首页 / 词典 / good

  • money;wealth;expenses;intelligence
  • aid;subsidize;support;furnish
  • 财物,钱财:~源。物~。~财。~金。~费。~料。工~。川~(路费)。

  • 经营工商业的本钱和财产:~本。外~。独~。合~。~方。

  • 供给,帮助:~助。~送。~敌。可~借鉴。

  • 智慧能力:~质。天~。

  • 出身和经历:~格。~历。

  • 姓。


(钱财; 费用) money; wealth; expenses:

  • 合资

    joint investment;

  • 工资

    wages; pay;

  • 投资

    put money in; invest;

  • 川资

    travelling expenses;

  • 耗资

    blow the expense


(资质) intelligence; endowment:

  • 天资

    native intelligence; aptitude; natural endowments;

  • 资性

    inborn character


(资格) qualifications; record of service:

  • 师资

    a teacher's qualifications;

  • 上资

    a person of the highest calibre;

  • 年资

    years of service; seniority


(资方) capital:

  • 劳资双方

    labour and capital


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 资金

    Zi Jin


(资助) aid; subsidize; support:

  • 资敌

    give supplies to the enemy; support the enemy;

  • 资贫

    subsidize the poor


(提供) furnish; provide; supply:

  • 可资对比

    provide a contrast;

  • 以资借鉴

    use for reference

  1. 慢慢的,salarium(源于拉丁语salarius,指“盐的”)一词逐渐用来指代发给士兵的军饷以及发给罗马帝国所有官员的钱资,直至后来,用来统指“薪水、薪资”。

    Over time , salarium ( from the Latin3 salarius , ' of salt ' ) came to refer simply to money paid the soldiers , and then to monies paid to any official of the Roman Empire , and eventually to wages in general .

  2. 但研究公司preqin的数据显示,目前向投资者募集新资的基金数目较4年前多出40%。

    But there are now 40 per cent more funds courting investors for new money than four years ago , according to data from PreQin .

  3. 资方没有采取任何措施来解决罢工问题。

    The management have made no move to settle the strike .

  4. 工会与资方在工作时间上发生纠纷。

    The union is in dispute with management over working hours .

  5. 资方向罢工者伸出了橄榄枝。

    Management is holding out an olive branch to the strikers .

  6. 工人认为这个协议是工会把他们出卖给了资方。

    The workers see the deal as a union sell-out to management .

  7. 我们要求资方的是发表战斗宣言。

    What we want from the management is fighting talk .

  8. 资方与工会之间发生了正面冲突。

    There was a head-on confrontation between management and unions .

  9. 工会向资方提交了一份写明各项要求的清单。

    The union presented a shopping list of demands to the management .

  10. 已成立一个委员会在资方与工会之间进行仲裁。

    A committee was created to arbitrate between management and the unions .

  11. 今天资方准备和工会成员摊牌。

    Management are facing a showdown with union members today .

  12. 资方不得以年龄为由歧视职工。

    It is not permissible for employers to discriminate on grounds of age .

  13. 资方和工会已就新的工作条件达成协议。

    The management and unions have reached a settlement over new working conditions .

  14. 工人私下对资方还是有怨言。

    Workers continued to mutter about the management .

  15. 资方应与工会在一起开个会。

    Management should get together with the union .

  16. 妥协也许能打破工会和资方之间的僵局。

    A compromise may break the deadlock between the union and the management .

  17. 为了争取更高的薪酬,工会几乎每年都要与资方进行谈判。

    Unions bargain with employers for better rates of pay almost every year .

  18. 他能说服资方采纳他的计划。

    He was able to persuade capital to adopt his plans .

  19. 由于受旧观念的影响,有些单位分配工作按资排辈。

    Influenced by old ideas , some units assign posts according to seniority .

  20. 资方与工会领导人之间已达成了协议。

    The management and the union leaders have struck a bargain .

  21. 劳方暗示愿意同资方恢复已经中断的对话。

    Labour hinted it would like to resume the broken dialogue with management .

  22. 资方决定节省开支,裁减劳动力中的冗员,这样可以减少工资支出。

    The management decided to economize by cutting the dead wood from the workforce , thus reducing the wages bill .

  23. 资方已提出一项合理的工资方案供考虑,现在就看工会来决定是否接受它。

    The management has put a reasonable wage offer on the table , so it 's up to the unions to decide whether to accept it .

  24. 有一个资信鉴定机构是为了高等教育的

    One accrediting agency is the Council for Higher Education Accreditation .

  25. 资方与工人之间的冲突使得工厂生产效率很低

    Conflict between management and workers makes for inefficiency in the workplace .

  26. 3名高年资医师使用统一标准对24个病灶CT征象进行评阅。

    Senior physicians read the films in accordance with a uniform standard .

  27. 关于WTO国民待遇原则与进一步完善我国外资法的探讨

    WTO National Treatment Principle and on China 's Foreign Investment Laws

  28. WTO与我国外资企业税收制度改革

    WTO and the Reform to the Foreign-invested Enterprises Tax Laws of China

  29. 论我国加入WTO后对外资法的调整

    The Adjustment of Laws of Foreign Investment after China 's Entry into the WTO

  30. 我国加入WTO之后,资本市场也即将对外资开放。

    After China joined WTO , capital marker will gradually be open to foreign capital .