
  1. 中国加入WTO后,在对外贸易领域中的相关规定要符合WTO的基本原则。在这样的前提下,中国颁布和完善了新的《进出口货物原产地规则条例》。

    China joins after WTO , must conform to the WTO basic principle in the trade domain correlation stipulation , under such premise , China promulgated and consummates has been new " Import and export Cargo Rules of Origin " .

  2. 然而任何规则不是一开始就是周备的完美的,正如货物原产地规则在最初的GATT中并没有任何特别的规则和指南。

    However , any rule is far from perfect at the beginning , just as there is no special rule and guide for Rules of Origin in the early GATT .

  3. 论优惠性货物原产地规则的双刃剑效应&兼及中国的实践

    The Double-edged Effects of Preferential Rules of Origin for Goods & Also on China 's practice

  4. 目前,世界各国十分重视对货物原产地规则的制定。

    Each country in the world pays more attention to making up the origin rules of goods .

  5. 货物原产地规则概述部分包括原产地规则的概念、原产地规则的种类和原产地规则在国际贸易中的作用三方面的内容。

    The first part covers the definition and classifications of rules of origin , the roles rules of origin play in international trade .

  6. 第二部分为货物原产地规则概述和制订服务原产地规则的必要性与可行性分析。

    Part II is a bird ' - eye-view of rules of origins on goods and an in-depth analysis of the necessity and feasibility of rules of origin on services .

  7. 货物原产地规则指的是任一国家或地区为确定货物原产地而实施的普遍适用的法律、法规及行政决定。

    Rules of origin shall be defined as those laws , regulations , administrative determinations of general application applied by any Member to determine the country of origin of goods .

  8. 完善我国货物原产地法律规则体系的若干思考&应对WTO《原产地规则协议》的法律对策

    Reflections on Perfecting the System of Legal Regulations of Goods Origin