
cái zhènɡ lì fǎ
  • Fiscal legislation;financial legislation
  1. 论加强人大财政立法权和财政监督权

    On Strengthening Financial Supervision and Legislation of People 's Congress in China

  2. 我国缺少完备、规范的财政立法体系和规范的民族教育财政自治立法。

    There is a lack of complete and normal financial law and a lack of normal ethnic educational financial autonomy legislation .

  3. 政府性基金法律制度的构建主要在于一般法律层面,并需在政府性基金法律制度体系内力求较好实现财政立法与经济立法、行政立法的耦合。

    The construction of the legal system in governmental fund mainly lies on the general law . The fiscal legislation should be well coordinated with the economic legislation and administrative legislation in the legal system of governmental fund .

  4. 仅仅辞职两天之后,即将离任的国税局代理局长史蒂文·米勒就出现在财政立法委员会,共和党议员们对于他为什么针对保守组织机构的额外审查没有告知国会进行质问。

    Appearing before the House Ways and Means Committee just two days after his resignation , outgoing IRS Acting Commissioner Steven Miller came under fire from Republican lawmakers who asked why he did not inform Congress his agency was singling out conservative groups for excessive scrutiny .

  5. 红河州财政自治立法探析

    An Analysis of the Law of Finance Autonomy in Honghe Prefecture

  6. 资本主义发达国家非常重视有关财政监督立法的工作。

    Developed capitalist countries attach great importance to the work on financial supervision legislation .

  7. 中国财政体制立法之完善

    Improvement on Chinese financial system legislation

  8. 财政体制立法问题研究

    Legislation of the Financial System Research

  9. 论统筹区域发展的财政税收立法

    On the Legislature on Finance and Tax Revenue to Plan as a Whole to Regional Development

  10. 通过半年多来的资料收集与调研,本文以财政体制立法问题为主题,分四个部分对该问题进行了较系统的探讨。

    After more than half a year 's data collection and study , the present research proposes a framework with the following four parts : Part One concerns with the specification of financial system and its legislation .

  11. 两者结合起来使财政转移支付立法更具有可行性。

    Both unify enable the finance transfer payment legislation to have the feasibility .

  12. 对我国财政转移支付立法的思考

    Speculations about Chinese Legislation on the Financial Transfer Payment

  13. 但是,在我国财政转移支付立法相对比较落后。

    But , is relatively quite backward in our country finance transfer payment legislation .

  14. 中国财政转移支付立法探讨

    Study on the Legislation of Fiscal Transfer Payment

  15. 同时注重对西部少数民族地区财政转移支付立法。

    Simultaneously pays great attention to the west national minority area finance transfer payment legislation .

  16. 主要介绍了西方国家在财政转移支付立法方面取得的成果。

    Mainly introduced the Western country the achievement which obtains in the finance transfer payment legislation aspect .

  17. 而财政转移支付立法是财政法治建设中的重要内容。

    But the finance transfer payment legislation is in the financial government by law construction important content .

  18. 依靠政府的财政政策和立法增加国家财富的经济的体制(18世纪的欧洲)。

    An economic system ( Europe in 18th C ) to increase a nation 's wealth by government regulation of all of the nation 's commercial interests .

  19. 我国在政府间的财政转移支付立法方面取得了一定进展,但是现行制度与建立公共财政体制的要求相比仍有较大差距,相关法律制度建设仍呈现出相当滞后的状态。

    Legislation on fiscal payment transfer has made certain progress . However , existing legal system is still defective to the requirement of public finance system establishment .

  20. 主要建议是:完善全国人大财政监督的立法供给;修改相应的法律条文,保持法律的统一性,加强法律权威。

    Main recommendations are : improve the legislative supply of NPC Financial Supervision ; modify the corresponding legal provisions to maintain the uniformity of law and to strengthen the legal authority .

  21. 然后在前文的基础上通过对我国财政转移支付立法的必要性和可行性进行分析,指出我国财政转移支付立法以成必然之势。

    Then , based on the previous content , the author points out that financial transfer payment legislation in China is an inevitable trend by analyzing the necessity and feasibility of financial transfer payment legislation in China .

  22. 财政要通过立法和政策保障,通过税收、投资、各种补贴、转移支付等形式对农村多予少取;

    In fiscal , depend on the legislation and policy , it must be take some measures such as tax , investment , supplement , and transfer-offer so on to give more and take less in rural .

  23. 这就要求在新的财政转移支付立法中建立完善的政府间转移支付制度,以实现转移支付抑制地区间社会经济过大差距的目的。

    Because of it , we need to set up a perfect inter-governmental transfer payment system in the new fiscal transfer payment law , so that we can achieve the aim , to curb the serious economy gap among different regions .

  24. 其次应加快我国财政转移支付立法的步伐,提高财政转移支付立法层次、理顺各级政府间事权与财权的关系、完善横向转移支付制度、规范财政转移支付结构和健全财政转移支付监督机制。

    Secondly , the pace of financial transfer payment legislation should be accelerated . We should improve the fiscal payment transfer legislation level , establish horizontal fiscal payment transfer system , regulate fiscal payment transfer structure and perfect the supervision legal system .

  25. 首先必须明确我国财政转移支付的立法目的。

    First , we should confirm the legislative purposes of fiscal payment transfer .

  26. 财政转移支付制度立法设计的若干技术问题

    Several technical issues on the Legislative design of the financial transfer and payment system

  27. 我认为应该是但是公共财务中重组经济和填补正在变大的窟窿(财政赤字)需要立法的帮助。

    But shaking up the economy and plugging the yawning chasm in the public finances requires legislation .

  28. 我国尚未对财政转移支付专门立法,有关财政转移支付方面内容的法律规范散见于相关法规与规章之中。

    In China , no special legislation has been made on financial transfer payment yet , only some relatively legal regulations scattered in various relevant laws and rules .

  29. 在总结分税制的成功经验的基础上我们还应当加强财政税收方面的立法工作,使各级政府间事权、财权划分以及转移支付等有法可依。

    At the conclusion of the successful experience of the tax basis we also should strengthen financial tax legislation ; there must be laws for people to follow in the governments at all levels , the entity between powers and transfer payment .

  30. 美国立法机关与检察机关的主要关系是在任命和财政监督方面,立法机关对于具体案件的干涉严格受到程序的限制,使得在案件调查阶段检察官保持了高度的独立性。

    The primary relationships between the US legislative organ and procuratorial organ are appointment and financial supervision , and the interference of legislative organ on a certain case is restricted by procedure so that the procurator can keep high independence in case survey stage .