
  • 网络Loan Concentration
  1. 完善商业银行贷款集中风险监管法律制度

    On Improving the Legal System of Loan Concentration Risk Regulation in Commercial Banks

  2. 关注商业银行的贷款集中度风险

    Concern on loan concentration risk of commercial banks

  3. 对分省的格兰杰因果检验结果得出以下结论:各省贷款集中度的下降是当地经济增长的Granger单向因果关系。

    Granger causality of the provincial test results obtained the following results : the decline in concentration of provincial loans is one way facilitating local economic growth .

  4. 总体说来,nsfr能够引发更加渐进式的信贷扩张,贷款集中在当地,较少在全球范围下注。

    Overall , the nsfr can induce more gradual credit expansion , lending that is locally focused and fewer global bets .

  5. 银行风险、收益与客户贷款集中度&基于城市商业银行的实证分析

    Risks , Earnings and Loan Concentration of Customers : An Empirical Analysis from Urban Commercial Banks

  6. 用这三个指标比较全面的评价了我国商业银行的贷款集中情况。

    Concentration of loans in commercial banks in China are more comprehensive evaluation of these three indicators .

  7. 邹恒超表示:过去,不良贷款集中于长江三角洲,如今它们正向中西部地区扩散。

    Previously bad loans were concentrated in the Yangtze River Delta but now they are spreading to the central and western regions , said Mr Zou .

  8. 过去10年间,该行的贷款集中在电力、石化、公路、铁路、煤矿、电信、农业及其它公共建设项目方面。

    Over the past decade , its lending has been concentrated in power , petrochemicals , roads , railways , coal mining , telecommunications , agriculture and other public works projects .

  9. 从共性风险来看,分为贷款集中度风险、电力体制改革引起的政策性风险、担保方式引起的风险和经营风险。

    In common sense , the risk could be labeled as loan concentrate risk , policy risk leaded by power system reform , guarantee risk leaded by collateral method and dealing risk .

  10. 贷款集中风险可被视作银行发生问题最重要的原因,它可以产生于银行资产、负债或表外项目(无论产品或服务)。

    Credit concentration risk is regarded as the most important reason of banking problems . It can be produced in bank assets , liabilities or off-balance-sheet items ( Whatever the product or service ) .

  11. 其中,运用存款集中度(CR4D)和贷款集中度(CR4L)作为表征银行集中度的代理变量,同时为尽量减少其它可能影响经济发展因素的干扰,加入控制变量集合,以保证研究的可靠性。

    Among them , the use of deposit concentration and characterization of bank loan concentration as a proxy for the degree of concentration , while minimizing other factors that may affect the economic development of the interference , adding control variables set to ensure the reliability of the study .

  12. 导致其贷款的集中程度非常高。

    Leading to a very high concentration of loans .

  13. 当贷款行业集中度上升时该行业贷款成为不良贷款的概率较高。

    When the convergence of an industry rises , the possibility of its loan to become NPL is higher .

  14. 不过,遭受冲击最大的可能是那些规模较小的银行,因为这类银行的贷款高度集中在房地产开发等风险较高的贷款中。

    The biggest shock , though , likely will be for smaller banks because of their high concentration of riskier loans such as those to property developers .

  15. 我国商业银行贷款的集中度和不良贷款率较高,并且资本充足率较低的状况也使得银行抵御信用风险的能力低下。

    Our commercial banks have a higher rate of non-performing loans and low capital adequacy ratio . This situation makes the ability to withstand credit risk low .

  16. 将业务线条和风险管理线条区别开来,形成相互协调相互制衡的组织结构机制,实现商业银行风险的集中管理以及贷款的集中审批。

    Separate the operation and risk management , form the harmony and balance structure , and achieve the goal that manage the risk and permission of the credit concentrate .

  17. 讨论了建行现有定价方法造成了贷款投向集中和考核体系复杂繁琐,以及它对银行稳健经营的影响;

    Under the influence of CCB busyness loan wrong current pricing method , the dissertation analyze that loans is concentrated , credit management is complicated and bank reserves is eroded .

  18. 因为农行的大部分贷款都集中在农村地区,因此,此次负担可能将不成比例地落在农行肩上。农行正计划今年在上海股市上市。

    Because much of its loan book is concentrated in rural areas , the burden is likely to fall disproportionately on ABC , which is planning a stock-market listing in Shanghai this year .

  19. 在浙江等地区,多数私营企业的创立资金都来自朋友、家庭或地下银行,而非通常将贷款对象集中在国有企业身上的国有银行。

    In an area such as Zhejiang , most private companies were founded using funds from friends and family or underground banks , rather than the official banks , which have tended to concentrate on state-owned companies .

  20. 不过,这些英国银行的大量贷款据信集中在迪拜世界仍在运转的部分,其中包括迪拜世界港口公司(DPWorld)和杰拜勒阿里自由区(JebelAliFreeZone)。

    The UK banks are understood to have much of their lending focused on the still-performing parts of Dubai World , however , including DP World and Jebel Ali Free Zone .

  21. 然而中小企业的发展却存在诸多难点问题,尤其是以融资难贷款难形式集中暴露出来的信用欠缺问题。

    Yet their development has faced many difficulties , especially credit delinquency .

  22. 城建贷款:风险集中化在潜行

    Loans for Urban Construction : Centralized Hazard Prowls About

  23. 我们购买的一些外国债券评级受到了影响,而且我们向国外客户提供的贷款也过度集中在某些行业。

    Some foreign securities we have bought were downgraded and our loans granted to overseas clients were too concentrated in a few sectors .

  24. 已改制银行的官方不良贷款率已经从此前的逾20%降至个位数,许多银行已经实施了贷款集中审批制度。

    Official non-performing loan rates at the reformed banks are down to low single digits from more than 20 per cent previously and many have introduced centralised loan approval systems .