
zī běn jiāo yì
  • capital transaction
  1. 比较分析了创业企业社会网络资本交易与经济资本交易的差异性,提出了创业企业社会网络资本与经济资本自我转换和相互转换的模式;

    The difference between SSN capital transaction and economic capital transaction is analyzed by comparison .

  2. 交易成本是存在的,而且是正的,基于此,分析了人才资本交易成本及其对人才资本产权实现的影响。最后,对人才资本产权实现的制度安排进行了研究。

    The cost of transaction exists , and be positive , owing to this , this essay analyses the cost of talent capital transaction and effects of the talent capital realization . Finally , the systematic arrangements of talent capital property rights realization are studies .

  3. 当然,前提是黑石愿意为这个出价甘冒名声被毁的风险,而且能拿得出这么多钱来代替迈克尔?戴尔重新投入银湖资本交易的股份(更别提微软公司(Microsoft)那20亿美元的借款了)。

    Of course , that would assume Blackstone would be willing to risk its reputation on such an offer , and that it has the financial resources to replace the equity Michael Dell is rolling over as part of the Silver Lake deal ( not to mention Microsoft 's $ 2 billion loan ) .

  4. 人力资本交易与国有企业的契约关系

    The Transaction of Human Capital and the Contractual Relationship of State owned Enterprises

  5. 资本交易是形成现代企业产权关系的基础

    The Exchange of Capitals is the Foundation of the Property Rights of Modern Enterprises

  6. 论传媒人力资本交易的制度安排

    System Arrangement in Transaction of Media Human Capital

  7. 企业变得更为全球化,资本交易变得更为自由,而投资机构能够到遥远的境外去寻找机遇。

    Companies are more global , capital is traded more freely and investing institutions can seek opportunities far outside their own borders .

  8. 第四,加快培育区域性的中小型资本交易市场,形成多层次的直接融资制度安排是建立高效的融资制度的必然选择。

    To cultivate the local capital exchange market is significant for an efficient financing institution so as to form a multi-layer direct financing system .

  9. 外资对中国风险资本交易的投资往往很少受到关注,因为它们规模不大,而且不涉及本土知名品牌。

    Foreign investments in Chinese venture capital deals tend to attract little attention because of their limited size and the absence of a local brand name .

  10. 从资本交易主体看,要区分居民和非居民交易,先开放居民在国外的交易,后开放非居民在国内的交易。

    From the main body of transaction , separate the residents and non-residents , first open the foreign transactions from residents then open the domestic transactions from non-residents .

  11. 人力资本交易则是传媒在市场经济环境下,利用人力资本的现实前提。

    Meanwhile , for the media , the use of human capital is based on the realistic premise that the human transaction can be transacted in the environment of market economy .

  12. 监管者们能够监测资本交易是如何进行的,或是通过利用市场来评判无力偿债的风险从而帮助判定银行何时必须募集更多的资本(见文章)。

    Regulators could monitor how this trades , or use markets that gauge the risk of insolvency , to help decide when banks must raise more capital ( see article ) .

  13. 企业家团队制度是自组织制度、人力资本交易制度、价值管理制度、全息集成制度。

    The teams institution of modern enterpriser is a mixture system of self-organization , a transaction system of human capital , a management system of value and a integration system of holography .

  14. 本文考察了资本交易下的主要特征,找出了影响内部资本市场效率的主要因素:资本提供者是否具有信息优势以及是否能够提供充足、稳定的资金。

    This paper investigates the main characteristics in the capital transactions to identify the main factors that impact the efficiency of internal capital market : whether the capital providers can provide adequate and reliable funds , and whether the headquarters have the information advantages .

  15. 它不但为企业和职业经理提供了一个人力资本交易的场所,而且为企业提供了对在职职业经理的外部监督,从而使企业所有者可以找到适合的方法来激励职业经理。

    It not only offers a place to trade human capital for enterprises and professional managers , but also offers the external supervisor for the on-job professional managers for enterprises . It makes the enterprise owner find suitable methods to encourage his professional managers .

  16. 过去十年间,中国国家外汇管理局(SAFE)放松了对国际货币基金组织(IMF)界定的43种资本账户交易中许多交易的管控。

    Over the past decade the State Administration of Foreign Exchange has relaxed controls around many of the 43 capital-account transaction items identified by the International Monetary Fund .

  17. 契约机制规范和界定了人力资本产权交易双方的行为与权利、义务;

    Contract mechanism stipulates behavior , right and duty .

  18. 劳动力价值、人力资本与交易成本

    Labor Value , Human Capital and Transaction Cost

  19. 虚拟资本在交易市场上的价格决定方式也不同于其他商品或资本。

    Its pricing method is also different from that of other commodities and capitals .

  20. 上述举措放宽了对一些类型的国内个人资本账户交易的限制。

    The measures liberalise a number of types of capital account transactions by domestic individuals .

  21. 通过对资本市场交易本身的分析,我们认为投资者的决策本质上是动态决策。

    By analyzing the characters of market trades we find that liquidation decisions is dynamic decisions in nature .

  22. 因此资本市场交易同时交易与批量(大量)贷款和有价证券,及零售(小额)贷款和有价证券。

    Thus , the capital market trades in both wholesale loans and securities and retail loans and securities .

  23. 只能使用制度补偿、资产专用性补偿和适当的薪酬机制来降低人力资本产权交易的不完全性。

    Thus , institutional compensation , asset-specific compensation and proper pay system must be used to decrease the incompleteness .

  24. 一些分析师估计,第三季度大型银行的债权资本市场交易收入或较第二季度增长50%。

    Some analysts reckon that DCM revenues at big banks could rise by 50 per cent from the second quarter .

  25. 第三个方向是中港之间的资本项目交易使用人民币。

    The third strategic direction concerns the use of Renminbi in capital account transactions between the mainland and Hong kong .

  26. 货币市场交易的短期债务和资本市场交易与长期债务和偏好和股票。

    Money market deals with short term debt and capital market deals with long term debt and preference and equity shares .

  27. 丰富资本市场交易工具。同时,住房抵押贷款证券化存在着将个别风险扩散为系统风险的弊端。

    Enriching transaction tools ~ n capital market Meanwhile Housing Mortgage Loan Securitization has the defect of diversifying single risk to system risk .

  28. 企业本质界定为不完备要素使用权资本化交易契约履行过程。

    The nature of enterprise is defined as a process of fulfilling the incomplete contracts for the capitalization transaction about the usufruct of elements .

  29. 上海吸引外商投资障碍的实证研究&基于国际资本流动交易成本理论的分析

    An Empirical Study on the Obstacles of Attracting Foreign Investment in Shanghai & An Analysis Based on Transaction Cost Theory of International Capital Flow

  30. 从制度经济学的视角看,人力资本产权交易障碍和人力资本投资中政府职能的错位是导致我国人力资本投资不足的主要因素。

    Owing to the distinct insufficiency and the inequity of China 's human capital investment , it is necessary to implement the reform on governmental functions .