
  • 网络pop;point of purchase
  1. 对于个体的偶,因此,也从没在非专业购物点采购过东东,一是怕麻烦多,而是怕不专业。

    Even for the individual , never shopping in the procurement of non-professional stuff too , because too much trouble , and not professional .

  2. 星级酒店林立,有着广州地标中信广场,还有许多高级购物点,高消费的绝好去处。

    Guangzhou East Station : hotels with four or five stars , city landmarkCITICPlaza , high-end shopping malls * An ideal place for high level customers .

  3. 经过过去十年开发,浦东新区出现许多观光购物点,吸引了众多游客纷纷涌向浦东。

    During the past decade of development , the Pudong New Area , where many sightseeing and shopping opportunities have come about , is luring the tourists into flocking there .

  4. 马克:并没有啦,我只是用这个购物袋装点自己的东西。

    Mark : Actually , no. I 'm just using this bag to carry my stuff .

  5. 梅格:今天出来购物,一点成绩都没有。

    Meg : All of this shopping and I have nothing to show for it .

  6. 所有的购物商场8点开始营业到晚上的11点钟然后我就会整天在那里逛街。

    The malls would open at8am and at11pm , and I 'd shop for the entire day .

  7. 他说,如果能成功的话,这项技术还可以鼓励消费者在全食超市购物时多花点钱。

    If successful , the technology also could help encourage consumers to spend more when they visit Whole Foods , he said .

  8. 本文在总结和归纳相关理论的基础上,以消费者的Flow体验作为研究网上购物意向的切入点,探讨网络环境下Flow体验的构成、影响因素以及其对网上购物意向的影响作用。

    Based on relative theories , this thesis focuses on online shopping intention based on the flow theory , we explore the structure of the flow experience under online environment and the affecting factors and its influence on online shopping intention .

  9. 当谈到购物我就有点压得喘不过来气儿。

    I 'm just dead weight when it comes to shopping .

  10. 你和我在一起好像除了购物就不能做点别的。

    It seems you and I together can do nothing but shopping .

  11. 关于绍兴市开发购物旅游的几点思考

    Some Reflections on Developing Shopping Tourism in Shaoxing

  12. 今天下午你一个人去购物我可有点担心。

    May : I 'm a bit worried about you going shopping by yourself this afternoon .

  13. 此前仅在网上对巴西居民出售的门票如今也在里约两个购物中心的销售点销售了。

    Tickets , previously only available to Brazilian residents online , are now on sale at two shopping mall outlets in Rio .

  14. 2002年开业的格罗夫购物中心看起来一点也不像购物商城,却拥有购物商城所有的功能特点。

    The Grove shopping centre , which opened in2002 , performs all the functions of a mall without looking at all like one .

  15. 感知有用性和法律技术环境因素对消费者C2C网络购物信任的影响作用不明显。最后,在研究结论的基础上,本文提出了对C2C网上卖家和购物网站的几点管理建议。

    Perceived usefulness and legal-technical environmental factors on consumer confidence in the impact of C2C online shopping is not obvious . Finally , some suggestions are put forward for the online-shop and C2C web basing the research .