
  1. 然而,在跨文化交流的背景下,跨国企业在与东道国利益相关者的社会责任沟通过程中存在认知分歧和交流障碍等问题。

    However , there are cognitive differences and communication barriers in the context of cross-cultural when multinational corporations make social responsibility communication with the stakeholders from host country .

  2. 直接的镜射对大多数人来说是困难的,因为这需要处在当下,对我们的历程有意识,对负责任的沟通充满关注。

    Direct mirroring is difficult for most of us to reflect because it requires presence , consciousness about our own process and careful attention to responsible communication .

  3. 高层管理者的胜任特征模型可进一步分成两个方面的内容,一是个人所具有的诸如责任感、沟通协商能力、权力动机和良好的心态等因素;

    The model on competency for senior managers can be divided into two parts , the first part involves factors like Conscientiousness , ability for communication and negotiation , power desire and balanced psychology ;

  4. 工作责任心强,沟通能力好,上进心强,有团队合作精神;

    Has a strong sense of responsibility , good at communication and team work ;

  5. 今年年内,个人工作量和压力看上去将有所增加,令企业管理者和领导者更有责任与员工定期沟通,以防工作量变得失控。

    Individual workloads and stress levels look set to rise during the course of the year , placing a greater onus on managers and leaders to communicate regularly and check that workloads do not become unmanageable .