
  • 网络Asset-backed;Pledge;collateral
  1. 现如今,光是在美国公开上市的股票就有数千只,全世界有好几万只,另加数千种公司债券和资产抵押担保债券。

    Today , there are many thousands of publicly traded stocks in the United States alone , and many tens of thousands worldwide , plus thousands of corporate bonds and asset-backed debt securities .

  2. 欧央行现在已经开始接受高风险的资产抵押债券和为现金作抵押的贷款,并且调低了存款准备金率以帮助银行缓解融资压力。

    The central bank will now accept higher-risk asset-backed bonds as well as loans as security for cash , and it has lowered its reserve requirements for banks to ease their funding pressures .

  3. 这是美国在金融危机时期的另一种创新模式,所谓的定期资产抵押证券贷款工具,简称TALF。

    The model is another American innovation from the financial crisis & the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility , or TALF .

  4. coutts可以为其客户建立的,是一种高于基本利率100个基点的借款安排实际上是将其资产抵押并将所得资金再投资于其它领域。

    What Coutts can set up for its clients is a facility to borrow at 100 basis points above the base rate effectively mortgaging their assets and reinvest the money elsewhere .

  5. 这些贷款通过个人担保或企业资产抵押。

    These loans are collateralized through personal guarantees or business assets .

  6. 但是许多债务产品,特别是资产抵押型产品(的市场)仍然趋于瘫痪状态。

    But many debt products , particularly asset-backed instruments , remain paralysed .

  7. 森林资产抵押贷款中抵押林木的监管方法探讨

    Discussion on the Methods of the Forest Guaranty Supervision in the Forest Assets Mortgage

  8. 汇丰银行削减了二级资产抵押贷款。

    HSBC has cut back on second-lien loans .

  9. 银行接受存款,并在有资产抵押的情况下把款项借出。

    Banks lend money accepted on deposit by customers on the security of assets .

  10. 对森林资源资产抵押贷款的理论特征和实践意义进行规范研究。

    This paper states concept , characteristic and base evaluating method of forest resource capital .

  11. 所有权控制和渠道专用性资产抵押投资构成的复合机制可以有效治理渠道中的投机行为。

    The plural governance with ownership and specificity can be useful to govern channel opportunism behaviors .

  12. 如果房价进一步下跌15%,负资产抵押贷款数将升至2000万。

    If house prices fall another 15 per cent , negative equity mortgages will rise to 20m .

  13. 然后公司实体会发行资产抵押债券,并卖给投资者。

    Bonds are then issued ( backed by the assets ) by this corporate entity and sold to investors .

  14. 为避免信用风险,包换产销合同在内的所有资产抵押是个基本的要求。

    To avoiding the credit risk , securing all of the project assets is basic requirement , including the revenue-producing contracts .

  15. 这反过来会导致更多产业主陷入负资产抵押,背负大大超过其房屋价值的按揭贷款。

    That , in turn , leaves more homeowners deeper in negative equity , saddled with mortgages that vastly exceed the value of their homes .

  16. 就在信贷市场坍塌之前,穆拉利成功地将公司上下全部的资产抵押了出去&就连著名的蓝色椭圆标志也成了抵押品,籍此获得了巨额贷款。

    He was able to mortgage the company to the hilt even tossing in its blue oval logo as collateral just before the credit markets fell apart .

  17. 信誉要好,银行里无不良记录,有一定的固定收入,有房产或其他资产抵押物。

    Credit is close friends , fine of all without exception in the bank is recorded , have regular fixed income , have house property or other asset pawn .

  18. 为实现新盈利模式,本文建议成立国家信用档案管理局,制定《资产抵押法》、《信用管理法》和《个人信用消费法》等。

    To realize the new model , this paper suggests establishing National Credit Bureau , and making Assets Mortgage Law , Credit Management Law and Personal Credit Consumption Law .

  19. 然而,由于近期融资市场上风云突变,无担保贷款再难获得,许多企业已将大部分资产抵押给了贷款机构。

    Many companies have already pledged most of their assets to lenders , however , in response to a recent shift in the financing market away from unsecured lending .

  20. 特别是,私人股本集团的收购模式利用债务购买企业,然后将被收购企业的资产抵押可能在债券市场剧烈震荡的时期遭受极大压力。

    In particular , the private equity takeover model - buying companies with debt secured against their assets - could come under severe strain at times of bond market turmoil .

  21. 另一方面,基于纯股权投资的风险资本因不需要资产抵押,故而要求较高的资金回报率,以平衡投资风险。

    On the other hand , is based on pure equity investment risk capital asset backed by need not money , so demand higher returns to balance the investment risk .

  22. 浙江省在林业产权制度改革、森林资源资产抵押贷款等方面进行了大胆的探索和创新,在林业投融资改革方面,取得了一定的成绩。

    Zhejiang made a brave exploration and innovation in forestry property system reform and the forest resources asset for mortgage loans , especially forestry investment and financial reform has achieved results .

  23. 首先是一套解决方案&假定这个问题是资产抵押证券价值面临的深层不确定因素之一。这个问题正在造成金融机构之间的互不信任,以及人们普遍丧失信心。

    First comes a set of solutions if the problem is one of deep uncertainty over the valuation of asset-backed securities , which is causing mistrust among financial companies and a generalised loss of confidence .

  24. 对于自身实力有限、发展依赖中小企业的中小商业银行来说,目前传统的中小企业固定资产抵押贷款模式仍然无法满足中小企业的融资需求。

    Currently , for those small and medium commercial banks which have limited strength and depend on SMEs , the traditional mortgage lending model of fixed assets of SMEs could hardly meet their financing needs .

  25. 除了这类“被动”的资产增值抵押贷款(equitywithdrawal)外,美国人利用房产以外的东西积极获得资金的程度相对较低,不过也占到近6%的可支配收入(再次参见上图)。

    Exclude this type of " passive " equity withdrawal , and the pace at which Americans have been actively taking money out of their houses is lower , close to6 % of disposable income ( again , see chart ) .

  26. 典当以有价值的资产作抵押提供贷款要回溯到圣经时期。

    Pawnbroking lending money against valuable assets dates back to biblical times .

  27. 森林资源资产在抵押中的管理与其他抵押资产管理存在较大的差异。

    The supervision of forest resources assets in the mortgage has considerable differences to others .

  28. 此外,我们还可以利用任何资产作为抵押来安排您的贷款计划。

    In addition , we have the ability to arrange a lending plan using practically any asset as collateral .

  29. 借款人获得贷款的同时提供这些资产作抵押,这样就构成了借款人的较高的违约成本。

    Borrowers get loans while providing those assets as mortgage , which lead to a relatively high cost of default .

  30. 因此,内华达、亚利桑那及弗罗里达州在负资产及抵押拖欠方面排全美点列;

    It 's no accident that Florida , Nevada and Arizona lead the nation in both negative equity and mortgage delinquencies ;