
  • 网络monetary integration;Regional Monetary Integration
  1. 这对于欧洲货币一体化进程而言是一个灾难性的结局。

    That would be a calamitous outcome of European monetary integration .

  2. 货币一体化组织特征、内涵与最新发展趋势

    Organizational Feature , Contents and New Development of Monetary Integration

  3. 区域货币一体化下的亚洲货币合作机制研究

    The Study On Asian Mechanism Of Monetary Cooperation in Economic Integration

  4. 东亚货币一体化是一个长期的复杂过程。

    East Asia currency integration is a complex , long-term progress .

  5. 论货币一体化中的两种发展趋势从二歧到整合

    On the Two Trends in the Process of Global Currency Integration

  6. 欧元与中国货币一体化改革

    Euro dollars and the Reform in Integration of Chinese Currency

  7. 在东亚摸索货币一体化道路的进程中,欧元区的建立有着显著的借鉴意义。

    The establishment of Euro was a significant guide for East Asia .

  8. 货币一体化是否能在全球范围内实现?

    Whether currency unification can be realized in global range ?

  9. 东亚货币一体化:理论基础、可行性及前景瞻望

    East Asian Monetary Integration : Theory , Possibility and Prospect

  10. 东亚货币一体化博弈分析

    East Asian Monetary Integration in the Theory of Games

  11. 评欧盟货币一体化与美、日金融业大重组

    TX On EU Currency Integration and Financial Realignment in the US and Japan

  12. 浅论中国&东盟区域货币一体化

    A Remark on the Monetary Integration of China-ASEAN Region

  13. 东亚区域货币一体化研究

    A Research on Monetary Integration of East Asia Area

  14. 东亚货币一体化可行性研究:基于层次设权方法的分析

    Feasibility Study of East Asia Monetary Integration : Based on Analytical Hierarchy Process

  15. 中国货币一体化:理论研究和前景展望

    Theoretical Study and Prospect of Monetary Integration of China

  16. 欧洲货币一体化是建立在欧洲经济一体化的基础上的。

    The Euro-currency integration is set up on the basis of European economic integration .

  17. 亚洲区域货币一体化探讨

    Exploration on the Monetary Integration of Asia Area

  18. 亚洲货币一体化的前景分析与理性选择

    Future-Analysis and Reasonable Selection of Asian Currency Unification

  19. 东亚货币一体化与货币竞争

    East Asia Monetary Integration and Monetary Competition

  20. 从欧洲货币一体化看亚洲货币一体化趋势

    Beholding the Tendency of the Unification of Asian Money from the Unification of European Money

  21. 论欧洲货币一体化的不可逆转性&基于退出成本的分析

    On the Irreversibility of European Monetary Unification & An Analysis Based on Cost of Reneging

  22. 欧洲和美洲的区域货币一体化成果使区域货币一体化成为国际货币制度的发展趋向。

    As the regional monetary integration becomes the developing trend of the international currency system .

  23. 欧洲货币一体化不可逆转

    EUROPE Nothing can reverse European monetary integration

  24. 欧元的成功启动,标志着欧盟已经成功进入了区域货币一体化。

    The successes of Euros symbolizes that European Union already succeeded into the regional monetary integration .

  25. 谈欧洲货币一体化及其影响

    On Integration and Impact of Euro-currency

  26. 第四章,东亚货币一体化的必要性与可行性分析。

    In Chapter IV , the author analyses the necessity and feasibility of East Asian Monetary Integration .

  27. 随着区域经济合作的发展,区域货币一体化已经成为了世界经济发展的主要潮流。

    Regional economic cooperation and integration has become a major trend of economic development in the world .

  28. 但欧元的启动并不意味着货币一体化取得了完全成功。

    However , the starting of Euro does not necessarily mean the complete success of currency integration .

  29. 第四部分对中国-东盟自由贸易区货币一体化进程中的战略进行了研究。

    The fourth part of china-asean free trade area of the strategic monetary integration process were studied .

  30. 作为先例,欧洲货币一体化的成功,给东亚各国带来了很大的信心。

    As a precedent , the success of European monetary integration brings East Asian countries great confidence .