
  • 网络Jaffna
  1. 托马斯先生可以安全地往来于贾夫纳。

    Mr Thomas would be given safe passage to and from Jaffna

  2. 这些人是1995年从一个叫做贾夫纳的泰米尔小镇出来的。

    They were driven from one big Tamil town , Jaffna , in1995 .

  3. 从佛教城市科伦坡飞往印度教圣地贾夫纳(斯里兰卡北部港口)的飞机里,也挂了一些金箔和银箔的圣诞装饰品。

    Tinsel has even been put up inside commercial aircraft that fly from mainly Buddhist Colombo to predominantly Hindu Jaffna .

  4. 像本周其他爬上开往贾夫纳的汽车的人一样,程德先生对于连接南部僧伽罗和北部泰米尔的联系正在加强而感到高兴。

    Like others clambering on the Jaffna bus this week , Mr Chandran was happy that mobility between the mainly Sinhalese south and the mostly Tamil north is increasing .