
  • 网络Loan method;credit methodology
  1. 银行与建屋互助会说他们现在已采取了一种更严格的抵押贷款方法。

    Banks and building societies say that they have now adopted a more restrained policy on mortgage lending .

  2. 存货是企业重要的资产,通过加强内部控制、ABC分类管理、经济采购批量控制、整合供应链、重构作业链、利用社会物流系统、存货抵押贷款等方法,可以有效提高企业经济效益。

    Stock is important assets of enterprises . Enterprises ' economic benefit can be effectively raised through strengthening internal control , ABC classified management , economical purchase amount control , reorganizing supply chain , reconstructing working chain , by means of social materials distribution systems , loan on stock pledge .

  3. 谈现行会计制度下的高校贷款核算方法

    Talking about the University Loan Accounting Method under Existing Accounting System

  4. 贷款分配方法的数学模型及其解法

    The mathematical model of distributive method of loan and its algorithms

  5. 房地产不良贷款处置方法的思考

    Research on the treatment of the bad credit home loans

  6. 但人们仍可用抵押贷款的方法来购买。

    But the money goes to pay off the mortgage .

  7. 公路工程建设项目投资估算贷款计算方法探讨

    Discussion on the calculation method of investment estimate loan of highway construction project

  8. 基于《巴塞尔新资本协议》下的我国商业银行贷款定价方法研究

    Research on Loan Pricing method of Commercial Bank in China Based on Basel II

  9. 再次,新的贷款分类方法比过去的标准有较大改进。

    Lastly , the new method represents great improvement when compared with the old standard .

  10. 基于贡献度分析和客户关系的商业银行贷款定价方法研究

    Study of Loan Pricing Method Based on Contribution Analysis and Customer Relationship by Commercial Banks

  11. 个人住房抵押贷款还款方法研究

    Reimbursement Means for Personal Residence Mortgage

  12. 基于企业信用风险度量的贷款定价方法及应用研究

    The Research on the Pricing Method of Corporate Loan Based on Credit Risk Measurement and Its Application

  13. 并对国内外的商业银行贷款定价方法进行比较研究。

    Next , author carry out a comparative study of load pricing of domestic and foreign commercial banks .

  14. 研究银行项目贷款评估方法对于降低我国金融风险及银行贷款决策都具有十分重要的实际意义。

    Researching in it had a significantly practical meaning to lower the financial risk and loan decision as well .

  15. 制定知识产权质押融资、创业贷款等方法,完善支持高层次艺术人才创业金融服务。

    Development of intellectual property impawn financing , business loans and other methods , improve support high-level art talent business financial services .

  16. 国外银行贷款定价方法主要有成本相加法、价格领导法、客户盈利性分析法等三种模式。

    Cost-plus Loan Pricing , Price Leadership , and Customer Profitability Analysis are the three main methods of loan pricing in foreign banks .

  17. 它作为一种处理银行不良贷款的方法,一种创新的银行资产管理模式备受好评。

    They were highly praised as a way to deal with the bad loans of the banking industry and an innovative mode of bank assets ' management .

  18. 而我国现行的贷款定价方法是管制利率时期的贷款定价方法,不适合转轨时期的要求。

    The current method of loan pricing is the one that is applicable to the period of interest rate control but not fit for the transition period .

  19. 我国化解商业银行不良资产的传统方法:包括财政补贴法、通过豁免或变相豁免贷款的方法、企业破产法;

    The traditional measures of our country banking to dissolve the non-performing loan : fiscal method , measure of remission the non-performing loan , business enterprise bankrupt law ;

  20. 通过比较分析,我们发现,国外的贷款定价方法虽然较为成熟,但不符合我国商业银行的实际情况,市场环境也无法满足模型中的假设条件。

    By comparison , we found that foreign loan pricing methods are more mature , but it is not compatible with the actual situation in domestic banks , because our market environment could not meet model assumptions .

  21. 中国铁路利用国外贷款项目评估方法的探讨

    On the Evaluation Method of Chinese Railway Projects Utilizing Foreign Loan

  22. 国外商业银行解决不良贷款的基本方法

    Basic methods for foreign banks to deal with bad loans

  23. 巴塞尔新资本协议下的项目融资贷款信用评级方法研究

    Credit Rating Approach for Loans of Project Financing under New Basle Accord

  24. 教育贷款审计的方法研究

    Research on the Methods of Auditing in Education Loan

  25. 基于信用等级评价的银行贷款动态定价方法研究

    The Research on Dynamic Pricing Method of Bank 's Loan Based on Credit Grade Evaluation

  26. 通过介绍外国的住房抵押贷款的定价方法,找出适合我国的定价方法。

    Through the introduction of foreign mortgage pricing method to find out pricing for our country .

  27. 马莲河流域水土保持世行贷款项目监测方法及效果

    Methods and Effects of Monitoring of World Bank Loess Plateau Land Development Project in Malian River Watershed

  28. 将近年来西方国家提出的信用风险模型&CreditRisk+模型与我国目前所使用的贷款风险度方法做了详细的比较分析。

    A comparative analysis is made in detail between two credit risk models-CreditRisk + + and Risk Rate of Loans .

  29. 最后,结合所学到的定价理论与信用风险模型知识,针对中小企业贷款及其定价方法进行分析。

    Finally , the combination of learning theory and the pricing of credit risk model knowledge for SME lending and pricing analysis .

  30. 我国商业银行目前所采用的信用风险管理模型贷款风险度方法仍主要以定性分析和经验判断为主,在风险与资本定量计量上存在许多不足。

    China commercial banks still adopt methods based mainly on qualitative analysis and experiences which have many shortcomings in terms of risk and capital quantification .