
  1. 生产自动化条件下资本主义生产过程的若干特点

    Some Characteristics of Capitalist Production Under Condition of Automation

  2. 社会主义生产总过程与马克思时代的资本主义生产总过程具有不同的特点。

    There are different characteristics between the whole process of socialism production and the whole process of capitalism production in the era of Marx .

  3. 马克思经济学的创立使经济学的研究着力于生产关系,涵盖资本主义生产方式的生产过程。

    It is the establishment of Marxist Economics that orients the research into productive relationships , covering the production process of Capitalistic productive means .

  4. 更为重要的是,这种资本全球扩张和向资本主义生产模式转变的过程是一个充满矛盾的不均衡发展过程,社会发展的矛盾问题在这里留下了论题。

    What is more important is that the globalization process of capitalism is an imbalance full of contradictions , in which contradictions of social development emerge .