- 网络Currency Issue System

Members observed that the currency board arrangements were working effectively .
Hong Kong 's Linked Exchange Rate system is a Currency Board system .
There is therefore no departure from the discipline of currency board arrangements .
Hong kong , operating a currency board system , falls in the latter category .
Macroeconomic Effect of Currency Board System
Moreover , the mechanism for maintaining that fixed exchange Rate-through currency board arrangements-is most robust .
This structural change to the currency board arrangements has no precedent anywhere in the world .
The size of the monetary base has remained stable under our robust and rule-based currency board system .
No precedents were available to show us how a modern day currency board system should be structured .
We shall continue to listen to constructive ideas for strengthening our monetary management system under the currency board arrangement .
In the late 1990s Bulgaria rid itself of hyperinflation and recovered from financial collapse by introducing a currency board .
Recently the Argentina Financial Crisis caused the world to focus the attention on the macroeconomic effect of currency board system .
Under the currency board system , Hong Kong dollar exchange rate stability is maintained through an interest rate adjustment mechanism .
It can be concluded that currency board system could bring stability to macroeconomic system although it may cause some side effect .
A career civil servant , Mr Yam was involved in the establishment of the city 's currency board in the 1983 .
In fact , only a quite small percentage of our staff time is devoted to day-to-day operations of the currency board .
In the recent round of attacks on the Hong Kong dollar , the currency board system has proven to be most effective .
It has been just over a year since the seven technical measures to strengthen the currency board system of Hong Kong were introduced .
The market response to the negative aggregate balance had been very smooth and had demonstrated that the currency board system was working efficiently .
Very clearly , they are the true heroes behind the success of the currency board system in maintaining exchange rate stability in Hong kong .
While these arrangements may not be called for in Hong kong , they throw useful light on the way in which currency board systems work .
Under the currency board system , the aggregate balance is determined predominantly by the flow of funds into or out of the Hong Kong dollar .
These certificates were the legal backing for the notes issued by the note-issuing banks under what became , in effect , a currency board system .
For the effective operation of currency board arrangements , the organisation responsible for running the system has to manage the electronic interbank clearing system as well .
Currency board arrangements translate currency strength arising from capital inflow into an expansion of the monetary base , more foreign reserves and lower domestic interest rates .
Members examined the possible theoretical advantages of a two-way convertibility undertaking and noted that a number of other currency board systems had such an undertaking in place .
This is to ensure that the repo of Exchange Fund paper through the discount window does not involve any departure from the discipline of the currency board system .
In recent years Hong Kong has strengthened and developed its Currency Board system to make it more rule based , more transparent and less vulnerable to external shocks .
The linked exchange rate system is a currency board system , which theoretically requires the monetary base to be backed by a foreign currency at a fixed exchange rate .
From evolution and characteristics of this system , the paper analyses the mechanism in which currency board system influences the macroeconomic variables and the actual macroeconomic effect of Hong Kong and Argentina .