
  • 网络Fiscal tax;revenue tax;Fiscal Duty;revenue tariff
  1. 非税收入管理系统是政府收入体系的一个有机组成部分,财政非税收入柜面系统是根据财政外围信息交换平台提供的接口开发银行系统。

    Non-tax revenue management system is a system an integral part of financial income of non-counter system is based on the financial information exchange platform for the external interface provided by the development of the banking system .

  2. 甘蔗产业在南宁市江南区经济、社会发展中具有举足轻重的地位和作用,是南宁市江南区重要的支柱产业,是农民增收、企业增效和财政增税的主要来源。

    Sugarcane produced industry plays an important role in economic and social development . It is the pillar industry and the main source of the increase income of farmers , the increase efficiency for corporations and the increase financial taxes . 3 .

  3. 城市政府财政收入有税、费和债三部分组成。

    Urban government financial charging has three parts : tax , fee and debt .

  4. 公共财政框架下地方税体系改革深化研究

    Study on under the Framework of Public Finance Reforms Deepening of Local Tax System

  5. 明年1月,人们称之为财政悬崖的增税和减支将启动。

    In January , tax increases and spending cuts kick in , an event being dubbed the ' fiscal cliff . '

  6. 然而,丁香烟国际公司指出,美国财政部的烟草税和贸易委员会根据2007年的联邦法,把嘉润的丁香味雪茄划分为雪茄。

    However , Kretek noted that the Treasury Department 's Tobacco Tax and Trade Board classified its Djarum clove-flavored cigars as cigars under federal law in2007 .

  7. 按《预算法》和《预算法实施细则》的要求,地方财政应加强对税政的管理。

    According to the requirements of " Budget Act " and " Rules for Implementation of Budget Act ", local finance should strengthen the management of taxation .

  8. 我国于1994年实行分税制财政体制,对税权进行了配置,但从多年运作的情况看,这种税权配置存在不少问题。

    China implemented the financial system of the allocation in 1994 , disposed the tax right , but seen form situation operated for many years , many questions exist .

  9. 英国政府约有7%的财政收入来自公司税,即使公司税取消,其中的大部分也可换作股息税的形式征收。

    The UK government raises about 7 per cent of its revenue from corporation tax but much of that would be collected as income tax on dividends even if corporation tax did not exist .

  10. 本文对我国税权划分问题研究这一课题的研究,从财政分权理论及税权的内涵入手,从理论角度论证了实施改革的依据,从现实角度论证了改革的必要性。

    The research involves such aspect of theory as finance and law , and proceeds with the fiscal decentralization theory and the connotation of the taxation power , and elaborates the implementation basis of reform from the theory and the practical significance from the reality .

  11. 清代福建地方财政与政府职能的演变&《福建省例》研究地方财政对税政管理中存在的问题及对策

    The Evolution of Local Finance and Government Functions in Fujian during the Qing Dynasty Problems of and Their Countermeasures for the Taxation Management Carried out by the Local Finance