
  • 网络Freight forwarding industry
  1. 国际货运代理业是指接受进出口货物收货人、发货人的委托,以委托人的名义或者以自己的名义,为委托人办理国际货物运输及相关业务并收取服务报酬的行业。

    International freight forwarding industry is to accept the consignment from the shipper or the consignee , and act as the broker of consignor or with the name of their own , to handle international cargo transportation and related business and receive compensation for services industries .

  2. 随着经济全球化及入世带来机遇和挑战,我国的国际货运代理业必将分化重组。

    With the economic globalization and the challenges and opportunities brought by China 's WTO entry , our country 's international freight forwarding industry must be reorganized and optimized .

  3. 国际货运代理业的现状及中国货代企业的发展方向

    Present Situation and Development of China Int Cargo Agent Sector

  4. 货运代理业发展现代物流的优势与选择

    The Advantages And Choices For a Freight Forwarder to Develop Modern Logistics

  5. 我国国际货运代理业的发展与完善

    The Development and Perfection of International Freight Agency in China

  6. 21世纪中国货运代理业的发展趋势及其对策

    A study on international freight forwarders in China in the 21 Century

  7. 关于我国公路运输货运代理业发展的若干问题思考

    Development of Freight Forwarders of Road Transport in China

  8. 对我国货运代理业发展的思考

    Thought about Freight Deputy Trade Development in China

  9. 入世后我国国际货运代理业的发展方向

    The Future Development Orientations for China 's International Freight Forwarding Business after WTO Entry

  10. 揭示了上述两条款对货运代理业的影响。

    Finally it discusses the effects of freight forwarder brought from these two articles .

  11. 论国际货运代理业向现代物流的转型

    The International Freight Forwarding Service into Modern Logistics

  12. 客观的、系统的分析研究我国货运代理业及市场现况,对货运代理市场分析研究的基础上提出其管理对策就变得尤为重要。

    This paper runs back over the course of China freight forwarding market systematically .

  13. 强强联合&我国国际货运代理业的发展之路

    Developing International Freight Agency in China

  14. 在对外贸易和运输行业,依据我国的传统理念,人们习惯上将介于对外贸易和外贸运输之间的服务行业称为货运代理业。

    Traditionally , the service industry between foreign trade and transportation is usually called international freight forwarder industry .

  15. 加入世贸组织后,我国国际货运代理业面临着新的挑战和冲击,对于货代企业来讲,发展物流是一种必然。

    After China 's join the WTO , the international freight forwarder in China is facing new challenge and charge .

  16. 从而使国际货运代理业在我国得以迅速、健康地发展。

    Thus make the international freight transportation act for the industry in the our country can more quick but develop healthily .

  17. 国际货运代理业是一个世界性的服务行业,与国际贸易及国际运输息息相关。

    Course of study of international freight representative is a cosmopolitan service industry , carry be closely bound up with international trade and international .

  18. 简要分析了“强强联合”产生的背景,论述了我国国际货运代理业走“强强联合”之路的必要性,并对应注意的有关问题作了阐述。

    This article discusses the background of " the combination of strong corporations " and the relevant strategy of developing international freight agency in China .

  19. 在我国,国际货运代理业的发展和进步是毋庸置疑的,但同时它的发展也伴随着很多问题。

    In China , the development and progress of freight forwarding is indubitable , but in the meantime , the problems that exist in are also obvious .

  20. 任何其他单位,未经外经贸部授权,不得从事国际货运代理业的审批或管理工作。

    Without authorization of the MOFTEC , other units may not engage in the work of examination , approval or administration of the agency business for international transportation of goods .

  21. 本文在对中国国际航空货运代理业(以下简称空运货代)市场状况、数据进行分析的基础上,对空运货代业的发展战略做出了建议。

    Based on the analysis of air freight market and data , the thesis gives some suggestions on the future of International Air Freight Forwarders of China ( abbr. Air Freight Forwarders ) .

  22. 铁路货运代理业不得占用运输主业的资金、场地和设备。在业务关系方面,货运代理服务包含延伸服务内容。

    This article discusses the relationship between the industry of railway freight transport agency and transportation 's main business in view of property right and business , especially the differences with the extended services .

  23. 我国的无船承运业务是从传统货运代理业中分离出来的,在近几年市场经济体制下,无船承运业务已初步形成市场,并具有一定规模。

    The business of NVOCC is separated from the traditional business of freight forwarder , under the socialist market economy system in China , the business of NVOCC has already formatted initiative market , and has the certain scale .

  24. 针对我国传统货运代理业服务方式单一、生存空间受到严峻挑战的现状,提出了货运代理企业向物流领域进军的发展对策。

    Aimed at the current situation of simplistic service and severe challenge of acting space in traditional freight forwarder in China , this paper gives some countermeasures that the freight forwarder should change their way to the logistics for the improvement .

  25. 铁路应鼓励货运代理业的发展,建立中心编组站,提高铁路运输效率,加强货源组织,以开展高速度、高质量的货物运输,最大限度地满足货主需要,提高市场份额,增强竞争力。

    Railway should encourage freight transportation agent build center marshalling yards , enhance railway transportation efficiency and strengthen freight organization so that it can meet the consignors ' need , improve competition ability and enhance the market share to overcome the challenge .

  26. 分析了货运代理业的现状,提出货运代理业应从人才培养、完善服务网络布局、建立物流信息网络、加强供应链管理等方面发展现代综合物流。

    This paper reviews the condition of freight forwarding agents . It is concluded for freight forwarding agents to develop integrated logistics services in the fields of talent training , service network distribution perfecting , logistics information network and supply chain management , etc.

  27. 通过研究,发现国际货运代理业目前存在着许多问题,突出表现在:业务管理不系统、缺乏科学的决策和决策依据、对未来集装箱市场缺乏合理的分析等等。

    Through the process of the research , I find there are some problems in the current operation of the Freight Agent ( FA ) Industry . Some are conspicuous : lack of managerial systemization , scientific decision-making and base , reasonable analysis of the future container market .

  28. 在分析中国公路运输货运代理业的法律性质、责任及存在的主要问题的基础上,对如何发展中国的公路运输货运代理业提出了相应的建议。

    Based on the analysis of legal nature , legal liabilities , effect and existing main problems of freights forwarders of road transportation in China , according to the recently information , some suggestions for the development of freights forwarders of road transportation in China are put forward .

  29. 我国只有针对国际货运代理行业专门立法,才能彻底解决货运代理业出现的法律问题。

    The final solution to settle legal problems is to make out the freight forwarding law .

  30. 笔者在本文的论述过程中,力求通过对国际货运代理相关法律问题的介绍,最终使大家认清我国货运代理业存在的问题以及为解决这些问题我们所应做出的努力。

    During the process of stating , through the introduction of legal problems of freight forwarding , the writer wants to let you know the shortcomings of freight forwarding in our country and learn what shall we do to perfect them .