
zhì quán rén
  • pledgee;pawnee
  1. 质权人是一家在中国注册的外商独资企业。

    Pledgee is a wholly foreign-owned enterprise registered in China .

  2. 在本协议存续期间,出质人向质权人承诺,出质人将。

    Pledgor hereby covenants to the Pledgee , that during the term of this Agreement , Pledgor shall .

  3. 我们可以从理解票据质权人行使票据权利的性质入手,突破理论陈规,以票据质押构成要件的二元构造论解析了质押背书的性质。

    We analyses characteristics of endorsement of pledge based on dualistic requirement .

  4. 这种变动有可能导致设质人的利益受损或者是质权人的利益受损。

    This change can harm the interests of the pledgor or pledge .

  5. 二是质权人享有的权利;

    The second is the rights enjoyed by the pledger ;

  6. 未经质权人同意,出质投资者不得将已出质的股权转让或再质押。

    The pledging investor may not assign or re-pledge the Equity Interest that it has already pledged .

  7. 质权人将在本协议规定的全部质押期间一直保管这些项目。

    Pledgee shall have custody of such items during the entire Term of Pledge set forth in this Agreement .

  8. 质权人应保管好质押动产,不得因过失行为而丢失或造成损坏。

    The pledgee must take care of the goods and not lose or damage the property because of negligent actions .

  9. 质押合同自质物移交于质权人占有时生效。

    A pledge contract shall become effective upon the delivery of the pledged property to the possession of the pledgee .

  10. 在此情况下,探讨专利权质押中质权人利益的保护是非常有必要的。

    Therefore , it is of great significance to discuss the interests ' protection of the pledgee in the patent pledge .

  11. 应收账款出质后,不得转让,但经出质人与质权人协商同意的除外。

    The pledged accounts receivable may not be transferred , unless otherwise agreed upon by the pledgor and the pledgee through consultation .

  12. 最后,明确了应收账款质押对质权人、出质人以及次债务人的效力。

    Finally , clear the effectiveness of accounts receivable pledge to the pledgor , the pledgee and the secondary obligor ' s. ⅱ .

  13. 质权人和出质人可以直接向商标局申请,也可以委托商标代理机构代理。

    The pledgor and the pledgee may directly apply to the trademark bureau or may authorize a trademark agency to file an application .

  14. 第二部分指出股权质押中的当事人一般包括股权质权人、出质人和第三人,其中,出质人可以是债务人自己,也可以是债务人以外的第三人。

    Part Two points out that the parties in share right pledge generally include the pledgor , the pawnee and the third party .

  15. 再次,清晰界定应收账款与动产的区别,赋予应收账款质权人直接索取权。

    Once again , clearly define the difference between accounts receivable and movables , and give the direct right of claim to the pledgee .

  16. 质权人不能妥善保管质物可能致使其灭失或者毁损的,出质人可以要求质权人将质物提存,或者要求提前清偿债权而返还质物。

    The pledgee shall be civilly liable for the loss or destruction of or damage to the pledged property resulting from his negligence in storage .

  17. 本文的创新之处在于以案例为基础,在总结实践经验的基础上提出一些对专利权质押融资中质权人利益保护的更具可操作性的新方法。

    The innovation of this article is devoted to making operable method for the pledgee protection in patent pledge financing on the foundation of combining the cases and experiences .

  18. 从目前的专利权质押融资经验来看,质权人的合法权益没有得以充分的保护是影响专利权质押融资的一个重要原因。

    With the reference to the current patent pledge experience , the legitimate rights and interests of the pledgee lack of adequate protection which influences the patent pledge financing .

  19. 对于非上市公司的股票因其以纸面形式存在,如果是记名股票则需要在股票上进行背书并移转于质权人占有,以及在公司股东名册上进行质押登记;

    To the stocks of non-listed company , if they are order stocks , they should be transferred to the pledger with endorsement and also be registered on the register members ;

  20. 由于物权具有追及的效力,物权人可追及物之所在,足以保护质权人,因而,出质人仍可转让应收账款。

    But he can still transfer receivable , because the real right holder can claim to any transferee for the effective of the real right . The pledgee can be fully protected .

  21. 前款规定的债务人或者第三人为出质人,债权人为质权人,移交的动产为质物。

    The debtor or the third party mentioned in the proceeding paragraph shall be the pledgor , the creditor shall be the pledgee , and the movables transferred shall be the pledged property .

  22. 限制出质专利权转让、许可实施,质权人对专利权利用情况缺乏知情权和对由此产生的收益缺乏控制权,对专利权质押担保乃至专利权价值的充分利用存在着风险。

    Pledgeors are deprived of the rights to know the use of patents and to control the corresponding revenue . Risks exist in the patent pledge system and limit full utilization of patent value .

  23. 首先,质权人对质押财产的控制不仅表现为对出质人处分权的事前限制,还表现为在质押财产被擅自处分后质权的追及效力上。

    First of all , the pawnee " control " the object not only by restriction on pledgor beforehand , but also by recourse when the property has been disposed without the consent of the pawnee .

  24. 第三节介绍了应收账款双方当事人所涉及的权利和义务,例如质权人享有的优先受偿权、救济权、提存权以及追及权和破产收回权。

    Section III introduces the receivables involved in the parties rights and obligations , such as pledgee have the priority claim , the right to relief , recovery and escrow rights and the right to recover the rights and bankruptcy .

  25. 出质人转让股票所得的价款应当向质权人提前清偿所担保的债权或者向与质权人约定的第三人提存。

    The proceeds the pledgor obtained from the transfer of the certificates of stocks shall be used to pay in advance the pledgee 's claims secured , or be deposited with a third party as agreed upon with the pledgor .

  26. 借鉴其他国家或地区相关立法,从构建我国瑕疵股权失权制度、瑕疵股权的股权推定制度以及瑕疵股权质权人的救济途径三个方面来保护瑕疵股权质权人的权利。

    Drawing on the relevant legislation of other countries or regions , we can protect the rights of pledgees from building the systems of the loss of defective shares system , giving a presumption of defective shares and improving the relief ways of the pledgees .

  27. 质权人享有完整的票据权利,但其票据权利的行使受到一定限制,在条件具备时,可以行使付款请求权和追索权,也可以再背书转让。

    The pawnee has bill rights completely , but to exercise this rights is limited to some degree . If the condition has reached , the pawnee may exercise the rights of claim for payment and the right of recourse , or re-endorse the bill for transfer .

  28. 质权登记申请应由质权人和出质人共同提出。

    A pledge registration application shall be jointly filed by the pledgor and the pledgee .

  29. 最后介绍了当出质股权所在的目标公司破产时应当如何实现股权质权并列举了质权人的风险防范措施。

    Finally , introduce how to achieve the right of share pledge and some risk prevention measures of mortgagee when the target corporation go bankrupt .