
zī běn mì jí xínɡ chǎn yè
  • Capital intensive industry;capital-using industry
  1. 研究结果表明,江苏省食品行业为资本密集型产业,FDI对食品行业发展的作用高于国内资本。

    The results showed that the food industry in Jiangsu Province were capital-intensive industries , the role of FDI in development of the food industry was higher than domestic capital .

  2. 该省目前的重点是技术密集和资本密集型产业。

    The province is currently focusing on the technology-intensive and capital-intensive industries .

  3. 光伏产业在我国是一个新兴产业,是高新技术和资本密集型产业。

    Photovoltaic industry is an emerging , new and high technology and capital-intensive industry .

  4. 技术进步对产业振兴规划中资本密集型产业的物质要素资本投入替代作用明显。

    We find that technological progress has a strong substitution effect of capital in capital intensive industry .

  5. 与其他产业相比,信息通信产业属于智力、技术、资本密集型产业。

    The telecommunications industry is among the industries of highly intelligence-intensive , highly technology-intensive and highly investment-intensive .

  6. 房地产业是资本密集型产业,对金融业具有高度依赖性。

    Real estate industry is a capital-intensive industry , which is highly dependent on the financial market .

  7. 作为资本密集型产业的房地产市场,它高度依赖着金融市场。

    The real estate market is capital intensive industry , has a high degree of dependence on financial market .

  8. 房地产行业作为一个典型的资本密集型产业,受宏观经济政策的影响非常大。

    As a typical capital-intensive industries , the real estate industry is been big influence from the macroeconomic policy .

  9. 我们依赖的是劳动密集型产业,而美国依赖的是知识,资本密集型产业。

    We still depend on the labor-intensive industry , while they depend on the knowledge and capital intensive industry .

  10. 此外,这也将给日本和韩国等依赖资本密集型产业的国家带来更大压力。

    It will also increase pressure on the likes of Japan and South Korea , who rely on capital-intensive industries .

  11. 集聚程度由高到低的行业分布依次为:技术密集型产业资本密集型产业劳动密集型产业。

    The industries are sorted to the following categories : technology intensive industry-capital intensive industry-labor intensive industry by the descending agglomeration degree .

  12. 劳动密集型的中国出口产品使美国能够将重点放在开发资本密集型产业和先进的科技产品上。

    Labor-intensive Chinese exports make it possible for the US to focus upon the development of capital-intensive industries and advanced technological products .

  13. 与资本密集型产业比较而言,劳工成本更能决定劳动密集型产业利润高低。

    The profit level can be decided even more by the labor cost in the labor-intensive industry in contrast to the capital-intensive industry .

  14. 然而,在工业化中期阶段,我国又急需发展以装备工业为主体的资本密集型产业。

    Thus , at mid-stage of industrialization . It 's urgent to develop the capital-intensive industry with equipment industry as its main body .

  15. 航运业是一个资本密集型产业,经营环境受诸多因素影响,是一个高风险的行业。

    Shipping business is a capital-intensive industry , its operating environment affected by many factors . And it is also a high-risk industry .

  16. 同时房地产业作为一个典型的资本密集型产业,充足的资本支持也是房地产业健康发展的必要条件。

    The real estate industry is a typical capital-intensive industry , so adequate capital support is necessary for the healthy development of real estate .

  17. 因为重工业是资本密集型产业,创造的就业机会寥寥无几,这是工资无法与国内生产总值并驾齐驱的一个原因。

    Because heavy industry is capital-intensive , it creates few jobs , which is one reason why wages have not kept pace with GDP .

  18. 实际贷款利率为负为资本密集型产业的投资提供了补贴,因而不利于实现以轻工业和服务业为倾斜对象的经济重组目标。

    Negative real lending rates subsidise investment in capital-intensive industries , thus undermining the goal of restructuring the economy in favour of light industries and services .

  19. 从产业层面上看,资本密集型产业的全要素生产率年均增长率最低(3.4%),技术密集型产业全要素生产率年均增长率最高(10.1%)。

    Form the industrial level point of view , the annual growth rate of total factor productivity of capital-intensive industries is the lowest , while technological-intensive industries is the highest .

  20. 这一过程实际上是产业由劳动密集型产业向资本密集型产业、技术知识密集型产业转化并伴随产品向高加工度化、高附加价值化、高技术含量转变。

    In fact , it 's a process of industrial transformation from labor-intensive pattern to capital-intensive and technique-intensive pattern . Accompanied with the production 's change toward highly processing highly-extra value .

  21. 资源密集型产业最没有竞争力,而且趋向于萎缩状态,而资本密集型产业中的个别行业还有望发展成广东省的支柱产业。

    The resource-intensive industry does not have competitiveness and tends to decline , whereas very few trades in the capital-intensive industry are promising to develop into a mainstay industry in Guangdong Province .

  22. 目前,中国正逐渐致力于由世界制造业大国向世界制造业强国转变,产业结构正从劳动力密集型向技术和资本密集型产业转变。

    At present , China has been gradually changing the big manufacturing country to powerful manufacturing country and the industrial structure has been transforming from labor-intensive form to technological and capital-intensive form .

  23. 资本密集型产业过度发展,及其引致的资本深化,虽然带来经济高速增长,但并没有同等程度带来就业的增长,从而导致就业弹性过度降低。

    Capital-intensive industries ' excessive development will lead to capital deepening . Although capital deepening brings high economic growth , but not as much employment growth , resulting in excessive low employment elasticity .

  24. 产业层面上,美国将国内的劳动密集型产业以及某些资本密集型产业转移到国外之后,净进口的不断增加,必然导致国内这两种行业的价格水平下降。

    From the industry level , US transfer the labor-intensive and some capital-intensive industries to other countries . According to the trade theories , the price level of these industries will be reduced by imports .

  25. 半导体(芯片或集成电路)制造业是公认为制造工艺最为复杂的技术密集型产业,也是制造设备最为昂贵的资本密集型产业。

    Semiconductor ( Chip or IC ) manufacturing is recognized as the most complex of manufacturing process in technology-intensive industries , and it is also with the most expensive of manufacturing equipments in capital-intensive industries .

  26. 进入20世纪90年代后,经济全球化使得国际间产业结构调整的速度加快,出现了劳动密集型产业与资本密集型产业、技术密集型产业转移的同时进行。

    After entering the 1990s , the globalization speeded up the adjustment of the international industrial structure , and there appeared the transfer of the labor-intensive industry together with the transfer of the capital-intensity industry and the technology-intensive industry .

  27. 当前,我国正处于从传统经济向现代经济的转轨之中,现代工业部门大部分属于劳动密集型产业,资本密集型产业和技术密集型产业的发展远远落后于发达国家。

    The FDI-out of our country lacks systematical theory as its guidance . Currently , we are transferring our traditional economy to modern economy , most sectors of industry are labor-orientated , capital-orientated and tech-orientated sectors seriously lag behind the developed .

  28. 传统的运输业是劳动密集型产业,然而随着科技的发展,现代运输业已经越来越向技术、资本密集型产业转变,我国也因此丧失了原有的比较优势。

    The transport sector is the traditional labor-intensive industries , but with the development of technology , modern technology to the transportation industry has become increasingly capital-intensive industries change , China , as a result of the loss of the comparative advantage .

  29. 作为资本密集型产业,一直以来,能否筹措到资金是房地产企业首先要考虑的问题,而与企业价值密切相关的资本成本、财务杠杆风险等资本结构问题则被许多房地产企业忽略。

    As a capital-intensive industry , the ability of financing has been the first consider of the real estate industry . However , the study of the cost of capital and financial leverage risk which closely related to the enterprise value had been ignored .

  30. 能源电力产业是资本密集型产业,投资是促进产业发展的重要力量。

    Investment is the necessary factor and the accelerator for an industry to form and thrive , also the motivation of technical improvement and structure reform . Energy electric power industry is a capital intensive industry , in which investment plays an important role .