
  • 网络accountability
  1. 施加责任负担或处罚。

    Impose as a duty , burden , or punishment .

  2. 试析票据变造的风险责任负担

    An Analysis of the Risk - Bearing on an Altered Negotiable Instrument

  3. 儿童时代是没有责任负担最轻松的时期。

    Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life easy .

  4. 随着这些企业发展壮大,它们的责任负担也随之加大。

    The burden of responsibility is growing for all of these businesses as they expand .

  5. 第四部分着重从案件入手,分析本案中的具体证明责任负担问题。

    The fourth part emphatically from the case proceed with , analysis of the case in the burden of proof burden problem .

  6. 例如,针对行政指控为自己辩护的开销和破坏每个被告都可能提出的责任负担不能作为中期上诉的基础。

    For example , the expense and disruption of defending oneself against administrative charges-a burden that every respondent could allege-is not a basis for interlocutory appeal .

  7. 公司股东资格的认定关系到投资人在以公司为连接点的法律关系体系运作过程中的权利配置与责任负担,在公司法实践中是存在颇多争议的炙手可热的话题。

    Shareholders qualification confirmation related to the rights allocation and responsibilities sharing of the investors in the company which acts as a connection point of the legal relationship .

  8. 从长远来看,其利不足以使其维护患方的合法权益,其弊不足以使医方证明责任负担与患方持平。

    In the long run , the profit not enough to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the suffering party disadvantages enough to make the medical side to prove the burden of responsibility and the risk of side flat .

  9. 证明责任的负担者与证明主体并不一致;

    The undertaker of the burden of proof does not accord with the attester ;

  10. 它一方面使民族失去了一些自主自立能力,另一方面也加重了国家对民族发展的责任和负担。

    On the other hand , it takes more responsibility for the national development .

  11. 除了这些,更多的时候是精神上的责任和负担。

    In addition to these , more often it is the spirit of responsibility and burden .

  12. 因为他们认为去为所谓的朋友的责任而负担太多也许会不舒服,甚至很奇怪。

    It 's maybe uncomfortable , even very strange , to shoulder much more so-called responsibilities for a friend .

  13. 偶尔一次拒绝是可以的,这样可以减轻你个人责任的负担。

    Once in a while , it 's okay to say no to lighten the load of your personal responsibilities .

  14. 二是大用户直购后,搁浅成本与普遍服务责任如何负担?

    After large consumers implemented " direct purchase ," who shall be responsible for the stranded cost and common service ;

  15. 但是自由带来责任和负担,我们必须本着自由而守纪律的人民的精神来面对。

    But freedom brings responsibilities and burdens and we have to face them in the spirit of a free and disciplined people .

  16. 信用证更改产生的银行费用由责任方负担。

    The bank charge ( s ) for amendment of the Letter of Credit , if any , shall be borne by the responsible party .

  17. 第二,企业年金制度的推广能减轻政府的责任和负担,避免政府过分干预而产生的政府失灵现象。

    Secondly , the application of occupational pension system can ease the responsibility and burden of government , avoiding the government failure phenomenon caused by excessive intervention from government .

  18. 你会在你自己的“好点子”中自得其乐,没有任何个人责任的负担,无论是一个小玩意儿、一项技术、或者是对音乐和艺术或其他领域有了全新了解。

    You have an ability to enjoy clever ideas , whether they are new gadgets , or technology , a fresh approach in arts or music , or any other area , without being burdened by your personal responsibilities .

  19. 伦敦政治经济学院(londonschoolofeconomics)社会学讲师唐斯莱特(donslater)表示,青年创业家没有家庭责任和财务负担,因此常常可以承受更大的风险。

    Younger entrepreneurs can often be greater risk-takers thanks to their lack of familial and financial obligations , says Don Slater , a reader in sociology at London School of economics .

  20. 责任vt.使负担;烦扰骡子载着很重的担子。

    burden The mule was burdened with heavy loads .

  21. 违约责任与风险负担

    Liability for Breach and Risk - assuming

  22. 商业秘密侵权诉讼的证明责任由原告负担。

    The burden of proof for infringement lawsuit of trade secrets is taken by the plaintiff .

  23. 全文内容共分为四部分:第一部分,违约责任与风险负担的基本问题。

    This paper consists of four sections : Section One , fundamental problems on liability for default and risk burden .

  24. 那个时候的你成熟的足以体验,又年轻的没有任何责任要去负担。

    You 'll be old enough to appreciate the experience , but young enough that you won 't have any responsibility .

  25. 在现代商业社会,人们选择商业形式时最在意的是个人责任和税收负担。

    In modern business world , personal liability and taxes are considered by investors the most important factors in selecting a business form .

  26. 人们关注的焦点一直是温室气体排放、减排的责任应由谁负担、以及何时削减和削减多少的问题。

    The focus has been on greenhouse gas emissions , and on who bears responsibility for cutting them , by how much and when .

  27. 道德自由在具体的实践过程中由于个体在道德表达上的不确定性,导致了道德自由的风险,道德自由风险的化解取决于道德自由主体道德责任上的负担以及道德理性上的保障。

    In its practice , the indetermination of individual'moral expression leads to the risk of moral freedom , which is solved by the people'assuming responsibility in addition to the assurance of human 's moral sense .

  28. 特别是由于国家投资体制和政府外债管理体制存在的缺陷等原因,一些政府外债项目还不起债或有意逃废债务,造成许多市县级政府不得不承担偿债责任而且债务负担沉重。

    What is worse , due to defects in the investment management system and governmental foreign debts management system , some projects could not afford to pay back loans or even shifted off loans deliberately .

  29. 本部分首先对违约责任和风险负担的基本概念进行介绍,接着分析了违约责任与风险负担的关系,二者之间有区别也有联系,在处理当事人违约的风险负担问题上,缺一不可。

    First of all , this part introduces the basic concepts of them . The following , by analysing their relationship , we know there are not only differences but links . Both of them are indispensable in dealing with risk burden of default .

  30. 买卖合同当事人违约的风险负担问题在现代合同法中是一个十分重要的问题,由于涉及到违约责任和风险负担两大民事法律制度,处理起来比较复杂。

    The risk burden for breaching contract of sales in the modern contract law is a very important issue . It relates to the liability for default and the burden for risk . As these are two major civil legal systems , it is more complicated to resolve the issue .