- 名protonation

Raman Spectral Study of Protonation and Depyrimidination in the Herring Sperm DNA Fiber
~ ( 31 ) P and 1H NMR Study of the Protonation of Trimethyl and Tributyl Phosphates
We assumed that pyocyanine affected the light-induced redoxreaction of cytochrome b-559 by affecting the protonation of the cytochrome .
~ ( 13 ) C - NMR STUDIES OF THE CARBONATION OF TOLUENE ⅰ . Protonation of Toluene
The action of protonation are studied by the Raman and UV / Vis spectra .
In basic solution with pH higher than 10 , there were conformational changes as well as deprotonation process of the chromophore .
The transformation into positive charges arises mainly from protonation of Fe OH and Al OH functional groups on the surface of soils .
A proposal mechanism of protonation under FAB was discussed .
When feed pH was less than 7 , the amines and imines of PANI were protonated and PANI / PS membrane surface had positive charge .
The result of XPS and surface energy test showed that the protonated bipolar films had more polar .
The strong acidic soils would cause the protonation of EDTA and weaken its extracting ability .
This phenomenon is mainly due to the amino group protona-tion at low pH , causing the carboxyl binding capacity decreased , thus promoting the release of doxorubicin .
It was shown that the mechanism of protonation under FAB was quite different from that under CI .
However , when pH value was too low , it would easily cause the protonation of calcium alginate and acid hydrolysis of BSA .
The strong Bronsted acid sites of Ce ( IV ) Y lead to the protonation of thiophene and CHE , but have no effect on the adsorption mode of toluene .
We can draw the conclusion that the aromatic pyrrole rings turn into oxided pyrrole rings after protonated from FT IR spectra and Raman spectra .
Multiple hydrogen bonds were observed between the protonated NH groups and the solvates / anions , which further stabilize this structure .
The structure of 1 consists of polyoxometalate [ PMoVI12O40 ( VIVO ) ] - , a proton hydrate H3O + and thirteen lattice water molecular .
The porphyrins undergo the deprotonation of the pyrrole in the basic titration process , and transfer from the inner part to the surface layer .
It was found that the intramolecular photoinduced electron transfer ( PET ) took place in the solution and the process strongly depended on the acidity of the solution and was affected by the protonation of nitrogen atoms .
Rules of wavelength and intensity of the fluorescence in different pH medium were discovered . The correlation between the protonation , tautomerism and luminescence characteristics of quinolone are studied . It is found that in pH 6-8 or 2-4 there are two luminescence species .
Fluorescence spectra , ultraviolet absorption spectra , and protonation of Ciprofloxacin ( CIP ) at different pH values have been studied . Fluorescence quantum yield of CIP under neutral condition has been measured .
Because of the reaction of HCHO and NH_4 ~ + , the hydrogen ions will be liberated to increase the acidity of the solution and partially decompose the S_2O_3 ~ ( 2 - ) ion .
There was the consumption process of H + ion by using influent of pH 3.5 , which was attributed to soil buffer mechanism and specific adsorption of SO 4 2 - .
The result shows , that ligand Hpb ( 1 ) presents two states in complexes : neutral and deprotonation .
Using polyethylene glycol ( PEG ) as internal reference , ESI / TOF mass spectrometry can determine the accurate mass of the protonated molecular ions of the unsteady basic compounds . This method is simple and expeditious .
Prepared from 15.3 % N-acetylated chitosans ( FNC ), HNC maintained good solubility and supplied enough protonated amino groups to coacervate with terpolymer to form microcapsules under physiological conditions .
The results have revealed a clear increase of SERS intensity with the decrease of pH , which is believed to reflect the protonation-deprotonation equilibrium of DPA on its adsorption modes on the SERS substrate .
In acidic solution , proton-acid doping occurs and film conductivity increases . While in alkaline solution , PPy films are de-protonated and confronted over-oxidization thereby becoming less conductivity .
The NBO population analysis indicated that the protonation ability was mainly affected by the changes of electron density on the selected atoms .