
mào yì ɡōnɡ sī
  • trade company;trading company;trading corporation;trading firm
  1. 西海岸公司是一家大型国际贸易公司。

    West Coast Corps is a large international trade corporation .

  2. 此信确认鞠女士于2008年9月2日至2012年10月14日在ABC贸易公司担任销售经理一职。3.敬启者:

    I am writing to confirm that Miss Ju was employed as a Sales Manager by ABC Trading from 2nd September 2008 to 14th October 2012 .

  3. 政府已采取一系列金融对策,支持国际贸易公司应对所有产业链复工复产所面临的挑战。

    A slew1 of financial measures have been taken to support international trade companies to tackle the challenges of resuming production in all industrial chains .

  4. 中国加入WTO后,世界物流业强手更是纷纷抢滩中国市场,塔里木物资贸易公司面临前所未有的严峻挑战。

    So , the Tarim material trade company is faced with unprecedented severe challenge .

  5. ABC公司是一家从事进口纸张、木浆代理销售的贸易公司。

    ABC company is the import pulp & paper trading company .

  6. HB粮食贸易公司发展战略研究

    The Strategic Study on The Develop of HB grain Trade Company

  7. HB粮食贸易公司是我国粮食流通企业的一个缩影。

    HB Grain Trade Company is the microphotograph of the grain circulation company .

  8. 您好。我是来自XXX贸易公司的XXX。

    Hello , I 'm XXX from XXX trading company .

  9. 被列入黑名单的两家朝鲜贸易公司分别是KoreaHyoksin和KoreanTangun。

    Two Pyongyang trading companies blacklisted were Korea Hyoksin and Korean Tangun .

  10. 受到制裁的还有南川冈贸易公司(namchongangtradingcorporation),该公司曾代表朝鲜原子能总局参与采购活动。

    Also placed under sanction were namchongang Trading Corporation , which was involved in procurement activities on behalf of GBAE .

  11. 宋林当年的老领导是现任中国国有粮食贸易公司中粮集团(COFCOCorporation)董事长、知名企业管理人士宁高宁。

    An early mentor was the current head of Chinese state-owned grain trader Cofco Corp. , Ning Gaoning , a celebrated executive .

  12. DK国际贸易公司竞争力分析

    DK International Trade Company Competitiveness Analysis

  13. A、B两位共同经营的AB贸易公司于19&年1月1日起宣布解散。

    We announce you that on and after the 1st January , 19 , the partnership existing between Mr. A. and Mr. B. , trading as A.B. Co. , will be dissolved .

  14. ABC公司为一家从事投影仪替换灯泡的新创贸易公司,凭借其敏锐的利基市场嗅觉,获致初期的成功。

    ABC Corporation is a new entrepreneurial venture in the projector replacement lamp market , and has tasted some early success due to its niche market sense .

  15. 在三月份对美国贸易公司进行的一次检查中,FDA调查人员发现公司仓库中有大量虫鼠。

    During an inspection of American Mercantile in March , FDA investigators discovered evidence of extensive rodent and insect infestation throughout the company 's warehouse .

  16. 除了我在大学时学习的英语外,我还在ABC贸易公司任了三年的秘书。

    In addition to my study of English while in the University , I have worked for three years as secretary in the firm of ABC Trading Co. Ltd.

  17. 本人曾经在XX贸易公司服务三年,担任会计工作。

    For the past three years , I have been in the office of the XX Trading Co. , where I have been an accountant .

  18. 从数据来看,维多是世界最大的私营公司,排在另两家大宗商品贸易公司嘉吉(Cargill)和科氏工业(KochIndustries)前面。

    That would make Vitol the biggest private company in the world by sales , ahead of commodities industry peers such as Cargill and Koch industries .

  19. 此事在很大程度上将取决于中方的调查结果。据报道,调查已波及中国最大钢铁企业之一首钢集团(ShougangGroup)以及其它钢铁企业和贸易公司。

    Much could depend on what Beijing uncovers in its investigation , which is reported to have spread to Shougang Group , one of the country 's largest steel mills , and other mills and traders .

  20. 包括住友(Sumitomo)和三菱(Mitsubishi)在内的数家贸易公司,也正在哈萨克斯坦和巴西等地联合勘探开发。

    Several trading companies , including Sumitomo and Mitsubishi , are also exploring joint developments in Kazakhstan , Brazil and elsewhere .

  21. 我曾是一家名为FMC哈里斯的肉类贸易公司首席执行官,这家公司遭到恶意收购。

    I was chief executive of a meat trading firm called FMC Harris , which was subject to a hostile take-over .

  22. 嘉能可(glencore,全球顶级大宗商品和矿业贸易商)和来宝集团这两大贸易公司的农业部门,也因此而名利俱损。

    The agricultural divisions of two big trading firms , Glencore and noble group , were caught with their trousers down and lost money .

  23. YiHe公司是专业从事进口设备代理的贸易公司,代理产品包括化工、制药和食品机械等方面。

    YiHe Ltd. is specialized in imported equipment trading company acting as the agent products , including chemical , pharmaceutical and food machinery and so on .

  24. 编写本用户手册目的是为了帮助Comm贸易公司人员掌握如何使用人力资源管理系统(HRM),以便确保HRM系统顺利运行。

    The preparation of this manual is intended to assist Comm trading company personnel in the use of human resources management system ( HRM ), in order to ensure the smooth operation of HRM systems .

  25. “HYH汽车亚克力配件(3A)事业部”是由苏州弘益富(HYH)公司和苏州迈腾(MT)贸易公司合资成立的。

    " HYH Automobile Acrylic Accessory ( 3A ) Division " is a co-partnership division which was established by Suzhou Honyehu ( HYH ) Company and Suzhou Maiteng ( MT ) Trade Company together .

  26. Inkas公司是一家代理意大利知名石材加工机械的贸易公司。在欧洲已经有35年历史。

    Andrea : Inkas , Inc.a well-known Italian stone trading company and stone processing machinery agent , which has35 experiences in European stone market .

  27. 上海欧宝建材贸易公司上海陈列室

    Shanghai Euro Building Material & Trading Co. - Shanghai Show Room

  28. 辉隆是一家提供外国高级布料给中国服装制造商的贸易公司。

    Hueilong sells high-class fabric from oversea to Chinese garment manufacturers .

  29. 我们是香港食品业贸易公司的领导者。

    We are a leading trading company in the food industry .

  30. 我公司是一家专门从事机械出口的贸易公司。

    I is a company specialized in machinery export trading company .