
zī zhù
  • finances;support;subsidize;sponsor;sponsorship;endowment;patronage;bankroll;aid financially
资助 [zī zhù]
  • [aid financially;subsidize;support] 以资财钱物相助

资助[zī zhù]
  1. 同时资助927位特困患者每月的药品费用,实施了23位患者的“解锁工程”。

    Meanwhile , 927 especially poor patients were aid financially to buy drugs and23 patient were unlocked .

  2. 设立专门经费,用于资助有突出贡献的青年科技工作者开展科研工作;

    Founding especial fund to aid financially youth scientific workers with outstanding contribution to carry out scientific research .

  3. 对艺术的资助来自企业和个人。

    Patronage of the arts comes from businesses and private individuals .

  4. 这个项目需要筹集800万英镑的资助。

    The project needs to raise £ 8 million in sponsorship .

  5. 这个课程是欧洲委员会部分资助的。

    The course is part funded by the European Commission .

  6. 她找到一家愿资助她读完大学的公司。

    She found a company to sponsor her through college .

  7. 学校资助固定数目的免费生。

    The school funds a set number of free places .

  8. 这所大学有许多外界资助的研究项目。

    The university has many externally funded research projects .

  9. 我做这次手术是国民医疗服务体系资助的。

    I had the operation done on the NHS .

  10. 这个乐队是由一个不为人知的人资助的。

    The band was financed by a mystery backer .

  11. 我配眼镜是国民医疗服务体系资助的。

    I got my glasses on the National Health .

  12. 这项工程由于缺乏政府的资助而不得不放弃。

    The project had to be abandoned due to a lack of government funding .

  13. 几家大公司正在对这一项目提供资助。

    Several major companies are supporting the project .

  14. 他为了得到联邦资助而故意压低项目的成本价格。

    He lowballed the cost of the project in order to obtain federal funding .

  15. 当地企业提供了财政资助。

    Local businesses have provided financial support .

  16. 由纳税人来资助这一项目实在是说不过去。

    It 's disgusting that the taxpayer is subsidising this project .

  17. 布什基金会已经资助了许多教员发展项目。

    The Bush Foundation has funded a variety of faculty development programs

  18. 学校得到了教育部门的多项资助。

    The school has received various grants from the education department .

  19. 日本皇室资助日本艺术协会。

    The Japanese Imperial family patronises the Japanese Art Association .

  20. 他们被指控组织并资助地下青年运动。

    They are accused of organising and financing an underground youth movement .

  21. 全日制学生通常都得到资助。

    Students on the full-time course of study are usually sponsored

  22. 需要现金投入来资助这其中的一些项目。

    An injection of cash is needed to fund some of these projects

  23. 这家公司已经资助了当地好几部电影。

    The company has bankrolled a couple of local movies .

  24. 多数环境科学系的学生是由国家教育部资助的。

    Most DES students are sponsored by the National Department of Education .

  25. 大使资助了一项100万美元的公共服务奖学金计划。

    The ambassador has endowed a $ 1 million public-service fellowships program .

  26. 我们是不会资助那些乞丐的。

    We are not in the business of subsidising scroungers .

  27. 相对于其他公立学校,受中央政府资助的学校能获得更多的财政拨款。

    GM schools receive better funding than other state schools .

  28. 该基金大部分用于了资助联邦监狱的建造。

    The fund has been used largely to finance the construction of federal prisons

  29. 坎贝尔是越来越多需要得到资助的滑雪运动员之一。

    Campbell is one of an ever-growing number of skiers in need of sponsorship

  30. 爷爷资助他们经营酒业。

    Grandfather set them up in a liquor business .