
  1. 运用文献资料法对CBA看台文化进行系统的研究。

    A systematic research on the CBA auditorium culture was made by literature reviews .

  2. 采用文献资料法、比较分析法对CBA和NBA的制衡机制进行比较,并对CBA的现状进行分析。

    With the method of documents and analysis , the paper compared the constraint mechanism of CBA with that of NBA .

  3. 采用文献资料法,对降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)及其与运动心脏重塑的研究进行回顾和总结。

    Using the method of literature , it made a review and summary of calcitonin gene related peptide ( CGRP ) and exercise-induced cardiac remodeling .

  4. 运用文献资料法、专家调查、数理统计等方法,构建体育技术类课程多媒体CAI课件教学评价体系。

    This paper is an attempt to construct the evaluation system and criteria of CAI courseware intended for the technique-oriented PE class by such ways as reviewing related literature , consulting experts in this field of study and mathematical statistics .

  5. 采用文献资料法,总结和分析了ACE基因多态性与人体有氧代谢能力、肌肉力量及对人体运动能力机制等方面影响的研究成果。

    Using the methods of literature summary , it summarized and analyzed the results of the researches on the effects of polymorphism of ACE gene on the aerobic metabolic capability of body , muscular strength , physical exercise ability etc.

  6. 结果专家-参考文献法、BAYES统计推断法、专家-测量资料法的对搪浆车间苯浓度评估的几何均数分别为100.0、16.9、33.2mg/m3,成型车间分别为100、156、115mg/m3。

    Comparing three methods of estimating concentration of worksite benzene Results The estimated averages of expert-reference , BAYES statistics and expert-measurement were 100.0,16.9,33.2 mg / m3 respectively for the slurry-applying workshop and 100,156,115 mg / m3 for the modeling workshop .

  7. 运用文献资料法和数理统计法,对世界优秀女子短跑运动员200m分段速度的特征及速度分配与成绩的关系进行了分析。

    Through literature and statistics analysis , this paper studies the speed variation in different stage and the relationship between the speed distribution and the competition results of world elite women '200m sprinters .

  8. 应用文献资料法、数理统计法和专家访谈法,对国内外400m运动员成绩进行了比较分析,揭示了我国400m跑成绩落后的原因。

    The paper , by using literature , mathematical statistics and interviews , analyzes the results of 400m between domestic and foreign athletes , and reveals the reasons why Chinese team lags behind .

  9. 主要采用文献资料法、专家访谈法和观察法对110m栏专项体能的概念、结构和特征进行了归纳和分析研究。

    Mainly by means of literature , experts interview and observation , this article analyzes the concept , the structure and the features of specialized physical power training of 110 meters hurdles .

  10. 采用文献资料法和实验法,研究了运用高强性间歇训练法运动时,机体的能源供给主要来源ATP-CP和有氧供能的能量;

    Through consulting documentation and experiential method , this paper makes a research on organic energy , which is mainly from ATP-CP and oxygen providing energy .

  11. 并采用文献资料法、调查法、观察法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法等研究方法,以2009年全国U-17青少年足球联赛为研究对象。

    By using research methods of documents , survey , observation , mathematical statistics and Logical analysis , the research object is the 2009 National U-17 Youth Soccer League .

  12. 采用教学实验法、文献资料法等,分析了在高校体育专业术科教学中运用MCAI教学方法,改进传统的由教师示范、讲解,学生模仿练习的单一的教学方式。

    Applying teaching experiment method and document etc in this paper , the paper have analyzed MCAI teaching method in college sport professional skill teaching , improved the unitary teaching way of which demonstrate by teacher , is explained and student imitates .

  13. 运用文献资料法、分析法和数理统计等方法,通过对第6、7届世界田径锦标赛女子400m决赛选手的全程和分段成绩进行分析,探讨了当今世界女子400m跑速度特征的发展趋势。

    By the means of documentary , statistic theoretical analysis , this article analyzes the time consumed in total and segments by 400-meter female runners in the 6th and 7th World Track and Field Championships . The characteristics and developing trend of the event are discussed .

  14. 运用文献资料法,针对我国田径项目的实际发展水平,对我国男女跳高、男子110m栏、女子中长跑及马拉松项目的训练特点进行归纳分析。

    Based on the method of documentation , aiming at the actual level of track and field development of China , this article analyzed and summed up the training characteristic of man and woman high jump 、 man 110m hurdle 、 woman middle-distance race and marathon .

  15. 文章运用文献资料法从历史的角度、现实的需要辩证地提出了2l世纪西方竞技体育文化将与中国武术保健体育文化融合,分析这二种不同文化融合的哲学原因和现实原因。

    Adopting documentation and from the angle of history and need of reality , this paper proposes that the 21st century western competitive sport culture will give way to the western health preservation sport culture and analyzes the reasons from aspects of philosophy and reality .

  16. 通过文献资料法和临场技术统计法,对2003年全国青少年网球排名赛第三、四站U-12女子单打比赛,分别从发球情况、得分方式、相持能力三方面进行临场统计。

    The author investigated the technical situation of serve , score means , stalemate capability on live indexes of U-12 female singles in nation wide young boys and girls competition put in order by tennis .

  17. 方法文献资料法、逻辑分析法。

    Methods By means of documents , data and logical analysis .

  18. [方法]文献资料法和专家访谈法。

    [ Methods ] Documents and expert interviews were adopted .

  19. 采用文献资料法、调查研究法、对比分析法和归纳分析法,对田径教学过程进行优化设计并对其结构进行分析。

    By literature , research , analysis , etc .

  20. 笔者通过运用文献资料法、教学实验法、数理统计法等。

    Through using the method of literature , teaching experiment , mathematical statistics etc. .

  21. 采用文献资料法、开放式调查法、问卷法、测量法、情境刺激法。

    Based on documentation , open investigation , questionnaire , measurement , situation stimuli .

  22. 通过文献资料法简述数字体育形成与发展的时代背景,对数字体育的概念和研究范围进行了界定。

    The paper tells the background of the digital sports formation and the development ;

  23. 本文运用问卷调查法、访谈法及文献资料法等研究方法。

    In this paper , using interview method , questionnaire survey and literature data method .

  24. 采用文献资料法和逻辑分析法对球场观众助威行为进行探讨。

    Based on the literature and logical analysis , the field spectator cheering behavior was studied .

  25. 为探讨现阶段我国大学生身体成分特征与运动能力及体质健康的关系,采用实验研究法,查阅文献资料法,数理统计法等。

    By experimental research method , looking-up literature method , mathematical and chemical statistics method , etc.

  26. 研究方法:文献资料法、模糊模型识别法、定性与定量相结合。

    Methods employed include documentation , fuzzy model recognition , integration of qualitative and quantitative technique .

  27. 摘要运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,分析了课程资源的内涵。

    Through literature study and logical analysis , the paper analyzes the connotation of curricular resources .

  28. 利用文献资料法,统计法和分析法对2001-2004年我国竞技体操科研论文发展现状进行了统计分析。

    Analyze the current development of our gymnastics essays in2001-2004 by statistics , document and analyzing .

  29. 通过文献资料法查阅了有关女篮研究方面的文献、相关文件、法规和书籍。

    Through documentation of the inspection teams on the research literature , documents , regulations and books .

  30. 通过文献资料法、比较研究法对中日两国中学体育教学单元(项)计划及教案进行比较研究。

    This paper compares the P.E teaching unit plan in the middle schools of China and Japan .