
zī chǎn pínɡ ɡū
  • Asset evaluation;property assessment;assets is valuation
  1. 论铸币税的征收资产评估增值的递延税款核算

    Discussion on the Accounting Deferred Taxation of Appreciation in Property Assessment

  2. 谈股权转让过程中资产评估结果的会计处理

    The Accounting Treatment on Property Assessment in the Process of Equity Transfer

  3. 将要求法院对他未竟的事业进行资产评估。

    The courts will be asked to place a monetary value on his unfinished career .

  4. 我国加入WTO之后,我们在无形资产评估方面研究的缺欠暴露无遗。

    After our country entered into WTO , our disadvantage of Intangible Assets Valuation research have completely unmasked .

  5. AMC不良资产评估的会计处理思考

    Reflections on the Accountant Management in the Valuation of Non - performing Assets of AMC

  6. 北京HH公司顾客资产评估与价值提升

    Peking HH Company Customer Equity Assessment and Value Promoting

  7. 在建模的过程中可以发现,ANN的精确度比传统的模型高,所做出的资产评估也符合实际情况,这对今后的林分密度控制图的编制有重要的指导意义。

    As a result , the accuracy of ANN model is higher than traditional one , which has an important significance for the future formulation of stand density control chart .

  8. 本文以用材林林木资产评估为主要研究对象,采用VPN技术和数字签名技术,研制了远程森林资源资产评估软件。

    This paper with timber forest for the main research object , adopt the VPN technique and the digital signature technique , to develop the remote forest resources assets valuation software .

  9. 关于资产评估准则中价值类型选择问题的理论思考

    Discussions on the Selection of Value Types in Assets Valuation Standards

  10. 全国资产评估行业检查工作掠影

    Industry An Review on the National Inspection of the Appraisal Profession

  11. 年龄结构不理想的竹林资产评估方法探讨

    Approaching Capital Evaluation Method of Bamboo Forest without Idea Age Structure

  12. 无形资产评估成本法适用性探讨

    The Applicability of the Cost Mothod on the Intangible Assets Assessment

  13. 木材加工设备资产评估方法的探讨

    Exploration of the Capital Asses Evaluation Method on Wood Processing Equipment

  14. 资产评估报告是资产评估工作的总结。

    Assets valuation report is the summary of whole appraisal works .

  15. 跨国并购与我国资产评估法的完善

    International Acquisition and the Perfecting of Assessing Property Law in China

  16. 客户关系资产评估与管理研究

    The Research on Customer Relationship Assets about Its Assessment and Management

  17. 高校企业改制中资产评估问题的探讨

    Probe about Assets Appraisal during the Ownership Transition of College Industry

  18. 资产评估中市场法若干问题探讨

    Study on market approach in the system of assets appraisal methods

  19. 中国资产评估协会珠宝首饰艺术品评估专业委员会

    Gems & Jewelry and Arts Appraisal Committee of China Appraisal Society

  20. 机器设备评估是资产评估中的重要分支。

    Mechanism equipment appraisal is an important branch of assets appraisal .

  21. 国有施工企业资产评估结果的会计处理方法

    Accounting Treatments to the Result of State-Owned Construction Enterprise Asset Evaluation

  22. 工业企业固定资产评估电算化系统研究与实现

    Research and Realization on Industry Enterprise Fixed Assets Evaluating Computer System

  23. 矿产资源资产评估系统浅析

    Preliminary discussion on the evaluations system for capitals of mineral resources

  24. 资产评估前期准备准备会计的研究

    The pre-time Preparation for Appraisal Work The Study on Reserve Accounting

  25. 收益现值法在发电企业整体资产评估中的应用

    Application of the Discounted Income Method in Valuation of Power Enterprises

  26. 矿产资源资产评估方法探讨

    Study on the evaluation method of geological and mineral resource property

  27. 资产评估的对象、性质、职责范围及风险防范

    Objects , Properties , Working border , Risk-avoidance of Assets Appraisal

  28. 从资产评估的角度解读中国银行业的不良资产问题

    Unscramble Bad Properties of China 's Banking from Properties ' Evaluating

  29. 煤炭资源资产评估的主要影响因素分析

    The Analysis of the Main Factors Influencing Assets Revaluation of Coal Resources

  30. 无形资产评估中利润分成率新模型的探讨

    Studies on the Portion out of Profit in Intangibles Appraisal