprise to make their capital expansion strategies .

  10. 民间金融是民间资本扩张的一种内在冲动。

    The informal finance is one kind of intrinsic impulse which the folk capital expands .

  11. 国民资本扩张论

    On the Expansion of National Capital

  12. 企业并购是西方企业资本扩张的重要手段。

    The important means of extending enterprises ' capital in the west is enterprises ' combination .

  13. 资本扩张是大型建筑企业增强竞争实力的有效手段。

    The capital expansion is the effective measure for large construction enterprises to strengthen its competitiveness .

  14. 资本扩张,工资收入上升,净资产增加,消费增加。

    Capital stock will expand , combined with rising wages , increasing net asset and consumption .

  15. 并购是企业采用外部交易型战略实现资本扩张的重要手段,已经越来越得到理论界与企业界的关注。

    Mergers and Acquisitions are the most important means of exterior transaction strategies to realize capital outspread .

  16. 跨国集团通过收购和兼并而实现在我国的资本扩张以迅速占领我市场。

    Transnational groups through mergers and acquisitions and achievement in our capital expansion to the market rapidly occupation .

  17. 人类社会从各民族的历史向世界历史的转变根源于资本扩张的本性。

    The change of human society from a nation to the world lies on the nature of capital expansion .

  18. 不少饭店通过各种模式在国际市场上进行资本扩张,做大做强。

    Many hotels are expanding their capital scale through different models in international capital market , becoming mega-hotel companies .

  19. 转投资是公司加速资本扩张的重要手段,是公司在激烈的市场竞争中得以生存和发展的重要方式。

    Corporation investment is an important means of capital enlargement , development and survival in the keen market competition .

  20. 这就与企业进行资本扩张、实现做大做强的愿望形成了鲜明的对立。

    This is just a sharp contrast to the capital and business expansion , the desire to achieve bigger and stronger .

  21. 在市场经济中,上市公司并购作为资本扩张的一种经济行为,毫无疑问具有一定的经济后果。

    The combination by listed company as an economic behavior of capital addition has considerable economic effects doubtless in market economy .

  22. 这样的经济对资本扩张的需求较低,它们倾向于积累不断老化的物质资本。

    Such economies , having less need for capital expansion , will tend to accumulate an ageing stock of physical capital .

  23. 本文选取了资本扩张的角度,结合服装行业特点,讨论了从不同途径实现资本扩张,进而打造包含多种核心能力的综合竞争优势。

    In this article the author will illustrate different ways of capital expansion in garment industry through which core competencies are forged .

  24. 西方发达资本主义国家在大力推进资本扩张的同时,不断加强文化扩张和意识形态扩张。

    Western developed capitalist countries vigorously promote the expansion of capital , while constantly expanding and strengthening the cultural ideology of expansion .

  25. 并购是公司资本扩张的重要手段,也是公司快速成长的途径之一。

    Corporate merger and acquisition ( M & A ) is a main method for a company to expand capital and grow .

  26. 资本扩张以所有权优势对差异性地理空间再辖域化,表现为经济空间扩张。

    By virtue of the ownership advantage , capital expansion re-territorializes diversified geographical space , registering as an expansion of economic space .

  27. 知情人士称,忠旺集团计划筹集至少5亿美元的资金,为资本扩张提供融资。

    People familiar with the matter said that Zhong Wang Group plans to raise at least $ 500m to fund capital expansion .

  28. 在资本扩张、媒体革命等构成的全球化语境中,通俗文学膨胀,纯文学萎缩。面对这种新的文学格局,我们应该正确处理雅俗文学的关系。

    In the context of globalization consisting of capital expansion and medium revolution , the popular literature expands and the belles-lettres and popular literature .

  29. 跨国并购是企业面对国际环境变化在全球范围内寻求资本扩张和优化资源配置的必然趋势。

    Cross-border M & A is the inevitable trend of optimizing resource allocation and pursuing capital expansion facing the change of international business environment .

  30. 随着资本扩张的不断深化,企业集团这种组织形式在现代企业经营管理中的地位变得日益重要。

    Along with the constant deepening of capital expansion , the status of organization form like enterprise groups becomes increasingly important in modern enterprise management .