
  • 网络Money multiplier;Monetary Multiplier
  1. 第4章是以区域总需求-总供给(AD-AS)模型、区域货币乘数模型、区域货币政策乘数为基础的理论分析。

    In chapter 4 , regional aggregate demand and aggregate supply ( AD-AS ) model , regional money multiplier model and regional monetary policy multiplier are analyzed theoretically .

  2. 在理论上,把AD-AS曲线、货币乘数、货币政策乘数应用于货币政策区域效应的分析,构建了区域总需求-总供给曲线、区域货币乘数模型、区域货币政策乘数模型。

    In theory , AD-AS model , money multiplier and monetary policy multiplier are use to regional effect of monetary policy . On the basis of these models , regional AD-AS model , regional money multiplier and regional monetary policy multiplier are constructed .

  3. 货币乘数可控性较差,但对货币乘数可以利用ARMA模型进行较为准确的预测。

    But the currency multiplier can be well and truly forecasted by the ARMA model , thus it 's strongly predictable .

  4. 新疆货币乘数的实证分析与对策研究

    An Empirical Analysis and Strategic Research on Monetary Multiplier of Xinjiang

  5. 就必须了解新疆货币乘数的变化规律,并做出准确预测。

    This paper empirically shows the analysis of monetary multiplier of Xinjiang .

  6. 三是我国货币乘数的影响因素和可预测性;

    Third , the influence factors and predictability of the monetary multiplier ;

  7. 小波建模和预测及其在中国货币乘数中的应用

    Wavelet Modeling and Forecasting and Its Application in the Chinese Monetary Multiplier

  8. 我国货币乘数稳定性的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of the Stability of the Money Multiplier in China

  9. 第一节实证分析外汇储备对货币乘数的影响。

    First section analyses the effect of foreign exchange reserves on money multiplier empirically .

  10. 货币乘数与个人行为研究

    A Study on Monetary Multiplier and Individual Behavior

  11. 信贷机制、货币乘数与货币政策有效性研究

    Research on the Credit Mechanism , Monetary Multiplier and Availability of the Monetary Policy

  12. 日本货币乘数和货币供应量的可控性研究

    Monetary Multiplier and Money Supply in Japan

  13. 货币乘数研究

    A Study on Money Multiplier

  14. 这样,货币乘数的内生性和基础货币的内生性,就决定了货币供给量是内生的。

    So , the endogeneity of money multiplier and base money decides the endogeneity of money supply .

  15. 日本央行已经认识到,货币乘数有可能长期失效。

    Money multipliers , as the BoJ has learnt , can stay broken for a long time .

  16. 如果银行决定存款中每美元持有较少的提留,货币乘数会增加。

    The money multiplier will increase if banks decide to hold less reserves per dollar of deposits .

  17. 货币乘数是银行系统相对于每1美元的准备金所创造的货币数量。

    The money multiplier is the amount of money the banking system generates with each dollar of reserves .

  18. 这减小了货币乘数,因此,一个给定央行货币水平的货币供给也减小(词不达意)。

    This decreases the money multiplier , and therefore , the money supply for a given level of Central Bank money .

  19. 然而,中国并未遭遇流动性不足和信贷危机,其货币乘数一直也基本稳定。

    However , China did not suffer a liquidity shortage and credit crunch . Its monetary multiplier has been more or less stable .

  20. 货币乘数是以单位高能货币的增加爱导致的货币供给的增加。

    The money multiplier is the increase in the supply of money resulting from the increase of a unit of high powered money .

  21. 该制度具有货币乘数弹性大、稳定利率效果好和调控方式简单等特点。

    Compared with traditional reserve requirements , it is more simple and effective in implementing monetary policy for greater elasticity of monetary multiplicator .

  22. 但是,在金融创新和金融全球化进一步深化的背景下,货币乘数随着金融环境的变化而不断变化,货币供应量的可控性与可测性越来越差。

    But the money supply surveys become more and more difficult along with the deepening of the financial innovation and the financial globalization .

  23. 货币乘数虽然具有内生性,但决定货币乘数的各个变量综合作用的结果却可能使货币乘数保持稳定。

    Although money multiplier posses the characteristic of endogeneity , the combined effect of all the determined variables to money multiplier may keep it stable .

  24. 信贷供求、银行经营理念及货币乘数不确定性致使中央银行对商业银行信贷控制效应弱化;

    Credit is let to beg , bank operation concept and currency multiplier uncertainty cause central bank for commercial bank credit control effect weak melt ;

  25. 其次,根据我国区域经济的现实状况,分析了我国的区域货币乘数;再者,根据巴罗-戈登模型论证了我国的货币政策选择问题;

    Secondly , the regional multiplier is analyzed according to the regional economy in our country , thirdly , the problem of the optimal monetary policy is demonstrated on the base of Barro-Gordon Model ;

  26. 本文通过引入货币乘数对新凯恩斯模型进行了修正,并运用修正后的模型,通过区间分析方法对我国的利率政策进行了检验。

    In this paper , we modify the new-Keynesian model by the money multiplier , and make use of the modified model , we test our country 's money policy by term analysing method .

  27. 存款准备金政策作用于货币乘数进而改变基础货币,并进一步调控货币供应量,其作用效果和力度和其他货币政策工具相比相对较强。

    Deposit reserve policy can act on the money multiplier and thus change the base money and the money supply . Compared with other monetary policy tools , its effect and action intensity is relatively strong .

  28. 考虑到货币乘数效应的作用,其政策预期效果应该很明显,但实际上近年我国通货膨胀压力仍然较大。

    Taking into account the role of the monetary multiplier effect , the expected effects of its policy should be very obvious , but in fact in recent years , Chinas inflationary pressure is still larger .

  29. 进入21世纪年以来,主要由于贸易顺差和人民币升值压力的增加,央行对外汇占款的控制力逐渐减弱,同时货币乘数波动幅度不断增大,货币供应量的可控性越来越弱。

    Since the twenty-first century , trading surplus and RMB appreciation pressure resulted in weakened control power of the central bank against the RMB counterpart of foreign exchange reserves , enlarged fluctuation of money multiplier , and weakened controllability of money supply .

  30. 虽然实证结果表明股票价格对于货币乘数总体影响还不显著,但随着资本市场规模的进一步壮大,这种影响会逐渐表现出来。

    Although the empirical results show that the overall impact of the stock market on the intermediate target of monetary policy is not significant , but with the further growth of the capital market , the impact will become more and more significant .