
  1. 本文讨论当n个基本资产的收益矩阵奇异时,它们的投资组合的可行边界,得到了在不同情形下相应边界和边界组合的解析表达式。

    This paper studies the feasible sets of the portfolios consisting of those assets that are of a singular return covariance matrix The shapes of various feasible boundaries are identified and the related minimal variance portfolios are given .

  2. DFA由多个模块组成,其中的“投资产生器”模块用于拟合投资资产的收益情况。

    DFA is composed of several modules . The " Investment Generator " is used to simulate the returns of investment .

  3. 使用到期收益率(YTM)来衡量长期投资资产的收益能力,同时通过久期(duration)考察其潜在利率风险。

    Using Yield to Maturity ( YTM ) to measure return of long-term investments and using duration to measure the potential interest rate risk .

  4. 在度量金融产品的风险时,通常采用的是VaR方法,在市场正常的情况下,该方法可以根据金融资产的收益率特征较为准确的估计金融资产的风险。

    When measuring risk of financial products , usually we use the VaR method , in the case of normal market ; this method could estimate accurately financial products ' risk according to the feature of financial products ' return .

  5. 第四章:国有资源资产的收益形式。

    Chapter ⅳ: the revenue form of the resource asset .

  6. 企业单项无形资产的收益法评估

    The Method of Present Value Returns Applied to the Evaluation of Individual Intangible Assets

  7. 研究证券市场主要是为了研究风险资产的收益率。

    Stock Market Research is mainly to research the rate of Return of risk assets .

  8. 出售固定资产的收益

    Profit from sale of fixed assets

  9. 成本法过于强调价值构建过程,忽略了资产的收益能力;

    Cost approach over-emphasize the past construction course of asset and ignore the profitability of assets .

  10. 广义有效市场假说用价格的分形引子来表示风险资产的收益;

    GEMH app lies the fractal attractor of prices in place of the return of risk assets ;

  11. 一般分析中较注意金融资产的收益性、流动性、安全性。

    Different financial assets appeared continually . Characters of yield , liquidity , safety are paid more attentions to in the general analyses .

  12. 在投资者的风险资产的收益不确定的条件下,给出了最优资产组合选择的投资模型。

    Under the uncertainty of the investor ′ s return of risk assets , an optimal portfolio investment model ia obtained is obtained .

  13. 在这种情况下,如何合理预期所持有资产的收益和损失风险就成为投资者关注的焦点。

    Under such circumstances , how to reasonably predict the benefits of assets and the loss risk has already become the focus of investors .

  14. 如果你确定无疑地知道将要投资的所有资产的收益率分布,你就能通过计算得出有效边界。

    If you know for certain the distribution of returns for all the assets in which you are investing , you can compute an efficient frontier .

  15. 该如何合理预期所持有资产的收益和损失风险成为投资者和国家金融监管机构关注的热点。

    How to forecast reasonably the risks for yield and loss of assets is therefore what the investors and national financial supervision and management institutions focus on .

  16. 最终投资者必须面对残酷的现实逻辑:资产的收益率越低,也就意味着可能的长期回报越低。

    Eventually investors had to face an inexorable logic ; the lower the yield on an asset to begin with , the lower the likely long-term return .

  17. 行政事业性国有资产的收益管理与经营性国有资产的收益管理是不同的,应该给予特别地重视并被赋予新的涵义。

    Revenue management of administrative institutional state-owned assets is different from the operational state-owned assets . Attentions should be paid and new meanings should be given to it .

  18. 长期投资中资产的收益具有时变性,而数量化限制可能会导致次优的资产组合,使得投资收益减少。

    Because the return of assets may change in long time , and the amount restriction may cause sub-optimal portfolio , the investors suffer from the decrease of return .

  19. 美联储已经成功的塑造和流动资产的收益曲线,阻止了通货紧缩,但它并没有对就业产生多大影响。

    The Fed has been successful in shaping the yield curve , and the liquidity has prevented deflation , but it has not had a material effect on employment .

  20. 这些事件与风险资产的收益率之间关系复杂,对其产生的影响也很大。

    The relationships among these events and the appreciation rate of risky assets are very complicated , and the uncertainty may bring great influence on the appreciation rate of risky assets .

  21. 由于存在许多不确定事件,像泡沫、突发灾难、金融危机等,都会对资产的收益和方差产生很大的影响。

    There are many uncertain events , such as inflation , disaster , wars and so on , which may influence the return rate and the volatility of the asset greatly .

  22. 在经济衰退时期,由于股票房地产和债券等金融资产的收益率都为负值,只能持有货币资产或对金融资产进行卖空。

    In times of economic recession , as shares real estate and financial assets such as bonds yields are negative , only holders of monetary assets or short sale of financial assets is suitable .

  23. 反之,如果人民银行持有外汇储备资产的收益无法弥补其冲销操作的成本,则冲销操作是不可持续的,必须终止,央行必须寻求其他的解决办法。

    Conversely , if the benefits from foreign reserve assets can not make up the costs of sterilization , the sterilization operation will not be sustainable and should be ended . The central bank must seek for other solutions .

  24. 在香港发行的“点心债券”越来越多,加上资金流回内地的渠道增多,可能会推高人民币资产的收益率,使离岸利率接近内地水平。

    The growing pipeline of dim sum bond issuance in Hong Kong , plus more opening for the money to flow back into China , is likely to cause Renminbi yields to rise , pushing offshore interest rates towards Mainland levels .

  25. 说得更具体点,美国国税局威胁,要对其认为违规的公司出售美国资产的收益征收至多30%的预扣税&这些资产可能包括美国股票或美国国债。

    More specifically , the IRS is threatening to impose a withholding tax of up to 30 per cent on sales of US assets by groups that it deems to be non-compliant – and the assets could include US shares or US Treasury bonds .

  26. 而且,年中业绩的差距越大、风险资产的收益越高、波动越低,在年末时年中业绩较好的基金选择风险较高的投资组合的概率越大;

    Moreover , the higher the midyear performance gap is , or the higher the risk as-set 's return or the lower risk asset 's volatility is , the larger the probability of choosing a higher level of risk of protfolio by the fund with better midyear performance ;

  27. 这种方法从历史数据出发,同时考虑风险资产的收益在每个时段内的波动情况,模型的构建过程中不包含投资者的主观意愿和专家经验,使得对收益率的描述更为客观、合理。

    This method of proceeding from historical data , taking into account the fluctuations of each period , the model structuring process does not contain the subjective wishes of investors and any expert experience , the description of the fuzzy rate of return is more objective and reasonable .

  28. 这个等式是关于某一资产的预期收益。

    This is the equation that relates the expected return on an asset .

  29. 厂房设备资产处置的收益或损失

    Gain or Loss on Sale of Plant Assets

  30. 作者利用模糊数来描述资产的预期收益率,并用模糊理论将模糊数转化为普通数,建立了一种模糊规划模型。

    A fuzzy program model in which expected return rates is provided in fuzzy nimber .