
  • 网络packaged goods;Packaging Goods
  1. 所有退换货品及其包装,必需完整无缺,否则本公司将不会处理有关退货手续。

    Our company would not accept any refund or exchange if the package of the product is damaged .

  2. 顾客请在送货员离去前,当面点算清楚所有货品数量及包装。

    Please calculate all goods quantity and packing before our deliveryman depart .

  3. 退货时需把相关赠品一并退回,并货品要保持完好包装。

    Please return goods with original packing and all related item in original condition .

  4. 并对货品和货位的基本属性进行设置,特别是基于托盘的货品包装容量和货位的托盘容量进行分析设置,使各计算过程能够完整的应用于仓库管理系统。

    And setup the basic properties of goods and locations , in particular , setup and analysis the goods packaging capacity base on pallet and pallet capacity of each location , so that the computing processes can applied to the warehouse management system more accurately .